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Ksjpari Aug 2017
Life is full of fun;
But without batten
Of values beacon
Life will be just a ***.
If you want in life won
Approx values bidden –
Not money, values one
Can lead to success done.
Difference between bison
And you is not a billion
But values based action.
It sets your steps begun
From beast to a good human.
I am developing a new style of writing poetry where ending words of a line rhyme with one another, at least in last sound. I named it Pari Style. Hope readers will like it. Thanks to those invisible hands and fingers which supported and inspired me to continue my efforts in my new, creative, artistic and innovative “Pari” style. Thanks for your inspiring, kind, soft fingers.
Ksjpari Aug 2017
Of all vice in the world under discipline
Laziness – a Curse - is like a Saccharin.
Sweet as pipe, sonorous as violin
Wicked as a snake, ill-mannered as Bedouin;
Laziness creeps in secretly body within
And remains there undisturbed and akin.
It is seen when duty or slog does spin
Grinds us till in others found Lenin.
But that is a bad time as made us thin.
Hence precaution must be taken, O Kin!
Laziness, a Bad King, should not reign
Over us from beginning to let out jinn.
Of all vice in the world under discipline
Laziness – a Curse - is like a Saccharin.
I am developing a new style of writing poetry where ending words of a line rhyme with one another, at least in last sound. I named it Pari Style. Hope readers will like it. Thanks to those invisible hands and fingers which supported and inspired me to continue my efforts in my new, creative, artistic and innovative “Pari” style. Thanks for your inspiring, kind, soft fingers.
It has honestly been a while since I've ventured this deeply into the inner recesses of my jumbled mind.
Reason being that I have become ****** into the popular misconception that only grand ideas and realizations deserve note worthiness.

However, what always seems to escape our recollection is the grace that often lies within simplicity.
Take happiness for example; I've always wondered what happiness would look like if we were to bestow upon it a physical form.

The Shape of happiness might resemble glass...Simplicity in plain sight
Though you don't usually notice it, it's still definitely there...
You merely have to change your Point of view slightly and that glass will sparkle when it reflects the light.
I doubt that anything could argue its own existence more eloquently...
This piece begins by an admission of neglecting my mind for a period of time. I began asking myself why. Why nothing "wow"ed me anymore. Why nature was no longer beautiful. Why a gorgeous full moon was no longer a sight to behold and stars were blending in with the lit skyscrapers above.
The world had somehow ****** me into thinking that in only big and grand things could inspiration and happiness be found. But what about nature? An ever constant presence. Even while undergoing four cycles of change, its fundamental charisma remains the same. Always there to uplift and bring us together. What about the moon? The lamp of all lamps. A consistent reminder of community between those who share its shine. And must we mention the stars? Galaxies far away and yet obvious in our skies. Each the piece of a bigger constellation which tells a whole new story passed down for generations. When we start to think about the world around us for what it is, so much can be revealed. We start to make connections that were staring us in the face all along. We just spoke of nature, the moon and the stars...while probably failing to realize that all three elements serve as a reminder for consistency through family and community.
Many of us are still so lost...asking where all these values have gone while failing to realize they exist all around us. We "...merely have to change our point of view slightly..." and unprecedented grace can be found in your backyard as opposed to a completely different continent.
Below the mountains I shall live,
where the intoxicated souls of hounds are within.
As they forget their values,
I remain staring at the lights.
Not able to move.
Alan S Bailey Sep 2016
Here's my poem about stuff that happens
Especially when you're sitting there in front of
A washing machine bored out of your skull,
You've got the world at your fingertips and
Yet that world isn't really whole.
Of course it's obvious I'm only joking,
This is a great time to be "alive!"
Hug your computer, it'll be your
Best friend, your playmate,
Your GF or BF, it will be your
Sweet 16, your  toy your prideful
Joy, it will take you to places far
And wide and never leave your side.
HOORAY! We all get to die without
Having truly *LIVED LIFE!
Welcome back to reality! OK, now go back and forget about it, this poem is just stupid and nonsense! You know you're going places! So am I! Like yesterday when I sat there for 10 hours straight staring off into cyber space...Ignore me, I'm just some stupid fool...
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