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Robert Ippaso Feb 18
When is enough enough,
When is the going just too tough.
Why do people have to die
Forever in the ground to lie.

Are the spoils worth all the pain
When the path is **** and maim.
Is barren land worth just so much
Now deprived of human touch.

Do fatherless children justify the cost
Memories of a generation lost.
Weeping mothers by the score
Adding every day far more.

Politicians acting blind
To the misery resigned,
Just numbers on a sheet
Conscious only of defeat.

Pride and hubris win the day
Reason not allowed to sway.
Yet solutions need be found
Striving to be clear and sound.

Calmer voices must assist
For further slaughter to desist.
The way forward won't be fast
Searching for a peace to last.

Neither side will win outright
Time for discourse not brute might.
Russia needs restore prosperity
Ukrainians live without temerity.
Tetiana Jan 16
Grief enfolds her shoulders
and her eyes look down
at all of those soldiers
under the ground.

Her thoughts fly
to the shadows around
who softly pass by
and frost all the sounds.

Rows of flowers will bloom
in the yellow-blue colours,
feel the silence and gloom.
Will she ever recover?

Says whatever she wants,
looks in eyes through the picture,
has no hope for response,
prays as said in the scripture.

She'll come later, bring some sweet.
How could she accept - this is it,
nothing left to complete?

How can her heart beat, how?
She is left with a vow,
who will love her from now?

An indifferent look at the stone,
all next minutes unknown.
Will she be all alone?

No more silly jokes again.
Sadness bowed her head.
All his deeds are not vain.

Rows of flags wave her grief,
truth is hardest belief
which you've got to achieve.

Unfortunately, pits are still empty

She quietly reads words on bands,

She will say about devotion,

She talks but he will not talk back.

He lies with his brothers,
she'll live with some other,
A life is a moment,
it's not her atonement,
she isn't that weak,
just fatigue.

Журба за плечі обійма
і погляд опустився.
Прийшла в життя її зима,
немов кошмар явився.

Думки летять її туди,
де тихо ходять тіні
і від замерзлої води
проступить білий іній.

Ряди квіток цвітуть завжди
у жовто-синій гамі,
прийдеш помовчати сюди,
під цими прапорами.

Кажи що хочеш і дивись
в ці очі крізь світлину,
за спокій тихо помолись,
надійся на спочинок.

Ще прийдеш потім, принесеш
солодкого й смачного.
Як прийняти, що це вже все
і не вернеш нічого?

Як серцю далі битись, як?
скажіть їй хтось як жити.
Чи зможе хтось її ще так,
так сильно полюбити?

Чи засміється ще вона
від радості єднання?
Байдужий погляд, бо одна
в тяжких переживаннях.

Не скаже більше він, на жаль,
своїх невдалих жартів,
схилила голову печаль -
вона тепер на варті.

Ряди за обрій прапорів,
що майорять від туги,
розкажуть істину без слів
про болі, про наруги.

Пустують ями ще, на жаль,
чекають побратимів,
яких віддати мають нам -
ми віримо - живими.

Слова типові на стрічках
вона читає тихо,
побачити б в отих словах
для цього болю вихід.

Сказала б ще раз про любов
і як його чекала,
та думка холодила кров:
вона цю долю знала.

Ще поговориш ти, та він
вже більше не озветься,
востаннє зробиш ти уклін
розірваному серцю.

Він не один лежить,
вона ж одна піде додому.
І день як мить,
і рік як мить,
життя як мить,
лиш втома.
Steve Page Dec 2024
He pulls on the sweater, unasked for, ill-fitting and probably itchy as hell, but he knows the ritual by now and pulls until his head births and he opens his eyes ready for the chorus of smiles and laughter, but they're not there.
It's dark and the scents and chimes of Christmas are gone, he's spinning and falling in a force 10 gale battered by the sound of breaking waves.  So he reaches out for an anchor; his hands sink into a hedgerow, prickly with Hawthorn entwined with Holly, but he can't pull away and the momentum thrusts him forward through the pain into a field of sunflowers which swing their heads to face him, accusing him of trespass.  That’s when he becomes aware of distant gun fire and what looks like a star falling towards him.  Their heads duck down, forcing him to his knees and he's on all fours, his hands deep in Aunt Maud's **** in front of the fire, his head ringing, shell shocked, shaking and weeping while the family help him up.
- Easy there, Sam, you okay?  You look like hell. –
He looks around for his aunt’s face, and she smiles.
- He'll be fine, it sometimes takes us a while after our emergence from Mid Yell.  It's my first attempt at a Mid Yell and Ukrainian mohair blend.  Bring him some water.  Sam dear, have a seat and make sure you come and find me when you want to take it off, but not for a while. You shouldn't Walk the Goat too often, it confuses the soul. –
His siblings stare, full of questions and relief for their scarves as he studiously ignores them, and stares into the fire, shivering, hands prickly, the gun shots resonating in his gut and the aroma of sunflowers filling his head, knowing he needs to find that star.
Mid Yell - a settlement in Yell, Shetland, Scotland.
Sunflower is the national flower of Ukraine.
Walk the Goat is a Ukrainian ritual symbolising fertility and the triumph of life over death.
Tetiana Dec 2024
Lie down, soldier, lie down
Let the field lull you
You will become a spirit here
You will protect the land
And never leave descendants in evil.

Fly, soldier, fly:
You are free in heaven forever
Appear in thoughts, sanctify our will
And all of us, so just sever.

Let them fly, soldier
Songs in the abyss to you -
let them sound more bolder
let them tell what is true.

Lie down, soldier, sleep,
May you dream of well-being.

Happy and free
Fly with the gods
May you sleep happily.
Tetiana Dec 2024
мене долає.
Так хочеться здатись

причина для того щоб здатись.
всім думка з'явилась - пора попрощатись.
Зусилля всі марні, і все не виходить як думалось всім.

знебарвлює дні, знецінює смак і пригоди життя і виходить все так, що втрачається сенс не спинятись.

не крапку поставлю після цих всіх напруг, недоспаних ночей і думок про нарешті призи за заслуги.

зводить щелепи і так хочеться від всієї душі прокричатись і закинути все, тихо здатись.

часу і сил, шкода мрій бо виходить пусті вони всі, не судилось їм всім позбуватись.

не дозволю я їй надламати мене, запріснити життя, відмовчатись.

лиш тайм аут візьму, відісплюсь, відлежусь і в роботі піду оживати.
An original poem Fatigue, translated version is on my page.
Tetiana Dec 2024
Fatigue overcomes me
I want to give up
A weighty reason to give up.

A familiar thought appeared: it's time for goodbye.

All efforts are in vain, everything does not turn out as I thought.

Fatigue discolors the days, devalues the taste and adventures of life. Where are the feelings of sense to move on that I want?
But I put a comma, not a dot.

I will not give a full stop after all these tensions, sleepless nights
and thoughts of finally about the merit prize.

A cramp tightens the jaws
and I want to scream out with all my heart. And drop everything, quietly pause.

Are the time and effort, my dreams empty?
If I am destined to get real of them all.

Fatigue, I will not allow it to break me.
Why do my dreams seem so small?

Fatigue. I'll just take a time out,
get some sleep.
I never let any doubt
be in my head deep.
Tetiana Dec 2024
It had to be summer and harvest
but time that had come is the hardest
long winter has come,
I feel like I'm numb.

These days would be a vacation,
but millions will never return,
they wanted for me isolation
but my borders expand.

They fired at us,
but phoenix reborn,
no sense to discuss
mother tongue.

They plucked our flowers
"forbade" us to live,
our scatter through world now empowers
to remember and never forgive.

They plucked our flowers
"forbade" us to live,
our scatter through world now empowers
to remember and never forgive.

Stones and sand fly from under the wheels,
wherever this terrible road leads
it's a one-way ticket of fate
for them to the end, for us is to win.

Це мали бути літо та жнива,
це мало бути щастя та турбота,
та склалася, на жаль, зима,
в очах тепер не радість, а скорбота.

Були б ці дні відпусткою для нас,
та не повернуться, на жаль, мільйони.
Вони хотіли відібрати у нас час,
а вийшло, що розширили кордони.

Вони робили нам вогневий вал,
а ми як фенікс ся рождали,
самі перекладаються слова
на мову, що раніше зневажали.

Вони зривали наш рожевий цвіт,
красиво жити нам “забороняли”,
а ми розпорошились на весь світ,
і їх відтоді звідусіль ганяли.

Із-під коліс летить каміння і пісок,
куди б не вела ця страшна дорога,
від долі це в один кінець квиток,
їм до кінця, а нам - до перемоги.
Khoisan Nov 2024
Gutless guillotines

mounds a mass of razor blades

rise of the treaty
Si vis pacem para bellum
Carlo C Gomez Oct 2024
You are
the river that runs
beneath this city.

You lend
the beautiful but empty
buildings a beating heart.

And the buildings were essential.

They were a part
of the lives unfolding
in their shadows.

Sometimes it
almost seems like
they are listening.

I'm sinking inside them.

Tell me a story
about an outgoing road,
the house where you grew up
near the Sea of Azov.

I think
I flew there once.

The birds
that perch inside my chest
sing loud, sing soft.

Maybe they
will sing again for us

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