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Alan S Bailey Aug 2015
You put me in your hair,
twirl me with your fingers
the wind blows me here to there
so you put me on your sneakers.
I'm purple and pink, perfect punk'
upon your forest, atop tree trunk
I always am with you when you leave
and run around the school house trees.
We'll forever remember the rushing air
but we must have lost balance and crashed
the warmth and sun that glinted isn't there
*but still get up again, it's time for class!
Moriah J Chace Nov 2014

Perched in a tree
high aloft her mystic mountain
a hoyden sits
wrenching daisies from her hair

She cackles as they cascade
down to earth
Fluttering in a last attempt to fly

The last recognizes defeat,
alighting on the forest floor

She bursts from her throne
crashing atop the petals she’s discarded

Whooping, she stands,
brushes off her dirt covered skirt

Some day, I will be free
My perfect guy
Is the kind of boy
Who is always a gentleman
He opens doors, pulls out chairs
And is polite to my parents
And yet when he wants
He can be so hilariously fun
He's not afraid to wrestle
Or play games, even have a nerd fight
But when the day is done
We can sit and talk for hours
He listens to every word
And says more than "okay"
He will smile and act intelligent
Helping with my problems
But he's not too serious
To put up with my insanity

My perfect guy
Is the kind of boy
Who is always there for me
I will never feel shy or scared
In his protective hold
He will back me up
Even if I'm wrong
And when we sit together
He will wrap his arms around me
And sit tight and perfect
And he is always there for me
When is about emotions too
He will be my steady rock
To comfort if I cry
He always try's to make it better
No matter what is wrong

My perfect guy
Is the kind of boy
Who is thinking of me
He pulls special surprises
With flowers and romance
He never forgets a special day
But he's not the kind of guy
Who is crazy about anniversaries
He might give a gift once a year
To keep it real special
He plans dates
And makes special days
Just for the two of us
And while he keeps them
Perfectly romantic he lets them
Have fun too.

My perfect guy
Is the kind of boy
Who compliments me now and then
Even if he doesn't mean it
Just to make me feel nice
But he isn't all worried about beauty
He notices me for me
And isn't afraid to joke around
And say what's on his mind

My perfect guy
Is the kind of boy
Who likes the things I like
The kind of guy who
Shares my dreams
And relishes in the insanity
He wants to make the impossible come true
Without forgetting about now
He will think about the Future
While we banter with each other

My perfect guy
Is the kind of boy
Who doesn't see me as just his girl
He is protective and strong
Yet easy going too
He isn't afraid to get *****
To roll around in the mud
He is always up for a game
Of road hockey or paintball
He will play video games
And sports
Without going easy
He will keep things fun
And won't cry about losing to a girl.

My perfect guy
Is the kind of boy
Who gets along with friends
Who is always charming to new people
And who my friends like back
The kind of guy who
Gets along with a group
Yet doesn't mind to be alone

My perfect guy
Is the kind of boy
Who I write this incredibly long poem about
He is the kind of guy who is perfect in my eyes
He is the kind of guy who likely doesn't exist
Thanks Ember for the challange
To everyone here
Mulan might be just another fictional Disney character
Just a fraction of someone's imagination
To you
She might just be an eighty minute entertainment on your screens
Just a childhood memory
that is slowly
and gradually

But to me
To me she's more than that

You see
Growing up, I didn't have anyone that could teach me things
And I don't mean in sense of school subjects
I didn't have anyone that gave me confident about myself
So I took lessons from everyone and everything

Mulan taught me that I can be a girl and not have pink as my favorite color
Mulan taught me that I can be a girl but not wear and love makeup, dresses and high heels
Mulan taught me that it is okay to love and be good at things that were originally meant for boys
Mulan taught me how I can be comfortable in my skin
Mulan taught me that it is okay to not be a typical girl
and still have my happily ever after fairytale

Mulan taught me that it is okay,
that it is enough to just be
Mulan taught me that it is perfectly fine to be a tomboy. I'm enough.
Nicole Bataclan May 2014
I will not show it
Just yet
It is not ready
To be framed
Just yet
A work in progress
It is still a mess
She is fast
She peeks at it
And holds it
It is perfect as it is
Unnecessary to polish it
It is already
Beautifully completed
Right now,


— The End —