i used to know all your best friends,
just so you know
we used to giggle together in intimate classrooms
but forget that, right?
i forgot the richness of politeness
the sweat dripped off my body
and your eyes dazzled like crystals.
a rose grew from the slight smile on your lips.
you awakened a fight or stay response in me
you reached out and touched my palms
and yours were not hot coals as i expected them to
they were violet and soft and smooth and moisturized
you didn’t have the crocodile disposition i dreamt you would
i felt like an animal that accidentally broke the glass of its confinement
and didn’t know what to do
with the scattering crowds and screaming children
so it just ran.
in your arms,
you caught me.
not too harshly,
but so i felt safety.
i owe you some serious debt for giving me
the simplest little smile along with
the tiniest little gestures
the claws of the lion dug into my spine,
razor-sharp and cruel
i didn’t deserve the kindness you showed me
i was scared you would hate me if i talked to you,
i didn’t know what to do.
the roses wilted inside my palms
as they stayed clumped from under the weight of my hands.
i pray that you blossom in your future
and i aspire to give the same kindness
as you have gifted to me.
thank you.
written: 1/27/23
published: 4/16/23