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My mind is king; I thought it is everything!

It makes me blink; it makes me think
It gives me joy until I die
The only problem with my mind… Where it is, I cannot find!

It is my memory; it is my mind

It is my intellect - one of a kind
My greatest treasure is my mind
The only problem with my mind…
Where it is, I cannot find!

The body I can see; the body I can find

Likewise I am sure; I have a mind
It is not yours; I know it is mine
The only problem with my mind…
Where it is, I cannot find!

Suddenly, I realize these are not my mind…

My intellect and my memory are of a different kind My mind is a monkey; a rascal my mind

The only problem with my mind… Where it is I, cannot find!

I then resolved to **** my mind

The rascal I vowed, I must grind
It made me worry; it made me fear
Enough my dear, no more tear
The only problem with my mind…
Where it is, I cannot find!

I made my intellect rule my mind

I shot down thoughts of a monkey kind
I wanted joy and peace of mind
No more my king, my rascal mind
I realized then there was no mind…
It was a rascal! No need to find!
Yes Dada! I realize I am nothing but I live in ignorance.
I need Thy grace.
I need God's Grace to be liberated from this ignorance.
Without you my Guru, what would I be?
Continue to lead me,
my dear Master to the one reality.
Continue to guide me.
Continue to bless me.
I need you. I can't do without you.
I Love you.
I am nothing.
I know! I realize.
And I realize I don't know what I know.
Only you can make me realize this by opening my 'real eyes',
My Guru, my Mentor, my God on Earth
I am not who I am!
I have a body, but am I the body?
I have a mind, but am I the mind?
I have an ego, but am I the ego?
Who is the me that I am?

Am I a butterfly? No that’s not me.
Am I a bee? No that’s not me.
Am I a tree? No that’s not me.
I am me!
Who is the me that I am?

I am not who I think I am
I am an Indian – No, that's my nationality
I am a Hindu – No, that's my religion
I am a male – No, that's my gender
I am not who I think I am!

I am not my car
I know what I am not
I am not my house
I know what I am not
What I am not, I know
But I know not who I am

I have eyes that can see
But the eyes are not me
I have limbs that can walk
But it's not me who does the talk
These are mine, but not me
Who is the me that I am?

I am not the Ego
That’s my identity
I am not the body and mind
That’s not ME
I am the Holistic Energy
I am “HE”
I am not the ‘I’ that I thought I was
Who am I? I know who I am.
Chicken or egg - what came first?
Can't find an answer that will quench my thirst.
“Of course,” said the chicken, “it was me.
Without me, how could the egg ever be?”
This question goes round, and round and round,
But to most, the answer is never found!

For without the chicken can an egg be laid?
“And how could there be a chicken without me?” the egg said.
This question was asked but found no answer for years…
Till a wise man solved the mystery with wisdom and tears.

“Neither was the egg first, nor was it the chicken.
The plan for this story was hatched in heaven.
That nothing in this world shall be a creation.
Everything that we see is but a manifestation.”

“What do you mean?” said someone with a scream.
“Nothing is real! Is everything just a dream?”
The wise man answered, ”Yes that is true.
Both appeared together, everything is a myth –nothing is true!”

The next time you are asked the question, “What came first?
Was it the tree or the seed that came first?”
Don't go in circles, round and round.
For the answer to the question will never be found!
I searched for God in temples
But nowhere was He found
I looked into the skies and waters
And everywhere on the ground

To me, God was a statue
I prayed to Him for years
I was in love with my Lord
And I used to pray with tears

I thought God lived in the temple
It was Heaven in every way
I used to talk to my Saviour,
Morning, night, all day

God gave me everything I wanted
There was nothing more to need
I used to be ashamed of myself
When I looked upon my greed

I had everything I wanted
But one thing I never found
I was looking for the God I prayed to.
Wanting to hear His sound

One day it dawned upon me
What is life’s real test?
To find true purpose and meaning,
I set out on a quest

I started studying the scriptures
In religion for Him I found
I went for many pilgrimages
Just going round and round

Who is God? Where is God? What is God?
This quest did I start
I had nothing else to desire
There was only one thing in my heart

I decided that I will not stop
My passion, I must find
I was willing to give up everything
There was only one thing in my mind

What use was the wealth that I earned?
What use was this pomp and show?
I knew my life wasn’t forever
I knew one day, I will go

I knew I was living in ignorance
The truth I couldn’t see
I was seeking happiness
But in peace, I could not be!

The world talks so much about God
But little do we know
God is such an amazing power
This cosmos is His show

The Sun, the Moon, the Stars
The Birds, the Animals, the Flowers
They are just manifestations
Of the one and only Power!

We think our goal is happiness
And pleasures do we seek
So shallow is our passion
We never reach the peak

We may get everything we desire
We may achieve all we dream
But if we can’t realize God
Then our life is without a gleam!

The purpose of life is to find God
We must realize the truth
We must realize what we are not
Only then, we will get to the root

A few of us are lucky
We start seeking God
We give up everything else that we have
Because we are in love with the Lord!

All cannot find the Master
It depends on His Grace
A few of us are lucky
To finally see His face

Not in temples, churches or mosques
Neither in Scriptures, you tear apart
Those who truly love Him
Will find Him inside their heart

God is Everything, Everywhere
He manifests as You and Me
He is the Cause and we just Effects
Without Him, we cannot be

God defined is God denied
We must believe that he lives
He is beyond our comprehension
But He is the One who gives

This is a Cosmic Drama
The Earth just a big stage
We are all just actors
We perform till we age

Then one day, the time will come
We have to pack and go
When Death will take over life
It’s the end of the show

Who, Where, What is God?
Don’t question, just have faith
Try to realize the Truth
Then you will reach the gate!

When you find what you are not
And the truth stares at your face
Then in your own heart, you will find
The Heavenly Master’s grace
Life is a mystery ‑ We can’t track its history
It may seem to start at birth and seem to end at death
But what seems to be life’s end…
is but a bend to transcend

Body, mind and soul are what make life whole
But then comes death and we lose our breath
We mistake Happiness to be life’s goal
Until we realize – No! We must liberate our Soul

The saddest thing is we don’t know the meaning of Life
We live and we die with sadness and strife
We want this and that to be Happy and Glad
But we end up being miserable, greedy and sad

Life is a journey ‑ Like a river, we must flow
From God we came and to God we must go
Life is a Drama ‑ we desire and we crave
But nothing will be ours when we go to the grave

We foolishly think we are the body and mind
Till we get the “Aha”, we are the soul we find
We don’t know where we came from and don’t know where we will go
The Goal of Life is to reach the other shore

Most people don't live life; they just seem to exist
The cravings of the body, they just can't resist
They are so busy, no time to go on a quest
To find out who we truly are, putting life to a test

Of course, we are not the body - in the end, it will die
Are we the mind and ego? No, at death, they will fly
We are the Life Energy that departs at death...
We are the life itself that gives us our breath

We live in ignorance; the truth we don't find
We forget that we are the soul, not the body and mind
The God that we seek in a temple or a church
Lives inside our own hearts - a place we don't search

We are not this, not this....we are that!
Not the body, not the mind, the soul, in fact
The purpose of life is to realise this Goal -
We are not the body and mind. We are the Soul!
Nothing is real; it's a Cosmic Drama
We are just actors; we come and we go
There will be laughter; there will be tears
Such is the Cosmic Show…
It's a drama you see
Whatever will be, will be
Our role we must do, you see
What will be will be

Nothing is real; it's just a dream
There is no ******; no need to scream
Just a projection; it's just a show
We must wake up and go
It's a drama you see
Whatever will be, will be
Our role we must do, you see
What will be will be

The earth is a stage for His Cosmic Drama
There is a Cosmic Power in Charge
He’s the producer; it is His show
He decides when we must go
It's a drama you see
Whatever will be, will be
Our role we must do, you see
What will be will be

Why do we scream? Why do we cry?
Why do we worry right till we die?
It's just a movie; we must enjoy
Blissfully living with joy
It's a drama you see
Whatever will be, will be
Our role we must do, you see
What will be will be

We must not worry. We must not fear
We must surrender and accept, my dear
We must have faith, trust and hope
Then in this drama, we cope
It's a drama you see
Whatever will be, will be
Our role we must do, you see
What will be will be

There is no end – at death we transcend
We are just actors; we come and we go
We must do our part, the best way we can
And we must enjoy the show
It's a drama you see
Whatever will be, will be
Our role we must do, you see
What will be will be

There will be sunshine; there will be rain
There will be good times; there will be pain
We must not complain, we must accept
And we must do our best
It's a drama you see
Whatever will be, will be
Our role we must do, you see
What will be will be

We’re not the body; we’re not the mind
We are energy of a different kind
We live in darkness; the Truth we don’t know
We must realize before we go!
It's a drama you see
Whatever will be, will be
Our role we must do, you see
What will be will be

Why do we people sweat the small stuff?
The road will be smooth and it will be rough
There will be action; there will be song
And we must sing along
It's a drama you see
Whatever will be, will be
Our role we must do, you see
What will be will be

There is a purpose for us on earth
Why do we die, and why this birth?
Why do we come, why do we go?
Why this cosmic show?
It's a drama you see
Whatever will be, will be
Our role we must do, you see
What will be will be

There is a Cosmic Power in charge
It’s His creation; it is His show
We are but nothing; we must just act
He is everything, in fact
It's a drama you see
Whatever will be, will be
Our role we must do, you see
What will be will be

It's just a drama; it's just a show
Nothing is real, we come and we go
We are just actors – the earth is a stage
This is His Cosmic Show
It's a drama you see
Whatever will be, will be
Our role we must do, you see
What will be will be
Mystic Ink Plus Dec 2018
Imagine for a while
Who you could be

Spirituality is
A comfort zone
Resonating sympathy
Breathe in peace
Does it hurt?

No hypocrisy
Genre: Observational
Theme: Way of life
Michael LoMonaco Dec 2018
Depression doesn’t pick its victims through color,
Anxiety won’t select its casualties by ***.

The rich and poor can be picked,
As mental illness doesn’t care about money.

No matter how much strength a person possesses,
Mental illness can still prey on people.

This disease doesn’t discriminate,
Affecting anyone all across the board.
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