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Kathryn Rose Mar 2018
The torrential wind blew my brain around my neck,
Like a whiplashed skewer,
Crooked and bending in ways wood should not.
His endless fall of tears slip through the space between her delicate glass fingers, drop by drop falling on to the white cushion
A chirping tune swims through the moss covered wall
He remembers that tune, that tune he fell for so very quickly
He wonders how this tune always kept the same floral melody but would adjust its harmony to converse with his thoughts, those thoughts that would try to sew through to his speech, never showing thread, only a thin needle
His tears have now formed a puddle, but foolishly he does not pay the slightest attention to this ever so growing puddle
She whispers "pour yourself a drink you will feel better"
He listens and soon he has a drink in his left hand
He takes a sip, his lips burn, the liquid feels like grains of sand to his throat
The drink has now dampened his thoughts, the threads are now wet, the fibers are separating
The tears still fall drop by drop but now he is oblivious to the tears
His room is now an aquarium of sorrow and the floral tune is muffled by the salt water
The girl hopes to dilute the growing salt water with her bitter desert alcohol but soon they will both drown in their concoction of tears and liquor
It's not that I'm blaming you
It's not that I'm shaming you
I'm trying to fit the pieces in my mind,
So I could keep from framing you.

I don't know what religion is
Who or what to believe in
Hot 'n cold,
My faith changes like the seasons.

Our puzzle pieces scrambled
I swear I had it handled
Somewhere along the way,
We flew off the handle.

Landed feet first
You would've thought my feet hurt
But I slipped on gravel,
And ****** up my t-shirt
Sweet and seductive
The twilight
Can I come in?
No need to worry
Frustrated moments
Tempting lies
Please don't scream
I'll be discrete
Caresses recollected
Old embraces
******* and bathos
Fur instead of hair
Movements in a mirror
Time for breakfast
The appearance of a peach
Fried sentences
Scrambled words
Rhyming couplets
Tea and coffee
Contradictory conversations
Flee from open mouths.

— The End —