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Demi Apr 2020
Tune in to clouds
Between thunder static,
devastating news
white cotton noise,
you’ll find soothing hymn.

Find the station
lift your head high
enough, just for now.
Demi Apr 2020
Prickly rock in throat,
5:20am, thin drowsy air.
I can see three cats playing.

Moist eyes recognise,
this is the calmest felt
in 27 days.
sometimes it’s right next to you
but you’re not having a clear view

you can be in the right place
and still feel like you’re loosing the race

but why do you rush? why do you hurry?
it makes all the images come out so blurry

take it easy, slow down a bit
it’s simple, yes I admit,
it will just make your mind split

now you’re counting pro and contra
trying to find your personal mantra

you are good thoughts and bad ones
you decide what energy your body runs

so slow down a bit
take a breath and don’t quit

happiness is right next to you,
so relax your mind and enjoy the view.

- gio, 03.04.2020
Mike Brubaker Mar 2020
Take heed to this message:
Folks, you need to relax.
The light at the end of the tunnel
Is not a train coming down the tracks.

We will survive this crisis.
Coronavirus will subside.
Life will get better  
In spite of this roller coaster ride.  

Stop hoarding food and supplies  
Put away the panic and fear  
We all need to relax
And give everyone a reason to cheer.
Cayley Raven Mar 2020
To many a sound
of nothing at all
blasting just loud enough
to drive people crazy

To me it´s serenity
in purest of forms
despite its old age
fails not to amaze me
Do you like silence?
Emily Mitchell Mar 2020
Kindling a purr...
Stroking the cat's back softly
Contentment ignites.
Anyone who's ever touched a happy cat knows how incredibly calming the sound and feel of a rumbling purr can be... cat jumps in your lap you scratch in just the right place for long enough to get one started and there you have it!... instant relaxation for the small price of playing bed and masseuse to another creature... X'D

*w* heehee... I'm pretty proud of my wordplay in the title... X'DDDD
Mystic Ink Plus Mar 2020
New version of chilling
Involves deeper level of
Starts with trust
Patience to listen
Eagerness to understand
Response to improvise
And ends with
A promise to flush
And indifferences

Let's chill
For the better conscience
Breathe in, breathe out
Genre: Experimental Inspirational
Theme: Inhale Exhale
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