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Jolene Heather May 2014
And then one day I just loved you
I looked at you and it all came together
I saw us
as old people
having made it through so many trials but still holding on
It was the first time I had ever looked at a man
and saw the future version of him
all old
and fat
and LOVED him
I knew this old man had hurt me
probably had an affair or two
but I still loved him
I knew that we had suffered major grief
maybe there was a child lost
but I still loved him
We had survived babies
and putting kids through college
We probably both had times
where we were so distant from each other
that hope was momentarily lost
but I still loved him
I saw this old man and all his imperfections
and me
old with all my imperfections
and I still loved us
And that is love
To know that this person will deeply hurt you
and you will deeply hurt them
and you see yourself loving them through it all
Even after you get bored with the ***
and you or they get fat
lose hair
or manufacture an abundance of nose hair
you still want them at your side
through thick and thin
That is love.
Coming of age, to grow and one day realize that love is not perfect, like everything in the this world, it has it's flaws.  But it is worth it.  Don't give up on love. Because if you do you give up on yourself.  Let your heart be broken and then let it heal. Then repeat. Love again, and again, and again. And one day true love will reveal itself to you, and you will be ready to accept it when you find it. And then every heartbreak will be worth it, every tear cried, every embrassing moment, every hurtful word, every horrendous act, every lie, every thing... it is what brought you to the place where love can be found. So embrace your broken heart, embrace your struggle, so one day you can embrace love.

resist the bitter.

— The End —