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Jme Love May 2021
Falling away

The edges crack
They break

Slipping through
Losing all we held onto


Trying to swim

Deeper and deeper

A battle within

Fearing death
After a life of sin

An unforgiving goodbye

How it all felt in 2020. A quarentine at the start of a new life. It was all unbelievable and very overwhelming.
Sanya singh May 2021
10 years and here we are
Human race still exists.

But we know better don’t we
Cause the nature seem to agree

We assaulted nature
And saw karma
Now we know how to live in peace

Those who lived, those who didn’t die
The nature’s kids are those who survived

We thank , we pray , we care
For the nature giving all of us another shot.

We don’t hurt her with axes
We don’t feed her polythenes
We don’t **** her children anymore

We know we made mistakes
We know we didn’t do our part right
But she is Mother Nature
there is love even in her fright

She let us go
She forgave
She let us live
For the good human sake.

So we did
We promised
To make up to our mother
We be better kids
Because we don’t want
Another pandemic time out.
we are humans aren't we ,
we change
and sometimes even for the good.
Elliott G May 2021
One more shot!
A scorching heat radiates
from her forehead
The last of raspy wheezes,
rusty coughs and gasps
leave the lungs, abandoned towns
lined with rows of empty drugstores.
Her grandkids watch from
behind a thick sheet of glass
through a dense fog,
asking -mommy how long will grandma
be asleep for?-

One more shot!
On Tuesday she was at work.
On Wednesday she got a slight cough.
On Thursday her heartbeat was slow.
On Friday the line hit the flat note.
On Saturday the back of her coffin
married the worms in the dirt just below.

One more shot!
Wiping the sweat off his forehead,
is it his mum or the coal; that ****** black is his skin tone?
A coughing fit, seizing his consciousness
gasping for air; as if he was dying
of laughter,
watching his daughter dance like a ballerina
across their living room into his arms.
Those weren't tears of joy,
when she was dragged away by masked security guards
from the room where her father plummeted into
The swan lake.

One more shot!
The pen quivers in his hand
as he finishes up his English exam.
Finally, all this work done,
the last of the bunch was long gone!
Until he sneezed on the paper.
His portrait wasn't lit as well as his mother hoped
when he received his post-mortem degree,
Honor roll.

One more shot!
They yell as she chugs the bottle,
jubilation ensues!
Shattering glass all over the floor.
Her foot starts bleeding,
She wails and sets for the hospital door.
The doctor takes tweezers
carefully to her sole
as from the corridor comes a loud moan;
her mother on the hospital bed
rides past her door.
The last shot she had at seeing her alive.
But she never looked up.
uv May 2021
Once again we find our selves in a spot.
Where eveything outside looks rosy
And all dark within.
We find ourselves locked and caged
And the moving world moving with all its gait

Once again we hear the sounds of despair
When everything was just on the brink of being glorious and fair.
We find we have more to bear and be aware
And the part where we learn still has a humongous share

Thankfullness and humbleness
Emphathy and hope
These are few friends to make
They will pull you along just like a strong, unbreakable rope.

Hold on, just hold on
AA May 2021
When fear is coming out of the unknown
And the dream are the only places you know

When the day becomes the nightmare
and even the air becomes so rare  

The streets I've walked down a thousand times, become unknown
My neighbourhood, my childhood street, feels like a ghowsttown

The faces I long to see, never show
The familiarity becomes strange, when only eyes are shown

Heres to the endless working powers
And the time that flies by whilst we are standing still

The hope becomes stuck in the past
Everything that is going on seems to have forever to last

Time that only comes by once,
Weve been robbed; our years and months

Our youthfull dreams on stand-by, we can't fulfill
The whole world is holding still

A bump into strangers we long for
A better future we hope for

But time seems to take its time
And its shape keeps changing, like we do with this time
How corona has affected us, and the young in the gap year. How society changed during a night, and we too changed.
चुनाव   में  है   करना  प्रचार  जरूरी  ,
ऑक्सीजन की ना बातें ना बेड मंजूरी,
दवा मिले ना मिलता टीका आराम से ,  
बैठे हैं चुप चाप  जरा दिल को थाम के,
आ जाए ना चुपचाप कोरोना धड़ाम से।

खांसी किसी को आती तो ऐसा लगता है ,
यम का है कोई दूत घर पे  आ गरजता है ,
छींक का वो ही असर है  जो भूत नाम से ,  
बैठे हैं चुप चाप  जरा दिल को थाम के,
आ जाए ना चुपचाप कोरोना धड़ाम से।

हाँ हाँ अभी तो उनसे कल बात हुई थी,
इनसे भी तो परसो हीं मुलाकात हुई थी,
सिस्टम की बलि चढ़ गए थे बड़े काम के,
बैठे हैं चुप चाप  जरा दिल को थाम के,
आ जाए ना चुपचाप कोरोना धड़ाम से।

एम्बुलेंस की आवाज है दिन रात चल रही,
शमशान  में  चिताओं  की बाढ़ जल  रही,
सहमा हुआ सा मन है आज  राम नाम से,
बैठे हैं चुप चाप  जरा दिल को थाम के,
आ जाए ना चुपचाप कोरोना धड़ाम से।

भगवान अल्लाह गॉड सारे चुप खड़े हैं ,
बहुरुपिया  कोरोना  बड़े  रूप  धड़े  हैं ,
साईं बाबा रह गए हैं  बस हीं नाम  के   ,
बैठे हैं चुप चाप  जरा दिल को थाम के,
आ जाए ना चुपचाप कोरोना धड़ाम से।

अजय अमिताभ सुमन:सर्वाधिकार सुरक्षित
कोरोना बीमारी की दूसरी लहर ने पूरे देश मे कहर बरपाने के साथ साथ भातीय तंत्र की विफलता को जग जाहिर कर दिया है। चाहे केंद्र सरकार हो या की राज्य सरकारें, सारी की सारी एक दूसरे के उपर दोषरोपण में व्यस्त है। जनता की जान से ज्यादा महत्वपूर्ण चुनाव प्रचार हो गया है। दवाई, टीका, बेड आदि की कमी पूरे देश मे खल रही है। प्रस्तुत है इन्ही कुव्यथाओं पर आक्षेप करती हुई कविता  " जरा दिल को थाम के"।
Onyx Apr 2021
Days folding neatly into weeks that eventually coalesce to months...

Did you miss me?
Did you think of me, seeing the gaping space between us, stretching ever tediously by miles of land and sea between us?
Did you miss the lack of it, where only the mere fabric of our clothes kept our warmth apart from one another?
Does it bother you, not being able to reach out and touch my warmth, being left with grasping yearningly onto thin air when overcome by nostalgia?
Do you take reverie trips when having my garments in your hands, smell my familiar scent to let loose the waves of emotions drown you?
Do you feel the emptiness around you haunt you menacingly and the cold of isolation, despite the warm sunrays bathing your room and kissing your skin?
Do you feel exasperated when hearing me but unable to touch me, feel me and just have me entirely?

I know you do, as do I.

The unpredictability of today and even more so of tomorrow makes the anxious more desperate for reunion, the many torn between inability to come together rave for some sliver of silver lining to get caught even accidentally by their convoluted fate.

Don’t worry, darling. The wait will be over. Soon. Until then, remember me and remember me often as I remember you so fiercely so I can come to you in your dreams, if not in reality, yet.
for those left isolated in the times of pandemic
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