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Jenna Mar 2019
He never catches up
always behind, chasing
Only meeting four times a day
a red line separates us often
We kiss at midnight and noon,
hug at six-thirty in the morn and night
till the red line passes us
splitting after a single second
till we cross paths again
Jamie Mar 2019
One day when,
My time has come,
With my last breath,
I hope,
The memory of this current moment,
Will be my final one.
Jenna Mar 2019
Sweat soaked shirt
wet with prevalence
of our childish frolicking
even the leaves shiver with laughter
the wind tickles us so for our behavior

Though being chased,
is more fun than playing house
like we do now to cover the fact
we loathe time and our decisions
all the while hiding ourselves

Buying a cage and ring
that we observe with confusion
we realize that this is no circus
only a torture device
we have brought upon our person

As we dance and giggle
I wish for this sense of youth
compared to this tiny second
to stay forever,
not in mind, but in reality.
Take a moment to remember your regrets and cherished memories of past times. Sometimes we need a reminder of what was lost.
K Balachandran Mar 2019
When your luscious lips gently close on to mine,
In a sudden energy surge  from deep down , I shine.
In perfect silence we fall, to savour it to the hilt,
The flow tide rushes in, hearts in passion are  hit!
lovelywildflower Mar 2019
i think of you all the time. everday. day and night. in my dreams and in reality. just constantly.
Strying Mar 2019
I remember your sweet eyes
your large smile
so good to me
so right
and then you pull me close
in the moonlight at midnight
and I close my eyes for a minute

All I see is light
When I awaken its light
And I'm all alone

A note on the corner of the bed we slept in
I slowly inch toward it
I pick it up
Read the first line
and I throw it to the ground.

Can't take this.
I scream "SHIZZ."
Still can't believe it's all gone,
just like that.
Just like that,
my world ended.
My heart flew and crashed in that moment.

I wasn't ready.
I thought she was cooking surprise breakfast.
But she was
This makes me so sad. I hope it never happens to me!
Lee Mar 2019
The perfect still portait that captures all beauty.

Is it the rising sun as it strokes the oceans creating a beautiful mirage of wonder?

Is it the night light sky where the moon and stars remain out of reach with the lone dancing star few see?

Is it the moment of two joining in love and putting the bands of eternity upon their finger?

None of these are the perfect still portait.

The perfect still portrait is the moment in time not captured by lense but by sight and mind.

The perfect still portrait is a feeling and memory at once that can never be described or forgotten.

My perfect still portrait is the moment you said you love me.
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