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So I was shoveling snow
For no more then money
Oh no the snow!  But I was
Able to see and hear
The kid screaming with glee
As the re was a fresh snow fall
That shovelling session payed
More then just money
But joy and glee too
A rip off
To people like me
Who just lost
But it is the best guarantee
For those who are suffering
From lack of freedom
Or if the are suffering greatly physically
Call it want you want
But death is a great promise
Though a pain in ****
Rory 3d
"Tears are easy to be seen than to decipher".
As I see the Christmas
Tree, with all the lights
On it
I see many psychedelic
Colours I love to
Every year
Why do people do drugs
When the can get high
Off life!
As I see the Christmas light
I feel an new!
I might not seem like the mild
Mannered person
But be quite on with you
I look like a total
But really if
You by pass
The rough exterior
You will find light triad traits
As well as I kind soul
That is me
What you see sometimes isn’t what you
Years of being bullied
Being called all sorts of
Of names
Getting in all sorts of fights
Pulling all sorts of pranks
On my torturers
The grim *******
Alex, Karen and jennifer
Has nearly lead to
Me dead on day
In Guantanamo Bay
I wish I lie
But that was what I was threatened
Given the choice of life or death
I chose life and became a yakuza
It was only for my only safety
But I learned some lessons on the way
The hard way
I was going to the high computer literacy class
A class that I despise
A class that I dread
I go and sit but .....
It was the last time I sit for all of eternity
As I sit  out taking a breath
I don't feel my heart beat
I was sitting lifeless  in my chair
Some of the students noticed that I was not doing
The teacher was calling 911 as he noticed that I was not breathing as I just sit there limp
It feels like I was locked in my dead body, my soul that was!
I cannot enter the spirit world and as I try to enter. The realm
I am just at the borderlands
I wish I could move but I could not
Soon they realized what I already know
That I was dead and in limbo!  As they realized this they call
The medical examiner instead
Because I ain't breathing
Then I was taking to the morgue
As the drive I scream
"It's the ******* classes that caused my death
The ******* stress and boredom
The fact that I was deciding to break free!"
But what the does the driver say nothing  as I try to be heard!
I am processed and borough in for autopsy
The medical examiner said this ....
"Who do we have here today!"
She looks at my papers and said my full name
Elena Melanson
Before she could get the scalpel I tell physically make sounds
Telling her he exact cause of death
"It was that ******* computer lit class
That killed me, it borded and
Stressed me to death!"  
She finds this remarkable that I would be able to talk with
My own voice
Then for the last time my soul hits the boarder lands
And goes right to the spirit world
And that was when my body went limp for the last time
Had I found peace? 
I am from dearh's cold grip and I find that I am
In a perpetual summer with
Wild followers all over the place
It seems peaceful and I go to the light
I am at peace!"
Written this in highschool
There are stark similarities
To the amount of color
In both
And I say both Christmas and
As the have thr same colors
Alas one is in the day
The other lights up the night
Take a look
Yes I am goth
That doesn't makes me
The big-bad wolf
I am just trying
To live like everyone
Despite my scary
Clothing and make-up
It's just that clothing
And makeup as well
Music ; it does not
Have baring
On how I act
Into the light,
Into the night,
Darkness abounds,
Faint are the sounds.
A sliver of light,
So ends the fight.
Freedom at last,
No air, then a gasp.
Soiled, degraded,
My cries unabated.


My cries unabated,
Soiled, degraded,
No air, then a gasp.
Freedom at last,
So ends the fight.
A sliver of light,
Faint are the sounds,
Darkness abounds.
Into the night,
Into the light.
My first attempt at a reverse poem.  My inlaws are in a nursing home. The similarities to the beginning of life are striking.
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