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The place to which you escape.
Sometimes our refuge is what we actually have to escape from.
So many things bring pleasure that is short lived,trying to escape reality is not ideal. We live in reality and escaping it is an impossibility.
How about we accept what we can't change and see light through some darkness?even when it hurts,take it as an exercise to strengthen your soul.its not easy but its always worthwhile.Hearts break but still pump blood,if you're not dead then there's hope.
I give God the glory
For all my victory.
Because without God,its the end of my story.
Jesus Christ;
              Faith and peace,
        Selflessness and purity,
      Understanding and gentle.
Beautiful in soul non judgemental,
         All wrapped up in love.
            In a nutshell
                He Looks like
I'd be on a home book shelf,
Yearning to be read,
Yet failing to open myself..
In colour I'd be blue and red.
Hand written in cursive,
Containing an inspirational story.
And some poetry quite exclusive,
And the hope of glory.

  I'd be a manuscript...
     Yet to have my final touches.
Hoping my dreams don't burn to ashes,
      And my author publishes me,
       To teach and inspire,
         To bring forth glee
           Be placed in a library,
              And build an empire.
If I were a book,
I'd still have dreams...
If I were a book,
I'd still dream my dreams.
If I were a book...
Life is cold,
Oh maybe life isn't cold.
We people are,
Making life miserable for each other.
Hating and not accepting that we were meant to love not hate.
Hate just hurts,its no good feeling.
It brings us misery and lures us into thinking its strength.
Getting rid of human life so fast!like it didn't take a process to be born. Life is sadder these days,
The news is so energy sapping.
Its hopeless,the only hope is love.
Love,accept,respect,judge less.
I sat at my bench outside,
And a thought dawned upon me.
One I thought would write me some poetry,
So on it I decided to reside.
My face was hit by a cool breeze,
For some reason it put my heart at ease.
The wind moved gently on every inch of me,
My mind felt free,
And my spirit at peace.
Leaves dancing to the rhythm of the wind,
And birds singing songs .
Nature is beautiful,
Its innocence is hopeful,
And its glow tasteful.
The difference between right and wrong is clear,
One is right,
The other is wrong so it has to be left.
The similarity is that both right and wrong are true,
Its either its right or its wrong.
Scaling whether something is right or wrong is quite easy,
Just dig deep within yourself and the answer lies just there.
Judging right or wrong by societal opinions is like walking into a ditch of fire.
No matter what you've been through,
Or what you're going through,
You're deeply loved and you deserve love.
Many may have broken your heart,
But as long as you're still breathing,
It means you survived,you're a fighter and you're a winner.
Heartbreaks hurt,but they don't ****... They make you stronger.
We need to grow stronger in order to strengthen others,so when your heart breaks and you survive,learn from it and teach it.
You're deeply loved and you deserve love.
If you give up on love you're depriving someone of the great love you're capable of offering having learnt through your experiences.
She's just a reflection of pain.
Shattered images cast illusions of a broken woman.
Riddled clues screens those who are genuinely intrigue.
The grand inquisitor acts as a gardener
Sorting out the weeds.
It's so confusingly puzzling to me.
I can't put together how I could expected loyalty, from someone who lies to them self. Unfortunately it's just reality.
The key to a good womans heart,
One who possesses it is one of a kind,
Its not a tough art,
Its the state of mind.
A decision to be of value,
And to inspire.
To choose God over you,
To live for real before you expire.
Integrity is the best way to live and to love genuinely,
Its something you attain willingly.
Its that easy.
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