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JoyAndPain Nov 2020
my brain is dead.
i cant think straight
my head is blank.
i cant do stuff.

i am an idiot sometimes.
what have i done?
why did i eat that
gross almond joy?

i dont like almond joys.
"Egypt will blow up
The Grand Ethiopian
Renaissance Dam!
Ethiopia ,a symbol
of Pan Africanism,
Could forget
Its development map,
For Egypt will help
Carry on colonial legacy
In to the future,"
So  did
A verbal dosido
The ill-famed abuser.

"We dote on Egypt,
Terror sowing
In Ethiopia.
Ironically a terrorist
My self
I will strike out
Sudan from terrorist
If it sides Egypt
This is my edict!"
Trump’s Verbal D0-si-dos  

“Ethiopia is a country that navigated the tide of time with a firm belief on God the Almighty as well as the unity and perseverance of its people. Though some tried to dictate to it too much giving it too little it never relied on such quarters. It always relies on it children who are alacritous to see to its dictates scarifying their lives.
It is God the Almighty that created Ethiopia. And it is its children that built it. Because of the sacrifices its children made Ethiopia had made history that astounded the world. There were allies that stood by its side when it made such golden history.  On the contrary, there were others that stabbed it in the back. Ethiopia is no stranger to such unfolding.”
This is an excerpt from the statement released by the Prime Minister Office of Ethiopia concerning the unbefitting statement or verbal Do-si-dos president trump made on the GERD.
True, Ethiopia had been a lone runner in its fight for God-bestowed freedom and struggle for economic liberation. We very well know what the response we got upon lodging our complaint to the League of Nation when Italy, using banned poisonous gas, tried to occupy Ethiopia.
Ethiopia did try to make clear the blatant aggression was inimical not only to Ethiopia but also to the world at large.
In defending its sovereignty Ethiopia didn’t sit hands crossed for want of allies. It rather mounted a guerilla fight to dislodged occupants. Vesting hopes on God the Almighty, the greatest Judge, and cognizant that a justice cause at long last will triumph forefathers had shed their blood for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country.
It must be known that Ethiopians never ever compromise their sovereignty. trump’s attempt to Twist Ethiopia’s arm with financial aid shows his ignorance about Ethiopia and world history.
As Ethiopia single handedly become a beacon of freedom to the world emerging triumphant on the battle of Adwa, nowadays fighting off the injustices on the use of the Blue Nile and actualizing the dam e Ethiopia in an equitable manner will once more turn out to be an emblem of economic deliverance based on self-reliance and faith in Almighty God.
Ethiopia has launched the GERD project pooling internal resources and using its own experts precluding donors who may pull strings by the virtue of their financial aid. Ethiopians exhibiting no difference along ethnic and religious lines are supporting the dam.
It is only for development and development only Ethiopia wants to use the river so as to break away from fettering poverty. Innumerable Ethiopian mothers carry firewood to prepare foods choking with smokes. They have many mouths to feed. Recent studies reveal that almost 67% percent Ethiopians lose their life every year owing to this reason. This sad episode takes place in Ethiopia famed for being the water tower of east Africa.
Based on the aforementioned fact any right-minded person will certainly pat on the back Ethiopia’s move to materialize hydropower Dam over Blue Nile.
trumph’s statement that the dam will holdback the water signifies his blind spot regarding hydropower dam. He should have reflected very recently Sudan and Egypt were inundated by flood .
In his statement “Egypt will blow up the dam!” he did not only attempt to disrespect Ethiopia’s sovereignty but also that of Egypt because he saw the latter as a remote control that can’t stand on its own feet.
His uncouth speech was also divorced from diplomatic norms and international water law. It also means lower riparian countries could blow up upper riparian countries’ hydropower dam say for instance Hover Dam. He did not realize that his speech could backfire. If the international water law is to be rewritten there must not be a preferential treatment.
The speech he made while an African solution is being sought for the dispute shows he had also infringed on the right of Africa.
Though his speech is  beingslammed from every corner let us wind up with two stunting comments one from an Economics professor(on ETV) and another from a small kid on u-tube(Ustaze Jemal Beshir) respectively.
“It is a pity that a great nation has a little (a mentally dwarf) leader!”
“Must Ethiopian mothers  be deprived of light and electricity? Such speech is unexpected of a grownup/”

The imbecile president that is a disgrace to America. Read the feedback from the link
SophiaAtlas Sep 2020
I just saw some idiot
Put a water bottle
In the pringles
Holder by the treadmill
In the gym.
nick armbrister Jun 2020
3rd Poem
This is for you
Dear human being
Cos we don't like
One another not one bit
Read and enjoy
You forgetful cad.
Jimmy Boom Semtex
Shadow Jun 2020
“I almost do not exist now and I know it; God knows what lives in me in place of me.”
-Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Idiot
Maria Mitea May 2020
The underworld movement
makes me feel utterly incapable, and grown
feet condense into droplets of freezing blood, as I wait at Dostoevskaya station, where the intimidating marble has a soul of its own.

I Look
into the deep earth and I have eyes and I have depth, and I have speed, as I am earth moving through earth from all perspectives, apparently, I think and I know, but how do I reach there? at Prospect Mira,
I asked auntie Liudmila, while she was selling sunflowers at the Lyublinsko station, and I was running to catch up my breath beyond the boundaries in which has been conceived, while the worldly murals violate the norms and  “The Idiot” reaches greatness on the Moscow walls silhouettes wrestling on a mortal terrain; his umbra, my umbra. Whose and which, and when? I simplify it down to the breath and keep running.
What a rush?

When the geometry of  sombra
seems to have a life of its own on the underworld walls, above the surface arrogance takes shape believing that it is more intelligent than, I who can see the train coming. Uncertainty won’t bother impotence resting on earth’s shoulders, and Sleeping Giant can wait forever for the lost sailor.
What a blessing!

The blanket hugs Earth's chest, and steps move holding bouquets of sunflowers while gazing like a thief, whose big eyes are
rolling on the ground, “don’t you see how steps flow with Parisian prudence, I am brave and happy on top of Your Eiffel.”  When?  
the eyes become wizards of clouds, and
“I”- Rest in wonder.
How Long?

I feel
the burn in my chest,
as the sunny dream chops its edges.
I run “happy” warming up in “ La vita è bella, ”
while the soles of my feet are burning
into the dark earth. Who cares? only
into the dark earth roots grow,
all lilac is still there at the Moscow Metro, while illusion succumbs to temptation running faster and
the underworld has a life of its own,
a life of greater depth and purity, while
my eyes touch the cold striking murals, and
the book falls on the

Not again,
I thought you settled the matter of
unattainable, while lilac was waiting, on my way, eating the cherry gem with
the spoon touching Earth's lips, and only
auntie Liudmila is content for selling every
sunflower that day her glowing eyes soothe in hypnotizing beauty at the Moscow Subway,
I let it be!
Dostoevskaya is a Moscow Subway station. The station walls contain murals/ illustrations of Fyodor Dostoyevsky's Crime and Punishment, along with many other scenes (including illustrations of The Idiot). Prospect Mira (Peace) is a large open road, central to a big city.  "The book.." is all knowledge we humans created and possess, and that does not answer our big questions."Whisper" is the invisible reality; the essence, the mystic, the soul, the spirit, ...
Yobel Apr 2020
I am a fool
To think the present would last
I have taken you for granted
God, how stupid I am

Nobody could have foreseen
The time we had,
The unfortunate circumstances,
And the feeling that sprung

I couldn't bare the thought
It pains me
Realizing what you are
For I hold you so dear

But it is too late
No-one to be blamed
Farewell to you
Your memories are kept
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