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Tashy Jan 2020
I couldn't get him no matter how much I wanted him
He was just there and I not part of his world
He doesn't know
The pain he causes by his words and actions
He just turned out to be another forbidden fruit
When the excitement fades please ask me why i was excited
What did i hope for?
When there was no hope
Why was i happy?
When happiness wasn't there
We just dazzled together for a moment
In your world i don't exist but in mine you
My wall flower will always think bout the times we had and you know it
Winter Sparrow Nov 2019
Rome wasnt built in a day
So how was this achieved in a week?
We cannot speak...
And its killing me.

It hasn't even been a day,
But I can't wait to see you tonight.
Can't help but think of you.
You say we have nothing in common.

But you're an artist, a romantic,
A teacher an enthusiast.
But you're not a dreamer.
Don't raise the bar too low for yourself.

I know we shouldn't talk.
But this is hoping you'll read this.
To be professional is to act in a certain way.
But can you be professional in how you feel?

A wolf can wear sheep's clothing,
Yet he will still howl the night away.
A dagger can be carved like a flower,
yet it still cuts deeper then a roses thorn.

I am what I am.
I feel how i feel.
Should we deny it?
Should we hide it?

You say we are nothing alike.
You're an artist, a romantic, adventurous.
You're challenging...a teacher.
You're thinking of me and I of you.

Its mutual.
And we can help each other.
We understand each other
Because we are going through the same thing.

I can't help but think of the adventures we could have.
The long nights lost in deep discussion.
Telling tales. Planning art.
Speaking poetry.

the black rose Apr 2019
dont you open up your mouth.
dont you open up your mind.
dont you search for any answers,
dont you fear what you might find?
arent you afraid of looking crazy
or stepping out of the norm?
youre in a box,
youre in a cage and you have always been warned
to watch your mouth and watch your actions.
senseless movements and distractions in your view
to keep you from truth,
the true forbidden fruit.
Pyrrha Jan 2019
I know too well that
Breaking some promises is
Like forbidden fruit

More enticing than
Anything certain or safe
I understand that

And you should know that
Promises are made of glass
But not to shatter

They are made of glass
Pellucid so you can see
The reality

Words that hang in a
Still, suffocating, silence
Squeeze your lying lungs

A small punishment
For those who will treat themselves
To forbidden fruit
Samantha Sep 2018
Forbidden fruit
Let me dine from your tree
Nourish my soul
With the words you speak
Walk with me
Help me explore beyond the concealed gate
Where the path is magical!
The roads are paved with the dreams of everyday
The birds are chirping in the auroral celestial sphere
I can feel the genial breeze kiss my tendered skin.

Come, let's discover the nameless ocean
The depth of limitless possibilities
The waters are black and impenetrable
But my vision has never been so pellucid
Open your heart to this unknown
Release that burden into the great void
Breathe in this air but don't close your eyes
Just let go
Let your body flow with these lenient waters
Leave it all behind that gate we closed.

ryn Nov 2014
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enticed by   \\  the alluring
promise of everlasting sweetness•i had
shed all trepidation to indulge in this lone
songstress•hanging on its own, just enough
within my arm's length•seemed so easy but
a formidable test of strength•i had reached
and plucked without in mind, the doubt of
myth•held it for an instant before sinking
in my teeth•it's the sole mouthful that
had brought about this perpetual
racking cough•it's the apple...
that i should've never taken
a big bite        out of...•

— The End —