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The sky above me

Exploding with colors

Eyes filled with awe

The ground shaking beneath my feet

But when you close your eyes

and hear the exploding bombs

it reminds me of

the war

they fought

for our country

A document signed

on the fourth of July

A pen gliding

across such

an important piece

of our history

our lives

A birthday celebrated

across the states

does anyone


to think

How did we get here?
The first poem I ever wrote. It truly was written on the 4th of july
Tonight there were fireworks,
They went off over the lake.
They were so loud,
It was like they were trying to blow a hole in the sky.
I kind of lost count of how many of these I've done, I'm pretty sure this is number nine. Thanks for reading guys!
Trinkets Nov 2024
we have an understanding
you and I
carefully tiptoe around

no touch waltz game of mirrors
and pretending
we do not see
attempts to follow or to lead
all focus on to hide
enough to please believe

I am worthy of the dance

inner thoughts printing press
working overtime
writing stories variations
hundreds thousands
locked up overflowing
when any one would do

finding myself
grasping lighters
hiding in my pockets
desperately wanting
something real
a fire all consuming
destroying what is me
to burn all past beliefs

I would grab old stories
by the handful crumpled paper
dismiss all for just one truth
throw them all to fuel flames
for just one scribbled piece
of any story from you

answers in a conversation
surrendered for imagined somethings
the nature of human loneliness
reading only what there is to read

there never would be fires
or firework displays

no darkened smoke
no burning out
no disappointment

just endless inner libraries in decay
Karma Nov 2024
Your hands in the sand,
Your pupils expand
As light hits your eye before sound does.

The colors will land
And sparkle
And dance
As joy hits your face when the sight does.

The crackles and pops,
The crackers that hop,
And bound ever higher in the air.

The dust as it sops,
The stars as they drop
And land in the grass at the fair.

And that’s how the fireworks get you,
Touch your heart like the shower’s intent to.
They’ll land in the glade where the tents had been made
As the following show reinvents you.
Your hands in the sand,
Your pupils expand
As the flame hits your eye when the scream does.

The now blazen land
Will spread out
And dance
As the terror hits your face when the scene does.

The crackles and pops,
The voices that hop
And bound and ring in your ears.

The soot as it sops,
The thuds as they drop
And land in the ash as you feared.

And that’s how the fire works;
It won’t touch you, but it’ll still hurt.
See, there once was a glade where the tents had been made
And a fire would make your heart burst

That’s just how the fire works.
we all flinch
with our eyes wide open
like deer
at the terrible field fire
of the family reunion
Josephine Wild Aug 2023
For Santiago,
we danced with toros
and we gleefully played with fire.
We fought for our turns
with passion
before the sparks expired.

In each turn
we spun our bodies
like those bamboo wheels
of fire.
We set our souls aflame
and burned down our desires.
Dancing with toros lit with fireworks in Oaxaca for the feast day of Santiago.
Sara Brummer May 2023

A summer night and fireworks
break dark’s quiet whisper,
drowning fragile moonlight.

First a flickering, then
a blossoming of color--
wild and illicit –and
the air’s askew with booms,
delirious with fiery chaos
as a million man-made stars
tumble across sky.

A veil of smoke creates
a glorious illusion --
the art of pyrotechnics.

A stolen moment’s exaltation
without the wariness of danger.
As fire jewels dwindle to obscurity,
there is a strong spell of reversal.
What seemed like revelation fades.

Universe returns to mystery
and mind to world’s reality.
louella Jun 2022
it was when you looked at me as the fireworks exploded in your eyes that i realized this is what life should be like

ballrooms and bokeh lights
another poem inspired by the elvis trailer. the part where he looks up in the limo and the fireworks explode. it is so **** beautiful, my gosh. thx for reading.

Amanda Kay Burke Apr 2022
Fireworks flash bright
Sky flowers blooming above
Dazzling night lights fade
High above is a world of color
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