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Ken Pepiton Jan 30
Re political loyalties and honors…
we can disagree about many things,
and I will not **** you, can I say the same

of you, my cross paradigmed other
in the dialog of judgement, mine,
as the extensions discern my worth
as a redeemer of idle words and time
taken for granted and wasted on movies.
Excusing any reason ever used,
needs ratiocination indoctrination.

Faith called to reason, why idle words
force accountibility, yes, shall every man
wombed or un, give a book
of life level accounting
for each idle oath, or adjective
or unintended verb agency,
promised, cursed or blessed.

Reason, between two or more of us, each
brings reason, by now, each who can hold
these words as self evidence, each word holds

a bit of metadata marking our agreement,
mental, mind realm, spaceless timeless medium

thought fitting word
to pattern, instantly, no time
cognationally global
in 197 Wikioedian verses
save, we know, dendritic
tie ins take time to loop
signaling connection made,
- We are the World…
intention flux determind antes
loosed with pre thymus degeneration,
T-cells ready fitru robotic single mind will,
to seek and destroy danger to the mind filling

of systems considered nearly perfectly, clog
sidereal desires, in you, wither the kingdom is,

not may be, if y'good,
someday under sublime
alignment instrumentalities
prerequisites, pure yes, intention
seek, the principle thing, id est wisdom

at your core, as any man kind called sapien
2.0, consexual reproducing drive, curious
too complex to not put through rigorous
imaginative allied consanguine lymphocyte
testing at the molecular willingness to smash
the vase, the delicate vessle,
after life as a star,
as a player
at a cosmic level, a bit
in the fluff at a galactic edge, pop.

Yah, certainly, one can unbelieve

any law about God, as explained to children,
any law about believing being mind hats given,

may be reexamined, out from life lessoning,

looking back at how people are paid for teaching.

Reteach the proven useful reasons for the uses
of the faith instilled in Americans by age 20,

or so, it varies, there are young Sheldons,
statistically more of them in India than in Texas.

Similarly there are more good reasons than bad,
bad reasons are often good reasons used
to believe lies with, like the guardians
in Plato's version of Socrates, secret
necessary lie, gotta believe, yes, so
Republican, by definition, a kind of
guardians gotta believe God
chose each one, specially
to guard the temple secret
initiation ritual kinging
of exalted guardians, and
the elite who know the lie, risen
into the rank of Kings secret service guards

almost privy to the whole truth sworn,
to keep secret or suffer the consequence.
Spilled will to open my window and shout about how tiny Earth is really.
Jeremy Betts Jan 2024
This psychosis is flaring up again, most notably with the upper hand
Time after time and once again I find no rhyme or reason
That thought process, seemingly by design, is unfathomably barren
Scared of the transformation I know has already left the station
That's it there, right over yonder, comin' 'round the bend
Resistance is futile, it's a lesson in repetition to keep runnin' with no traction
No huntin' license needed for this "only fools rush in" expedition
The lethal weapon method preferred over the non-lethal stun gun option
As I set up and execute my own personal character assassination
And blame it on what's always been a continuous open season on who I am as a person
Stating it was the residents in my cranium livin' rent free from conception
Leaving out the moment I stepped in and fast forwarded this ****** Doo-Benny Hill situation to the end
You can still see the evidence of the all out mutiny and treason from within
Venomous hospitality, venomous quips, blue lips the reaction to the poison
The exact one found on the jagged edge of the rusty iron driven into broken skin
Just an oh to familiar back stabbing incident, another rerun
A web can be spun but I'm the only common thread...

Fheyra May 2020
An expedition from confined hoards,
That retreat pens— to get off the boards.
Retreat for a while, when everything seems tight..
nick armbrister Feb 2018
We busted our *****
To get up there
Over a kilometre high
Where the warplanes live
And die a violent death
Meeting their end up above
On towering lonely slopes
As did Lt Stone and Sgt Kurosawa
On the same day seventy six years ago
To the day we went there
As others before had
For we had a job to do
The missing answer to find
To locate the remains of a lost pilot
Named Stone from America
Who flew a Curtiss P-40 Warhawk
In mortal battle with his nemesis
Kurosawa from Japan
With his Nakajima Ki-27 Nate
Both died that day
February 9 1942
And both haunt those inclines
One is angry and lost
One found wants to go home
One likes Hello Kitty
But not the one you think
For my drink tumbler fell
And the guide missed it
It stopped where Stone said
And there we dug dug dug
And found his airplane
Or what was once his warplane
In pieces that were scrap
But had meaning to our group
For it was this plane
That brought us here
Many hours of climbing
Swearing and sweating
To touch the clouds
And be where both hit
At what cost?
Two planes smashed
Two pilots dead
The American protecting Villamoor
The Philippines' best pilot
Who flew his biplane
A Boeing Stearman
On a recon mission
The same type that flies today
With **** English wing walkers
From Clark in Bataan
The same field Kurosawa flew from
Yes synchronicity is here
Eagle Has Landed style
What does this mean now?
In 2018 right now
Is it the pilots' ghosts
Or God or fate or karma
That brought me here
To Tarac Ridge to look
To try to find Stone's bones?
When so many have looked
And failed to find him
Did we really find Lt Stone?
So he's no longer MIA
And captive here
This beautiful mountain side
Where the sky and sea become one
Where Bataan and Corregidor
Are visible
The old battlefields
Where hell occured
Where there are more MIAs
From both sides
Both pilots hunted here
And both became the prey
Paying the ultimate cost
Bent metal and broken bones
Telling a story
Their story
If you listen
You will hear it...
Gaye Feb 2017
Once upon a time people 'mailed children',
I was imagining me inside a postman's bag
And travelling to your city,
I would have self-posted me
To which address?
Maybe to your university.
Robert C Howard Aug 2013
Western Sources

Mist, rain and snowmelt gather
And soak the Montana crests.
A trio of rivulets carves the slopes,
Grow to rivers that braid into a single course
And the Missouri is born at Three Forks.

Shoshone and Hidatsu rest from the hunt,
Kneel and cup their hands
To raise life giving liquid to their lips
While horses bow beside them
Bellies filled with the refreshing waters.

The river flows north dividing the tall grasslands,
Plunges over the cataracts at Great Falls,
Churns on the rocks below
And drives inexorably toward the sea.

*Mandan and Sioux

Soft flute sounds drift from the Mandan village
Intertwining with the riffling music of the river.
By its banks a coarse French trapper roasts a rabbit
To share with his Shoshone child-bride.
Sacagawea sings softly beside him -
Charboneau's son stirring in her womb.

Sioux warriors on horseback
Stand guard by the shores.
How many travelers have passed?
How many are yet to come?
Beyond the rolling hills
A buffalo stumbles and falls
Pierced by Lakota arrows and spears.

Boats in the Water

At *River du Bois
where the Missouri
Collides with the Mississippi,
Forty men slip into boats and take to the oars
To interpret Jefferson’s continental dream -
Their keelboat laden with sustenance,
Herbs, weapons and powder.
They carry trinkets to dazzle the natives
And cast bronze medals to give them
Bearing images of their "Father in Washington"
That none had asked to have.

*May,  2004
Exhale Your Mind Apr 2014
I want to crawl in your mind.
Find the real rythm behind the melody of your heartbeat.
Show you Gods given freedom out of verbal prison walls.
To make you fall in your spiritual calling.

Preaching your emotions by reaching the back of your tongue
You hide your insecurities among your heavenly eyes.
The heaviness of your tongue is beauty to me.
Let me set you free.

Travel me to your secrets.
Let me loose between your memories.
I will not abuse your confidence but
regularly choose to unite us in consequences.
Let me visit your fears.

Let me dissolve your assumptions
and reason your doubts.
Evolve out of the abundance of my soul.
I will slowly, surely travel myself deeper, deeply
to discover the source of your sincere existence.

— The End —