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Kitt Jan 2019
Orion hangs
dutifully over the
Building adjacent to mine
His sparkling features
resemble a warrior
Lean and strong and toned

As I sit alone here in my car
Music plays softly.
My phone is about to die
yet I pull out my notes to scrawl out
A memory in the making

One of those that wasn’t
of a particular event
—A moment frozen inside itself
for no apparent reason.
A moment frozen in my mind
for no other reason
Than for its sheer simplicity, mundanity
And yet its softness.

Thinking of you
is what makes this moment
so crystal clear and bold.
Remembering your smile
is what emblazons right now
in my mind.

Memories of you sparkle
like stars against ebony skies
and draw constellations in my heart
Tracing patterns and marking paths
we have walked together
and paths we have yet to take.

And so, to Orion
I cast my final thoughts
of the night.
lilith Dec 2018
the flecks of gold in her eyes
form my favourite constellation
Sarah Nov 2018
The universe has cursed me
For I am small
My voice is heard by few
The meaning is heard by fewer

If only I could make an impact
But the darkness has consumed me, too
No longer do I feel the stars in my veins
But the emptiness of space instead

This atmosphere leaves me gasping
Choked out of my own home
I don't understand who I am
Nor where I am meant to be

But constellations
The most beautiful part of the dim-lit sky
Are made up of stars
Twinkling alone, not knowing that they are a part of something
Much greater than themselves
Baqir Talpur Nov 2018
Yes, I was a poem
and so were you
Written on the same page
Of an old rusty book.
Both, started with the same word.
Both, written in the same style.
Both, packing the whole universe inside
Filled with magical fantasies.
You, with light of galaxies in your heart.
Me, with deepness of blackholes in my mind.
Words, written in star dust, composing us
Making us similar in so many ways
And yet our divergent interpretations,
Making us apart from each other.
You, a poem about union of lovers
Euphoric, buoyant, and glowing
Like glittering magical stars of night.
Me, a poem about act of separation.
Crestfallen, doleful, and gloomy
Like an abandoned house
In the middle of a desert.
We were poems written in same style with same words but different interpretations
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