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Nat Lipstadt Feb 1
Fri, J 10 l, 2025    12:20 NYC
walking for flowers
the steely irony is not bittersweet,
nor is it
white horseradish Passover stinging,
yes, the slow perfunctory defunctory,
measurable in cc’s and centimeters,
drip drop drippings frittered away by
the brains self-destruction of
cycling and recycling,
yes, and dying,
that occurs
all **** day long,
daily between the sunrise and sunset

Yet, here, right here, poetry words
fall freely,
no hesitation,
from brain to page,
no coitus-interrupt-us,
as if I was composing,
am decomposing,
mine own psalm

no need for proofs,
it was lying in wait for
sweet release,
a trigger pulled
to assemble &
stand and deliver the freely
given, albeit stolen goods

but in the ordinary course of human living,
I, fumble, stumble,
anger from my gut rumbles
up in actual screams of frustration
as the individual word sought is sight unseen
in a forest of hedgerows purposed
to interrupt free flowing
verbal animation, invading excitations

cannot remember
ten digits of mine own
cellphone number,
but the address of
my residence from early childhood
trips off the tongue, lightly and fantastically
and uselessly

the name of what’s their names
is a rock star
be a solid stone, large pebble,
s t u c k in my gourd,
or the little strength needed
in your fingertips ,
to grasp the individual coffee beans
you just dropped,
scattered over two rooms,

strength that arrived snd went,
and the cells of your body parts,
ask you
what’s going on, going wrong?

making lists is inoperative,
for the whereabouts
of said list is curiously
gone to the devils on my back,
cut out to
the dead cells that were once a warty grey,
now a withering deadening and
deafening, deadening, defeated
black hole
(******* in data for destruction)

seven generations of accumulations
chip chirped & chipped away now so oft,
onto those ***** city sidewalks
they fall and to dust,
to down ground, by steps of
passer-overs who care not a
what's that word that
rhymes to

it is imprisoned on
Devil’s Island with

took out the fixings to
make an antipasto salad,
placed all upon the counter ,
but couldn’t
locate the fig goat cheese, and
no it was not on my nigh-table,  
nor hid in the fridge,

grrr, that fridge that I fully emptied,
for twas sitting on the counter,
the very first item removed,
and also
to be
the first forgot

high to low, and revere course,
having not
left the abode!?!,
where is my watch,
so hunt for the smart watch awaiting
my lovely wrist,
not to be found,
for it was well
hidden from searching eyes,
already on my wrist,
hiding upside down,
beneath my shirt cuff,,
announcing publicly it’s
smarter than its owner

admire a painting upon a wall,
but say nada to the world,
for the word mural
has evaporated, an
evaporated not no more
subjective Objective

cut, rip off the pockets from every coat,
leaving in each but 
so I can be comforted
when wallet searching,
that endless patting repetitive
of pockets visible and hidden,
has now but a singular solution
may yield resultant missing object
sought and more quickly

a thousand poem bits o’ honey
fully finished, or just a phrase,
needing a body, heart and head,
lie in a dank and dark
dungeoned file,
Former Memories

but the where when
and the critical tickle,
the why,
formation is still needed
for them to be despatched
to their fate,
unless it’s
“just because”
a better reasoning,
other than my
own guilty
diminishing capacity
is no longer in service

p.s let me save poor yocum
complaining this miss/ive
is too long,
for there!
I’ve done it for him
Four May 2020
An ordinary river is continuously flowing,
Where different water species are roaming,
But none of them are really surviving,
They stay for a while and later end up dying.
Until one day a master came in,
Everyday he is deeply staring,
He noticed a fish that is not dying nor moving,
That made the river realize the fish is not leaving,
Together, the river and the fish began blooming,
People started recognizing, visiting and appreciating,
From then on both the river and the fish live to be seizing.
There are lots of ideas in our minds, that's making us do and try lots of things but it tend to be end up failing everytime. I believe we all have that one great thing which will lead us to the path where we will live significantly. If we once find it, embrace and focused on developing it and enjoy the previledges it comes with.
River Reed Feb 2020
I've accepted my reach
Rejected thoughts of beseech
Internally I seize
Control over my capacity

The world merely is
Fulfills my every wish
For tonight, I am free
And tomorrow, I still shall be

Whether stranded at sea
Or at home with my tea
Alone: I am happy
Foralways, I am me
- Jan 2019
He has eyes that tell stories
Irises brandished in
Starlit wonder and constant adventure
It is inviting as it ever is
And sometimes the stolen glances I dare
Leaves my heart hammering
Right under his nose

He is ever kind and gentlemanly
For he catches my aloof with his little smirk
And though my feelings are bursting bright
He closes an eye and holds me dear
With him around my head’s a spinning
As I mirror cliche with things unthinkable
Even so
He chortles my heart away

He has spirit that radiates
Against my light heart -edness
When his flurry of thoughts spark
I see the moment in his palms
He pours his soul
With things only I thought I fathomed
And in those moments
Filled with electricity that buzzes
I want to delve into his delicate stature

To explore the fragments of his complexity
That thrives in the corners of his
Half smiles and reddened cheeks
someone special
aniket nikhade Jan 2017
Never think that something in life will change on it’s own,
since nothing happens on it's own and everything that happens in life has got a reason of it's own.

Never think that something in life will change on it's own
Never does it happen on it’s own
Never did it happen in the past,
nor will it happen again in present.

Life changes according to what you want,
how you want and all that you have got in your mind.
Life changes according to how you have thought, carefully planned and all the things that you have got and done in life.

However, the world outside is a fast changing place
So it’s always better to be who you are,
especially when it comes to dealing with everything in your own life,
which as of now in the present has a concern.

Do what you want,
in doing so always remember,
future will hold the consequences of all the action taken in present.

Desire and dreams will remain in present and also in future, however, over a period of time it’s always realized that future remains uncertain.
An uncertain future has got all the potential capacity to keep the present on hold; however, the same thing is true in case of odds.

The desire to get something done in a certain way must also be followed by the drive to achieve the same
Once the thing that is desired is achieved, then it is realized that the world outside is pretty much different and that life is better than what you had thought prior.
O Lord, stretch my spirit and soul,
for I can handle the pain of growth;
teach me the proper words to speak;
I’m ready and gladly take the oath

of serving You with my humbled life.
The value of relationships require
patience and wisdom to be employed;
while knowing You, I have inquired

about my identity, found in You.
Having the gift of a poetic voice,
I teach others spiritual lessons;
my spirit climbs, soars and rejoices

when new connections to Your Truth
are realized by Jehovah’s children.
We need each other to fully mature;
hearing testimonies of overcoming sin

and bad situations, we learn more
at accelerated rates- ordained by You.
With my experience and understanding,
let me help others with breakthroughs.

When the latest opportunities arrive,
please enlarge… my capacity for Love!
Author Notes

Inspired by:
Isa 54:2; Luke 5; Eph 3:14-21

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2015, All rights reserved.

— The End —