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I sit perched
Not perched but perfectly placed
By the door in english classroom
In the english hallway
Four doors down from the end

The air here is warm
Though this morning it must have been below
Below the freezing point for water
And my engine

And from my perfectly placed seat
I can see
The yellow leaves
Warm against the approaching winters wind

Though it is only September

The classroom- full of life
But only in the sense that
A dozen kids sit taking a quiz
Worth nothing but a number in a book

The life makes it warm
Or is it the fans above
Man made just not by man
No, not man but a fan and a shadow of man

When the yellow leaves echo the cold
When the door closes
And the light
Fades with the warmth
Hebert Logerie Oct 2024
Hablemos de la belleza pintoresca del otoño
De las campanas que repican en el Ángelus
De las flores, antaño bonitas y fuertes, en el césped
¡Oh, otoño, eres una estación muy soberbia!

Hablemos de los pétalos y sépalos caídos del cielo
Donde los árboles están aturdidos y casi desnudos
Y de los pájaros atónitos que han caído de las nubes
¡Oh, otoño, me encanta tu sonrisa maravillosa y natural.

La estación del otoño tiene un paisaje sensacional
Una frescura cálida y confortable y un tono solemne
Es el oro de la tarde que cae todas las horas.

Son las hojas y flores multicolores sobre las alfombras
¡Oh, otoño, nos das mucho que imaginar, que soñar
Y nos muestras cómo imitar momentos místicos y dorados.

Copyright © Octubre 2024, Hébert Logerie, Todos los derechos reservados.
Hébert Logerie es autor de numerosos poemarios.
Translation in Spanish of ' Let's Talk About The Picturesque Charm Of Autumn'
Thomas Havran Oct 2024
You float, you flutter you flow in the wind
You effortlessly glide, you're circling twinned
You draw my attention at the corner of my eye
I'm gazing in awe, as you courageously sail by
With your shades of brown, your luscious reds, your oranges and your gold
You drift past my window with not a care to take hold
As you dip and you dive
I’m taken aside
With the freedom to dance and bring the spirit alive
Hebert Logerie Oct 2024
Parlons du charme pittoresque de l’automne
Des cloches de l’Angélus qui carillonnent
Des fleurs autrefois jolies et fortes, sur le gazon
Oh ! Automne, tu es une très belle saison!

Parlons des pétales et sépales tombés du ciel
Où les arbres sont médusés et presque dévêtus
Et les oiseaux stupéfaits sont tombés des nues
Oh ! Automne, j’aime ton sourire doux et naturel.

La saison de l’automne a un charme sensationnel
Une fraîcheur tiède et confortable et un ton solennel
C’est l’or du soir qui tombe toute la sainte journée.

Ce sont les feuilles et fleurs multicolores sur le tapis
Oh ! Automne, tu nous donnes beaucoup à imaginer
Et nous montres comment mirer des moments polis.

P.S. Ce poème est dédié à Victor Hugo.

Copyright © Octobre 2024, Hébert Logerie, Tous droits réservés.
Hébert Logerie est l’auteur de nombreux recueils de poésie.
Logan Oct 2024
The leaves are brown
I drive along the highway
My mind focuses on the pond aside me
Evoking a feeling of worry
Drowning, opaque,
Obscuring the unknown
In the wind
Nothing but silence
Gentle melancholy
Hebert Logerie Oct 2024
Let's talk about the picturesque beauty of autumn
Of the chiming bells of the Angelus
Of the flowers once pretty and strong, on the lawn
Oh! Autumn, you are a very superb season!

Let's talk about the petals and sepals fallen from the sky
Where the trees are stunned and almost undressed
And the astonished birds which have fallen from the clouds
Oh! Autumn, I love your wondrous and natural smile.

The season of autumn has a sensational scene
A warm and comfortable freshness and a solemn tone
It is the gold of the evening that falls all day long.

It’s the multi-colored leaves and flowers on the vents
Oh! Autumn, you give us much to imagine
And show us how to mimic mystic and golden moments.

Copyright © October 2024, Hébert Logerie, All rights reserved.
Hébert Logerie is the author of numerous collections of poetry.
Luke Vandillen Oct 2024
Leaves still falling all around
Painting holy hallowed ground
Shades of red, orange, yellow, and brown
The trees as kings have lost their crowns

The purest awe we take for granted
gets overlooked and slighted, slanted.
Flocks of birds or lovely mantids
This place we haunt is quite enchanted.

A holy ether fills our lungs
Our hearts still beating just like drums
Our inner truths burn bright like many suns
And creative insight our way comes.

It’s gorgeous when we do then find
pure inspiration in our minds
no longer feeling trapped, confined
the gift to see our peers as kind.

It’s practically our civic duty
to show these people their inner beauty

The light that touches everything
Is the light within you that makes you sing.
Zywa Oct 2024
The pond is chilly,

the wind high up in the pines --

brings autumn again.
Poem "The pond is chilly" (939, Minamoto no Fusaakira)

Collection "Shelter"
Emery Feine Oct 2024
If I received a marigold whenever I thought of you
I would walk in the sun’s rays forever
That peeks out through your hair
And lights up your eyes
Your eyes.
The yellows and reds in my heart
Are shown in Autumn’s turning leaves
Bouncing off in rays of golden light
Like the light in your eyes
Your eyes.
Just the thought of them makes my heart beat
Not the sea-blue of them
But the fact that they were on me.
this is my 129th poem, written on 10/24/24. <3
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