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I see the quiet strength that is you—
Your courage, your spirit, rough edges and all,
And how in your presence, I find myself content to stand unguarded.
No pretenses, no lofty speeches—only the bare pulse of our truth.
Can’t believe it’s been four years loving the dream that is my wife!
Happy 18th Anniversary
I Love You
Dear My Dearest Dear
Mariah Carey
I'm Blessed and Thankful
To Have You as Mine
I'm Here BooBoo
No Looking Back
Only Forward
Together Forever
Yours Truly
From Your Husband
Zack G
Marriage Thick an Thin
Dom Mar 11
Can there just be one year?
One where I’m choking
Where I can’t feel the weight
Drag me under to the bottom,
Where I finally learn the trick;
How to escape?

Connected but disjointed
Fragments recollected
But the puzzle is warped
And the pieces I wished fit
No longer serves the purpose -
Obfuscated and murky,
These memories play back in cycles
Cyclones twisting me into a maelstrom
I’m begging to drown or fly far from here.

I shed a tear,
It cannot salve your putrescence
I am engraved upon the grave
And left with the debt of your shame,
My body aches in the baleful way you touched
And disgraced fragile innocence.
Molding the muck into this husk;
What I’ve become is a product
Of your golem making.

Another year,
And your grip is ever strong,
A bear trap to keep me snared
As tenebrous clouds pour their blackness
Until I am lost in the umbral shroud
Caught in the spiteful lachrymal rains
Blighted to walk in cimmerian eras
Your dynasty is misery and I am miserable
Your Achilles aim was true -
Blade cutting to the quick of truth
Fill my wounds with lies,
And burn me upon the pyre.

Let me go,
You charlatan,
Wasteful specter!

Let me go,
Chiding hallow haunter -
I won’t let you pace my floorboards
In hopes you will let me sleep in peace,
**** me now, or release me from this curse.

Surviving is worse than dying.
And your image in my mirror
Taunts me with every passing morning
As the years traverse,
I am further distancing from the lineage
In hopes you will let me go…
Survived my father for over 31 years now....i'm almost as old as he was when he committed suicide, and that pains me on some levels...
It was twelve years ago today when I found you dead.
I knew you had died because you were lying lifeless on that hospital bed.
I bought you a card and a toy easter bunny that were buried with you.
If somebody ever says that you meant nothing to me, it won't be true.
When I prayed for your survival, I decided to beg.
You died after the surgeon amputated your leg.
Even though removing your leg improved your chances of survival, you still died.
When the surgeon operated on you, he couldn't save you even though he tried.
Your life ended and you entered the Pearly Gates 12 years ago today.
Rest in Peace, Mom, I wish I could've stopped you from passing away.
Sebastian Mar 3
Looking at her.
Take a glance, there she was…
all over the place, yet so beautiful
you think to yourself, but you just don’t get it.
“How can others not get it?
they look at you
and not fall for you!
of course, they are going to regret it.”

She goes on about her heartaches and troubles,
wishing you could go back in time to tell them how stupid they were,
and with a smirk on your face, they would know,
it is now your turn.

You look at her worried,
about her smile,
about her lips,
about her arms,
about her weight,
and all the things that drive her crazy.
Yet you think to yourself
of how it’s the most beautiful thing you’ve laid eyes on.

You simply observe,
but neither does she understand the power she holds,
or maybe she does.
But she doesn’t make a big deal of it
and that makes her more beautiful.

All that ******* power
one “hi” is enough to poison you
one kiss on the cheek,
now you are impregnated with that perfume,
that smell…
it sneaks through your pillow,
whispers to your ear
reminding you to think of her.

You look in front of you as she stands so calmly
thinking how lucky you got
that you get to love her.
And now you promise,
You will take every chance to remind her,
that you love her.
Ruheen Mar 1
I'm trying too hard again
failed as a daughter, a friend
hard to exist without faith
so I resist all the shame I can reach

because nobody's watching
nobody can hear me speak
seven years and counting
still I crave something sweet

I don't mind
I learned to cry

swimming in fears once caged
corners of my soul unmade
and the light from the door
as I fell to the floor, guided me

because somebody's watching
somebody has to be
seven years and counting
I need someone to hear

I don't mind
just let me cry
Kayla S Feb 10
Babe, I'm tired, let me sleep!
'No, stay up it'll be worth it. I promise!'
Fine, whatever..

Sleepy time now, goodnight. I love you.
'5 more minutes my love.'

Come on, it's practically 12!
'Just waitt'

'Happy one month my sweet girl! I love you so much.'
Oh my god, you're so annoying! I love you so much more baby.
I love puppy love.
Writing a poem for you
Is difficult—
Putting 10 years into words,
Would fill an entire book.
So how do I fit it into a poem?
When I could write
A hundred verses on your smile,
That brightens my day,
A thousand verses
On your laughter,
That makes my heart glow.
A million verses on your soul,
That was meant to find mine.
Writing a poem for you
Is difficult,
Because you are
The biggest piece of my world.
Anais Vionet Jan 18
It’s hard to meet someone serious at college. Everyone’s busy,
self-centeredly grinding away at their dreams. So much so that
people tell you to not even try (especially as a freshman).

I was mostly at ease with myself—as a freshman. I had an
excellent skincare routine—it was downright luxuriant, and it
kept me going, through that romantically baren and lonely year.

But we humans hope—we buy lotto tickets to dream on—though we know the awful math. We Gen Z’s seem to have our own unique brand of loneliness, born of covid and Internet-age experience.

My romantic expectations, sophomore year, were low—ok, unmeasurable.

Looking around was depressing. There were socially awkward STEM majors, jocks, frat men (sure the world’s laid-out just for them) and ‘CSOM Bros" (business majors more interested in parlaying my Grandmère’s money than me) and the elusive, emotionally reserved, ‘regular guys.’

But the unexpected can happen. We all know how crowded campus coffee shops are—the students move in and out in tides as noisy as the real, salty ocean. And then there you were, a rumpled, 25-year-old doctoral student—from another world—asking to share my table.

The loudest thing in that room was your sense of stillness. You seemed to be a new and distinct species, and as we talked, you seemed to somehow smooth my anxious edges. After a few meets, the thought, ‘I really like this guy,’ seemed to have its own gravity.

We somehow managed to thread the ‘too busy to care’ dynamic, and as time went by, you helped me channel my absurd, fiery, pastel-painted, first-love, early-twenty girlhood heat into something longer lasting, deep and authentic. Congratulations! It’s been two years.

Separating now, would be like removing the salt from the sea.
Songs for this:
Playing House by Kudu
So Much Mine by The Story
After Last Night by The Revlons
BLT Merriam Webster word of the day challenge 01/16/25:
Parlay = to use something to get something of greater value.
it’s like I am reborn into confidence
drowning in my butterflies
feeling like I could run for miles
or maybe take my chance at flight

it’s like I am covered in warm blankets
and never hot enough to sweat
while snow clumps cling to trees outside
and I’m finally breathing air that’s fresh

it’s as if the world is completely changed
and there is nothing left to regret,
and I can finally breathe out calm air
and lay all my burdens to rest

it’s as if all things have disappeared
and the only things left are us,
but instead of feeling immensely lonely
I feel nothing except for your love

there’s nothing quite like my love for you
there’s nothing quite like your love for me;
thank you God for something so beautiful
thank you God, this was not supposed to be
and now I’m radiant in my care for her
and now I’m lost in a pleasant dream

it’s like commitment was never easier
it’s like love flows from bottomless fountains
it’s like I’m maturing in what love is
it’s like thankfulness and love is boundless-
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