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532 · Mar 2018
Hollow loneliness
P Marrero Mar 2018
I open up to the world and try to fill the void
I made to myself
But they are quiet, and the sound of silence
is the fear of the weak.
Myself is driving me into a corner of despair
and hollow loneliness.
It takes me to a deep place
where I know I'll never be found.
And I scream to the nowhere because
I'm desperate for them to find me.
505 · May 2018
Earth & Hell
P Marrero May 2018
Colorless world without sense;
countless of lives lost in the way.
That's how it feels to be in Earth;
that's the truth we have to understand.

But sometimes, a faint light appears out of nowhere
giving meaning to our lives and to making it feel fair.
So we follow it without a thought
to end up wounded and lifeless in a dark spot.  

The ruthless fight starts with our mind and heart
and it continues until we feel broken inside.
That's when it turns into Hell;
where we don't have another option but to suffer.
357 · Apr 2018
P Marrero Apr 2018
I thought to myself that changing was for the best.
That I broke my whole being into pieces to be a better version of
my corrupted self;
Believing I did the right thing
to find out later a monster dwells
within me.
And without a glimpse of salvation
I scream to the devil in here
so I can beg him to take me out of this miserable world.
346 · Feb 2018
We were once beautiful
P Marrero Feb 2018
Since you came, our fields
don't look the same.
You broke us down and
changed our ways.
We were once beautiful
filled with lots of green
and the calm blue of the sea.
You destroyed familys and dreams
and our hope simply disappeared.
María, ******* hurricane,
my little island is not the same.
My heart aches and screams
to see how it once were.
Beacuse we were once beautiful
and then you came.
On September, hurricane María came to PR and changed everything. I had to go through a though process just to continue with my life. I moved to another country to keep working on my dreams, but some people weren't that lucky and lost everything they had. Many people still don't have power and some things are going well. I just hope to see my beautiful island tbe way it was...
340 · Feb 2018
Memory of you
P Marrero Feb 2018
No words to tell the world
how much I would pay
to see your smile again.

I'm sorry I wasn't the best
at showing my love
and how much you meant.

It wasn't our time, I guess,
but I still hear you voice
in my corrupted head.

Is it okay to think of you again?
Because I feel guilty when you
pop in my head.

I hope to see you again
And tell the world
that you were truly the best.
313 · Feb 2018
Spring is Coming
P Marrero Feb 2018
There was a tree at the park
with no leaves or spark.
Plain and dry;
you couldn't see life.
But he was still there,
standing proudly and fierce.
He didn't give up
and decided to remain,
because Winter doesn't last forever
and Spring was coming to
bring back his beautiful essence.
There was a time where I thought very little of me. I judjed myself whenever my reflection appeared on a mirror and, through my eyes, I was the worst. But I started to try and love myself and embrace everything I thought was ugly or wrong. People may see us different and tell us things we don't like, but we can use those words to be stronger and love ourselves more.
231 · Feb 2018
P Marrero Feb 2018
The days turn long and dark, wrapped in deep infinite sadness.
While the absence of your gaze corrupts my fragile being, the one I once thought you treasured with everything.
The letters that at some time your soft hands caressed, on the floor they meet;
Sad because the eyes of the man do not rest on their pages.
The winds whisper that your silhouette is spinning in the hands of another woman
And that your smile shines when you see how her hair dances next to the joyful breeze.
My heart burns and yearns with despair, but suffers day after day since you left;
Your fragrance floods my bedroom and the memories materialize.
What should I do after seeing that your happiness is not with me?
Is it that I do not deserve an accompanied ending?
My body can no longer wait for the cursed love we swear
So I'll wait for you in the heavens, like ashes flying without purpose.
223 · Feb 2018
I am
P Marrero Feb 2018
I am
what I choose
to be.

I am
of myself
and nobody else.

I am
a person
that wants to fly free.
217 · Feb 2018
1:34 am
P Marrero Feb 2018
I do not know how long has been since our last meeting,
So vivid in my mind as if it were
there in my eyes.
My self does not stop thinking, and I guess that the more I do it,
The more my heart craves you.
Not having you has become a huge catastrophe within my being
And fear at night slowly rises to torture me.
Time vanishes and my days fade together like this.
Your vagabond memory on my sofa and tears that
Are going to simply disappear.
This terrible restlessness that runs through my veins;
Feelings that I thought forgotten were.
Can I continue with this miserable life?
Because I'm tied to you and your **** smile.
And your look, which I once believed was mine,
Of all became in a matter of time.
217 · Feb 2018
P Marrero Feb 2018
I was broken
but then you appeared.
You didn't fix me,
but helped me understand
the true value my life has.
P Marrero Feb 2018
My muse is buried in the thoughts of tomorrow.
The magic that once circulated through me,
Is not walking with its power
Leaving behind void and hollow.

A Storm comes and screams with its might,
Destroying my ears and breaking my mind.
She’s dancing smoothly while I’m rotting apart
With a significant sound that will make me ignite.

The fire consumes every inch of my skin;
My muse still does not appear.
Am I going to lose and crumble like a worm here?
I need to reach her out one last time; I need her now.

— The End —