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 Jul 2018 yellow-thoughts
Writing about the stars
I haven't seen the night sky in days

I realize I could be talking of
and Venus

Please wait
let me turn the lights off

Stay with me

I'm trying
sleep never comes

I never notice my eyes fall shut

I don't notice the sun is up

Stay beside me

things moving in the dark

Fall asleep with me
till my eyes see through the shadows

and the stars turn hollow
Thought number one.
I need to stop overthinking.

Thought number two.
I need to stop thinking about overthinking.

Thought number three.
I am thinking about not thinking.

Thought number four.
Thinking hurts. Not thinking hurts. Overthinking hurts. Everything hurts.
I question everything when I'm with you
Is the sky even blue?
Can my heart break in two?
Was I meant for you?
Oh, what should I do?
I question everything....when I'm with you
I'm searching for intelligent life
not in outer space but here on earth.
I turn over a rock
and find congress, the president,
a couple used car salesman
and a worm.

the choice is obvious.
state,  federal government. how many laws do we need? an assembly woman wanted a law requiring seat belts for dogs. how about seat belts for school children for the school bus? apparently politicians have a lot of free time on their hands.
 May 2018 yellow-thoughts
i am losing parts of myself
at night
drinking five shots of *****
while pretending to have the time of my life

i am losing parts of myself
at four a.m
walking home alone
starting to feel the ache
i've tried to numb
with another shot

i am losing parts of myself
at breakfast
eating three slices of bread
but hating every inch
of my disguisting body

i am losing parts of myself
at two p.m
home alone
hoping for better days

i am losing parts of myself
in you
cause you are the only one
who could save me
but you safe her instead
Rocks, all around me
    Rocks, under my feet
Walking through the day
As I suffer the heat

Water, I need some
    Water, there is none
Thirsty and dry
Dried by the sun

Love, just as much
    Love, my life’s crutch
There is no more
I miss your - touch

I hung my legs off a porch to do some reading. There were parts that were high and low, but the ground was out of reach. I sat with my legs dangling for an hour. When it came to my attention, I had to ask myself — why had I chosen the spot closest to the ground? For the ground was out of reach.
How many bad decisions can someone make in their youth? I’ll let you know in a few years. All I do is make mistakes.
you're not your hair:
you can cut it dye it curl it straighten it shave it bend it twist it;

you're not your face:
you can hide it under layers of make-up you can put on lenses you can change your face in a matter of minutes;

you're not your skin:
you can cut it draw on it bite it tear it;

you're not your body:
you can lose weight gain weight;

you're not your clothes:
strip them off;

never reduce
a colour
a number
an adjective
a noun

never reduce
to a simple

you are
the thoughts you have at 3 a.m.
the lame jokes you tell your friends
the art you create
the books you read
the pages you have dog-eared
the quotes you have highlighted
the coffee you never finished drinking
the movie you watch after midnight, wrapped in a blanket
the chocolate cake you ate that night with that girl
the slice of pizza you could've eaten but you gave to your best friend
the kiss that still burns on your lips
the cigarettes that sting in your lungs long after you smoked them
the dreams you dream
the worlds you build in your mind
the song that's stuck in your head
the moments you're in the shower
the iloveyous
the ikindaguessilikeyous
the icareforyous
the seeyoulaters
the words you say
the smiles you smile
the laughs you laugh
the loves you love
the hates you hate

you are
an entire universe:
you're stars
and planets
and galaxies
and asteroids
and comets

you are a cosmos
trapped in
a shell.

you are
a gazillion worlds
locked in
a human cage.

never think
of yourself
as of
 May 2018 yellow-thoughts
Let's install some fail-safes
You have to convince yourself that this is really what you want
If you aren't gay, pretend you are
If you are gay, pretend you're not
I guarantee you will not fall in love

Pick the sweetest person
Someone your parents will approve of
Someone who is so perfect for you that you just don't understand why you're sitting alone right now
If you're not voted cutest couple for the yearbook, you can't possibly be in love, right?
Too many people are watching

Try to love them
Try to give yourself a textbook relationship
Go on dinner dates
And watch scary movies so you can cuddle up together
Argue about why you should definitely pay "because it's romantic"
Blow out the candle when she's not looking

Stop taking off work on Friday nights
It was never going to work, anyway, so why bother getting attached?
When you realize that they love you,
And you are still sitting there alone, that's when your heart breaks
When you realize you can walk away and be unchanged
Because how could you possibly walk away from two entire years with another human being and not feel something
Your heart's going to break anyway, just because it didn't.
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