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  Apr 2014 Steven Fortune
Juniper Deel
What if scars were black?
A deep and cold black.
We'd see all the pain
That people try to lack and conceal,
Sadness exposed.
And the world would know what it does to people.
  Apr 2014 Steven Fortune
I think about the face of a woman
and her smooth skin
soft lips
the curvature of the Earth is kin to her hips
I feel humanity suffering needlessly
beneath her cells
as I wander her valleys and sand-dune hills
she is the beach
the ocean
the calling of many gulls screaming for food and
I love her white *******
But she is sneaky
and cares for me
caressing is painful
I see it in my own eyes the next day
when the smudgy bruises flit across my reflection

But men understand
without either of us speaking a **** word
we drive
we shout
we catcall
we game
the music takes us and we run for days
doing nothing
and i guess sometimes we ****
Succinct and supernatural
Brawn or brown skin or bright ideas gone awry
always a good day with the gang or the bros
I feel safer in the hoods

I want her to notice me, and to shyly skip over like she did last week
i want to kiss her neck and pull back
soon enough to catch her half-lidded gaze into the abyss behind me
I want to wear boxers and treat her to fancy dinners

I want to be her
I want taste a mustache
I want to be lifted overhead like a little sister
and brought back to the earth with sweet

I want women and men to be the same thing
Tonight is not my night
  Apr 2014 Steven Fortune
Soph Raikes
I do not love you because you are funny,
or kind.
Or because you're beautiful.
It's not because when we first met you were reading Virginia Wolf,
and when you looked at me
I saw emerald and amber in your eyes.
Your hands are like pebbles,
worn smooth by the sea,
but that is not why I love you.
My heart doesn't skip at the thought of you
because you kiss the back of my neck
just before sleep
takes me.
Not even because you
make the best brownies
I love you
because you,
are you.
And I am me.
  Apr 2014 Steven Fortune
Soph Raikes
a friend of mine
said i should stop

and i said that was silly

know your limits
said she to i

and i said that was boring

i'll drink all i want
and then i shall stop

so she said that was stupid

but the i drank until i
slid onto the floor

and then i said time for home

but when i stood up
i fell back down

and i said i was fine

she said to me
that i should stop

and i said that was best

but i cannot stop
until i forget

and that's all i remember
This is what i do on the anniversary of my friend's death every year, it's not the most healthy coping method, but it is the best to forget.
  Apr 2014 Steven Fortune
SG Holter
Poet, be not afraid.
There are far worse things than
Bad poetry.

Keep writing; like a child keeps
Drawing with the purest of
Disregards to likeness.

The more stones you turn, the more
Gems you produce.

The more ink you rain,
The more gracious your written
Children grow.

All flexing builds muscle.

Rough bricks form castles.

Even Dalì carved canvases to shreds
And started anew
Not caring too much.
Not caring

Too much
To keep painting.
  Apr 2014 Steven Fortune
Juniper Deel
I want cherry blossoms
To put in my hair,
And a sun dress to wear
On hot summer days.

Kiss my neck so I can
Feel your warm breath,
And take me out late
On a dark summer night.

Give me some lovin'
To spoil my heart,
This summer won't end
We're a rare form of art.
Summer romances are the best
I can't help you if you don't want to help yourself.
No matter how many times I wipe your tears away
Or tell you how beautiful you are.
You have to want to hear it and stop crying.

No matter how much I try make you smile
Or hug you close.

You have to want to smile and embrace me back.

No matter how much I wish I could save you.

The only person that can do that is you...
I just hope one day you actually decide to save yourself
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