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Stereo Joy May 2019
Due to one I care about
I’m setting myself straight
Despite complication,
I’m supposedly above my current place
No longer will I satiate a thirst
No longer will it be a constant
I’m supposedly undeserving of my current place
Due to one I care about
I’m seeing through the haze
Stereo Joy Nov 2018
You’d think that when your life flashes right in front of your eyes
That it would be just that

A flash

But no, it goes on longer
Longer that the flash of the headlights that had almost hit you
Longer than the short life you’ve lived thus far
Long enough to teach you that you haven’t taken life in your direction

“Choose the ones you love”
“Choose your future”
“Choose life”

The ******’s monologue in its theatrical delivery pulled you out of the anxiety
So you drive home
Physically unharmed
Emotionally rewired

Choose life
Suppose I’ll have to change it?
I was almost hit this night by a drunk driver. Thank **** a collision was avoided.
Stereo Joy Aug 2018
Yeah, we aren't exactly the most athletic of people
But we did make it up that one hill that's claimed to be a mountain
Yeah, we arrived at what we thought was the top until we saw that there was more
But that only drove us further up

Yesterday atop the sunset colored land the valleys made the world feel that much bigger
Returning home made the world feel so much smaller
Even though I myself live on a hill with a view of the smog above the highway

That moment atop the hills didn't make me feel at one with the world
I didn't even feel at one with myself
I only felt amazed


But you know that didn't beat the look in your eyes
Stereo Joy Jul 2018
It is because of you that I am fully attentive
Soundwaves that wash over me from start to end
Music, my only friend

Now, we ride the waves of wifi to get what we need
But our gaze upon an artist is lost
Once our playlists consist of only a few of their songs
Handpicked amongst others, so our entertainment isn't lost

I understand the desire of variety
But I value the intimacy of a record I can hold
Knowing that for a while, it's just me and this music alone
Stereo Joy Jul 2018
For years to come with many days to go
The eyes that follow will show a different side of who you think you know
Although as truthful as they can possibly be
The eyes that follow distort the image of what you see

Every second is cherished but not as interesting
Every single day is lived but not always exciting
Every year shows growth but not always on the best terms

Did I tell you of how I got ****** into great TV?
Broadcasted to everything that has a screen
What you think you know isn't exacty what's behind the scenes
Stereo Joy Jul 2018
I look forward only to sunrise and sunset
Everything else is irrelevant as it's only a blur
If only there was time to admire the colors
Then maybe, just maybe, I would be satisfied
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