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1.3k · Mar 2015
Starr Anderson Mar 2015
Pop open the bottle
Grab the green
And sleep in the tree house
No one even knows
That you exist
But your used to it
But, just that one boy
That looks out
That knows who you are
And wants the best
No matter what
Just for you
And when you doubt the feeling
You ask. And you get confirmed
With a simple,
Pleasurable yes
952 · Mar 2015
Starr Anderson Mar 2015
Back and forth
Back and forth
Looking at your accomplishments

Noticing first
The ones that everyone knows about,
That are public records,
And the ones that you brag about,

Then realizing,
That what everyone sees
Isn't who you are

That what you do at home
Is the real accomplishment
Because of
All the things you do
That you aren't responsible for
But do anyway

How you control yourself
In public
How your hide your feelings
So nobody feels bad for you

Those are who you truly are
Who you are not just because you hope
That some one
Anyone will find you
In a good act

But because no one is looking and you
Want to be you
939 · Mar 2015
the blame
Starr Anderson Mar 2015
Your mom pick up another bottle
For your dad to call back
Even though he never has
Why life is so complicated
And how out of all the people
In the whole world
You had to get stuck with them
Your step dad mentally **** you
Day after day
For someone to finally notice
If you will be the blame
855 · Jan 2017
if i were president
Starr Anderson Jan 2017
if i were president
i would tell my people
and make them
know that
if you have more
give more
if you have less
give more
it makes you feel better.

if i were president
i would give
all the foreclosed homes
in America
to the homeless.
when people feel safe,
they feel better
they would grow
and participate in society
they would no longer be homeless.

if i were president
i would tell my people
and make them
know that
societies norm
the one that
we are all scared of
but hide it,
the one that makes us feel judged,
and misunderstood,
that society
should not
and will not
define how we think
because we are stronger than that.

if i
were president
i would be a leader
act like
a leader
talk like
a leader
and be an example
for future leaders.

when i become president.
815 · Mar 2016
future mornings
Starr Anderson Mar 2016
i cant wait for the day,
i wake up in the morning
     to my baby jumping on my bed.
and i open my eyes,
already laughing.
anf i smell the burning
of toast, while listening
to steps down the hall
to my room.

he walks in,
and i realize
my life is finally,
what ive always
     wanted it to be.
749 · Mar 2016
Starr Anderson Mar 2016
There is a boy that's so perfect
When i look into his eyes i feel like a princess
Our love so strong it can defeat any obstical
Even though sometime we make mistakes

he is my everything
every time i say it, i can feel it in my heart
i love him so much
and i know one day he will be carrying my baby in his arms

he is so perfect
When he is not around my heart becomes sad
I see his face amazing
and i know he will never forget about me.
that he will never stop caring and loving me

Our love is strong our love is perfect
No other boy is as perfect
he is the only one for me
and he is the one that i call mine
*sappy love poem*
404 · Apr 2015
Thats Me
Starr Anderson Apr 2015
I am waiting
For the day
No one is home
I can raid the cupboards
Take long showers
Have the water run red
And have the pain
Burn so deep
So when the water
Turns clear again
All the pain
Will go away
I will feel better
But the scars
On my hips
On my legs
Where no one can see
Until I wear
My favorite shorts
Everyone sees them
No one comments
But everyone notices
Its unfortunate
But that's me
398 · Aug 2015
Starr Anderson Aug 2015
Wanting. Waiting. For it to happen. So you can finally count on someone, who might actually stay there for a while. So you don’t have to write at 2:51 about the pain you feel. About how you made the shower hotter than normal. Just to deter from making yourself bleed. How you sent that picture to him, the boy you thought you were going to marry. And you still remember the exact moment when he said “Disregard everything I have ever said to you”. You still remember how you gave him everything you were willing to give and he gave you the half *** version. You still think about your first kiss. How lying next to your first real love on the living room floor crying at 530 in the morning. And you want so badly, to feel that again. Everything all of them had said to you. Every single “I love you”. All the times that they told you the miss you, called you princess, bought you flowers just because. You want it. But you are scared that if you fall again. Fall into the wholeness. Into the realness and Trans parity of having someone right next to you. That you will be the one to say the wrong thing, or you will be that girl who just “gets around”. But in the back of your mind. Something is telling you that it is what you are supposed to be doing. That this is the right thing to do. That you want and need this in your life. You need commitment. You need something stable and steady. And he is going to be that for you. That he isn’t just another one of those stupid flings, but the one that just might never go away. In the absolute best way. He will hold you and let you cry. He will tell you good morning and goodnight every day. He will go through all the hoops your parents lay out. And when he says I love you. He means it. When he says he misses you even though you saw him two hours ago. He is serious. When he doesn’t call you princess because he knows how much that word has been used to hurt you in the past. He knows you. He wants you more than you can comprehend.
395 · Mar 2015
A Learning Process
Starr Anderson Mar 2015
I am sitting on my bed,
In this room that doesn't look the same to me.
And I don't know what I am doing here
Or why I have walked into this house
Day after day.

All anybody does is put me down,
Give me.fake promises,
And "move there whole schedule for me"

I don't know why I live with this.
I can't do it anymore.
I wish this pain would just go away.
I've had it bottled up
So that no one would see,
That I'm not who I used to be.

I used to be a little girl.
That never broke the rules,
Or did anything wrong.

That little girl got perfect grades
And got honor role,
And perfect attendance,
And character awards,
And got first place in the talent show.

But I'm not her anymore.

I've lost my innocence.
I know what the world is like now.
My parents tried to hide the world from me,
So that I didn't conform.

But I'm sorry,
I grew up.
I broke a few rules.
I did a few things that I knew I wasn't supposed to do.

That little girl did not have a care in the world
She was Always happy.
I try to be like that. I really do.
Pushing myself over the cliff,
Of sadness and depression,
Just to land in a pool of it.

I do it over and over
Hoping and praying that one day
It might just be a pool of happiness

But so far,
That hasn't happened

I try so hard to please people
To make them happy
And to assure them
That everything is going to work out
That everything is okay
And if it isn't okay right now,
Then it will be in the end.

And I convinced so many people
That this statement is true.
But unfortunately
It never works me.

I had to learn the hard way,

I was taught that the only person that could help,
Never leaves my side.

The hardest part of it all,
Was learning
That only He works for me.
390 · Jun 2015
The Never Ending Nightmare
Starr Anderson Jun 2015
You have to take life seriously. You know that this is true or else you will be as dead as an ant under my shoe. Life is just a game but you have to play it right or else you Will get stuck in a place with no where else to go and then you will be screaming out HELP because someone is chasing you but you don't know how to get out But right then, you open your eyes and say how did this happen you woke up from a nightmare and think if you go back to sleep then it will go away but it doesn't so you don't. And now your laying there alone. All by yourself. With only your little green rainbow bright stuffed animal clutched in your arms and you say to your little green stuffed animal. You better remember if you don't say uno, you have seven more cards in your deck
386 · Sep 2015
Starr Anderson Sep 2015
wanting time to be closer.
closer to you.
because you make me long.
long to be a better person.
dream to dare the world to fight back and win.
smile so big that no one thinks that im not happy.
and breath.
because without you,
as cliche as this sounds
breathing wouldnt be worth it
380 · Jun 2015
A Wall
Starr Anderson Jun 2015
It's like talking to a wall
Talking to you
But I'd talk to a wall forever
If t means your on the other side
And might come over
But you are going to build a house
Make some new friends
Start a family
On the other side of the wall
So I guess I have to talk to a wall
For a while
And even when
I don't talk for a while,
I'll come back.
Just to see if you will try it again
And every time
There will be things
That I have done to you
That make you want to stay
But you'll remember the little things
The late night talks
The things we only talked about
And you'll think about it
But you won't
Cause. Me,
The girl who made you a man
And you, a boy.
Who took the little things
That I did
And turned them into
Conversation that needed to happen
But not like that.
Doesn't want to try
Doesn't want to work for it.
Cause my wall is sticks,
And your wall is bricks.
369 · Aug 2015
Starr Anderson Aug 2015
On the nights that I am crying to myself all night long because I can’t take it anymore, I want someone to text or call me in the middle of one of those nights. Not the ones where I am sleeping away my bottled up pain, not dealing with it. Because those are the nights where I make my worst mistakes. Those are the nights where I tell the wrong person the deepest parts of my heart just to hear them say “just send me one that’s all I need. Then I will feel better too.” But then I realized that if someone called in the middle of one of those kind of nights where I am screaming into my pillow, and crying until I think I have no more tears just to think of something else and cry more, they wouldn’t be able to take care of me like my dad does. He holds me all night, even when I push send. He cries with me and for me because he doesn’t want me to feel this pain. He doesn’t want me to push send, he doesn’t want me to cry over the things my mom said to me in the argument I had with her, he doesn’t want me to think about money problems. He doesn’t want me to feel the pain he already felt for me. He doesn’t want me to hurt forever and not enjoy my earthly life with him holding me every night. He wants me to love life, tell myself that he won’t be the only one to hold me every night, and to remember that one day, I will be with him, every night.
368 · May 2015
Starr Anderson May 2015
Realizing that your best friend
Might not come to school the next day. If they. Just. One more time. Realizing that your are aren't that good of a friend and you stand there and cry in front of them. You hug and they tell you. It's all right. But you say. It's not. I have realized that I am the world's worst best friend. Because. Those scars. Have been there a while they say. They say that it's been a long time coming. That Their better now. But then you notice more and more. All the way up their arms.  And you say. I love you.
366 · Mar 2015
Just If
Starr Anderson Mar 2015
Just if
I decide to try
Just if
You really want to

Just if
I will really want
What I think I want
Just if
You really mean
What you say

Just then
Just then we
Not I and you
But we
Will be able

Able to stay happy
Able to love without judgement
Able to be we
318 · Aug 2015
The Road
Starr Anderson Aug 2015
I’m wondering
What will happen to me
I’m doubting
Where I will go in the future
I’m thinking

I’m crying

I’m listening

I’m pretending

I’m watching
About all the people I have lost
When no one is holding me
To the people who raised me
But aren’t really there
Because I am always the happy one
The road get more and more bumpy.
318 · Mar 2015
Bottle of Feelings
Starr Anderson Mar 2015
Pop open the bottle
Grab the green
And sleep in the tree house
No one even knows
That you exist
But your used to it
But, just that one boy
That looks out
That knows who you are
And wants the best
No matter what
Just for you
And when you doubt the feeling
You ask. And you get confirmed
With a simple,
Pleasurable yes
315 · Jun 2015
Not... But,
Starr Anderson Jun 2015
You are the first person
Who hasn't yelled back
Who actually wants to know
Who apologises
Who doesn't start anything

You are the only reason why
I yell and scream
I tell stupid stories
I am sassy beyond all believe
I get us in trouble

And that's why
your not my first
But you'll be my only
302 · Apr 2015
Starr Anderson Apr 2015
too loud
to even hear
your own thoughts

in the bathroom tub
if it's worth it
or not

when you go
under the water
you hear
the faint sound
of the music

your favorite song is on
you know
all the words
but don't come up

your under
until you know
five more seconds

and they will
have to break down
the door
just to get an

that you
won't be able
to help them with

you hear
that loving can hurt
it gets hard

but you can't love him
he hurt you
you forgave
but that's
all you can do

you can pretend
that it will
get easier
you've tried before

so maybe
you won't
come up next time

but maybe
you'll get scared
and come up
ten seconds early
275 · Jun 2015
Starr Anderson Jun 2015
I just love it
When you think you have fallin in love
And then
The love stops
But not from you
Because you want that love
You need that love
It stops and you get lost
You loose yourself
Trying to find a new love
And when you find it
You know that it is better
So much better than
Anything and everything that you had before
The three words never get exchanged
But you both know it is there

— The End —