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 Feb 2015 Frustrated Poet
that long hanging silence,
when no one wants to hang up the phone
 Jan 2015 Frustrated Poet
Does the late  night chats?
You telling me you love me?
The kisses?
The jacket?
Me loving you?
My best friend being mad at me because of you?
Me getting a headache from the smoke smell on your jacket,
But its worth it right??
Does this all mean something?
Today, Love,
The sun looks at you...
...through a kaleidoscope.*

© 2015 J.S.P.
 Jan 2015 Frustrated Poet
.1. You are my paradox.
You are my strength. You are my weakness. You are my sunshine. You are my rain. You are my everything. You are my nothing. You are my high. You are my low. You are a pain. You are my solace. You are my light. You are my darkness. You are mine. You are not.

2. I am your kingdom. You are my ruler.
Surround me with your majesty. Protect me with all your might. Bravely fight for me. Let no one conquer your space. Own me, your colony, and never give me up. Give me peace. In return, I will bring you honor. I will shelter you. The bliss is all yours to bask on.

3. You are ubiquitous.
When you are here, you are the only thing here. When you are not, you are all the things. If you stay, you are here. If you leave, you would be here.

4. You are my definition of Wonderland.
You make me curious. Wonder, wander. You are the masterpiece of my imagination. You are a dream, yet you are real. You are too good to be true, and I wish I would never wake up from you.

5. You are the highest epitome of exquisite art.
You are classy. You give meaning to sexiness. You tease my desires. You have all the eyes in a room full of stirring. You are the abstract leaving me wanting for more of what you have. The heavens kneel to your beauty. You bring out sublime hues with every stroke. You are the perfect medium of your own artist.

6. Do not compare yourself to the Universe.
You are the skies themselves. Every color defines who and what you are. You are the ruins of the faded clouds. You are louder than hurricanes. You are more disastrous than natural calamities. Yet, you are the rays of the eminent sun. You are the calm grasses that help me breathe. You are the warm wind that caresses every inch of me. You are the moist soil that keeps me living. Of all the possible emotions that I once thought a celestial Earthling could bestow upon a used and wasted scrap, I have proven that you give more of that “haven” feeling than this chaotic place ever could.

7. You do not need me for you to be complete.
I found you at your peak. I found you at your worst. I found you when you were smiling. I looked for your hiding tears. If I ever leave you, I will not take anything. You are a hundred yourself. If I ever leave, remember that you are whole. A glass cannot be shattered just because it is beside a broken one.

8. You are a paper rose.
There are two sides of this note: One is goodness, and one is simply bad for you. Remember though, that both are acts of greatness.
First, you do not have thorns. Remember that you do not like hurting people back. Sacrifice is what you could willingly do for love. It is not a component, but you could do it for love. Pain is needed when you are in love. You can be crumpled, and it depends on how you would process that.
Second, you can be torn apart and burned. You can be hurt and crying. You can stand and be your own origami artist. You can tear yourself apart and start anew, but this time, you are not the one being written on. You are the writer.

9. Your nightmares deserve to be listened to.
Be with someone who can fix your trust issues. Love them as they love you. They should wake you up with flowers on the bed, a kiss on your forehead, and the breakfast you have always wanted. Spend your mornings with stories of your dreams and plans. Make that person listen. Make that person beg for more words. In the afternoon, you could walk on the sidewalks and on the beach. Breathe the healthy air. Make that person fall deeper into your immensity. Fall asleep in his or her arms. Fall asleep because you are comfortable. Fall asleep with him or her as your ultimate thought.

10. **Love and be loved.
Hi, New York.
It was like a speck of dust or maybe glitters.
Flew like fleeting birds and gave birth to crystals.
Those sparkly moments that gave perfection a new hue.
My insane mind, thinking I could have it all again.
These seconds that goes by so swiftly,
slips right through your bruised fingers
and leaves you with its lingering fragrance.
Embrace it while your soul is still alive,
for it awaits to turn into some desired memory.
Capture the dazzling beams, the flickers and twinkles.
The dashing street lights,
the sunrise in your heart,
the never ending chaos of a city life.
I always start with a bang
Watching the fireworks display

And the one person I speak to
At exactly midnight
Is the one I least wanna lose

Some mind altering substance
Is usually tradition
Along with watching the ball drop

When it finally stops
I get my chance to restart

This year starts
With a broken heart
A broken home

And a soul left
All alone

And instead of kissing
To start the year off right

I'm left wishing
And a simple "goodnight"
Happy New Year
There's a few days
I don't think
About you

Those amount to
A total of two
And one of
Those days
I slept

The other
I was too
to see

Too concentrated
On breathing
To feel
The expanse
Of my heart


What does this mean to you?

More than something

But not enough to make it all go away...
I'm just not sure HOW to stop feeling this way...
 Jan 2015 Frustrated Poet
This body depriving me within 
Tints of sorrows conjured up-
In stains of abstinence of pure hollow
I couldn't breathe last night
My blood clogged up by my sins
Impasse on notions of my denial 

These paths lead me to dusk
At dawn I break just to fall again
I tried my best only to be drowned- 
Repetitively in this weir of waste
These eyes have not seen the world
Only norms that understood my roots of pain

I hid in places that no one knew 
Its host brought me to this ecstasy of elation
Only to realized it’s a transient rapture 
Only to torment & torture my desires
I saw my reflection inside these glinting bubbles
Scars of contempt & disgust
Filled my heart with pure dejection

**Is this what I’m left with?
Will tonight be my time?
Will I be free incessantly?
Are we all really free?
Choose before you lose,
Your mind.
I sat  alone in a dark corner of my room,
As you're also in the corner of my mind.
Suddenly,I saw the glimpse of the lights up in the sky.
They sparkle as they fall afterwards.
They do disappear but another one comes to constantly bring magic.
Its magic,i call it magic.
Well,because,even in the darkest moments of my life
Something always comes along to show how magical and mysterious life is.
True,that I am young and in love.
These stars that rise and fall,leave me a mark.
In my eyes,in my heart shall they remain.
It made me feel like Alice,I am in wonderland.
Momentum, a  force that allows something to continue or to grow stronger or faster as time passes.
I don't like loving you,
Because as each day passes,
It grows.
Like moments,each of them is unique in our eyes,
As you are.
You are the moment in my life,the force that allows my love for you to grow as time passes.
*You're my momentum.
I stand watching the stars rise and fall
I was sharing them with you
Even if we're far apart.
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