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 Feb 2019 solace and sorrow
Dear Reader,
if you're reading this
it means
I'm dead
as a paper


to be etched
with the poem
I tried to write
so many times
when I was me-
I hope and pray
My heart would not escape
The cage I bound it in
My Juliana

I hope and pray
My hands would not reach
The hope that seeemed forsaken
My Juliana

I hope and pray
For a broken heart to mend
As swift as the tears I shed
My Juliana

I hope and pray
My Juliana

But to hope and pray
For something improbable to happen
Is like loving you
My Juliana
I love you. Still.
Forever a secret
Between my heart and
The silence that engulfs me
 Jan 2019 solace and sorrow
The sign is a suggestion
If they really cared
They would have built the fence higher
 Jan 2019 solace and sorrow
I’ve lived my life
believing that I could fix anything
and more importantly,
My life has been surrounded
with troubled people
with troubling situations
and a need for healing
A need for someone like me
who would be there no matter what
holding their hand through the darkness
until they got out
onto the other side

But for some reason,
something broke inside of you
something changed
and I’m slowly realizing
that I cannot fix it
Maybe there’s a difference between
being broken
and being so shattered
that I can’t even recognize you long enough
to understand what went wrong
or how we ended up here
and I’ll be stupid enough to hold on to you
hoping day after day
that I can still fix it
until the shattered pieces of your being
seep into my soul
and slowly shatter me
We’re all broken
Can you hear me?
Ah, hello!
I'm.. one of her emotions.
I just wanted to say
Thank you
She's a very.. very.. broken girl.
Sometimes she embraces the sad stuff more than me..
She doesn't trust me.
Though I'm part of her.
I'm what makes her heart worth gold.
Perhaps 2 broken souls can mend each other back, correct..?
So hopefully..
She doesn't let go of my hand
And keeps holding onto yours
I'm worried what will happen
If she lets go.
There can be no certainty

This is all I know

One and
One is two
Maybe I am mad
Maybe I have been lied to

I don’t
Really know
Things that I believe
Just because I have been told

What if
All of this
Is only my dream
In a world I cannot see

We shall never know; we may only believe

There can be no certainty
Where did we come from?
We ask
Eyes wide
Always the same answer
We came from the sky

Where will we go next?
We ask
Always the same answer
We will go back
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