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C F Dec 2019
I have A.D.D
Attention deficit disorder, or so I'm told.

What does that actually mean, you ask?
I am a genuine, 110% dopamine


I will end jobs, relationships, and conversations
When I get bored-I dont even mean too!
I don't mean to be cruel,
Trust me. I'm not autistic or psychotic,
I just get bored

a lot.

That means
A.) I have a lot of difficulty regulating my emotions.
And trust me, I'm more sorry about drop-kicking my laptop in the middle of a meltdown.
More than you'll ever be.

B.) But, I may not look very A.D.D.
I likely won't suddenly shout
I might get anxious in crowds of people
I may stop mid-sentence to stare at lights
I'll forget just about all the important things.
I'm sorry.

C.) I have a tendency to sometimes regulate your behaviours.
No, it's not OCD
And does my heart beat feel a little fast to you?

D.) I absolutely, positively
Living like this.
I should understand social cues
I should know that 1+1 equals 2.

I know I should know that.
But my brain disagrees
So trust me,
Sometimes I just want to die.

E.) I seem to hate doing everything,
The dishes
The trash
The laundry
F.) I forgot to take my medications again,
I should have set an alarm but
I forgot.

G.) Please. Just
Go away.
Everything is so loud
Everyone keeps touching me
Everything is happening at once inside my brain.

H.) I will often need your help.
You're normal
You understand why they said one thing but did another and meant something complete different.
Am I having a heart attack???

I.) I am struggling
Struggling to understand why you are so angry
When I swear I told you
I had plans today.
Why aren't you happy I remembered I had plans?

J.) I'd ask jesus christ for help,
But didn't he make me this way on purpose?

K.) I think these medications might be killing me.
Did you hear about the 10 year old
That keeled over from an adderall-heart attack.

L.) Let me spell it out for you,
But one second
I just realise I could hang Christmas lights off of
Our front-door wreath.
Let me live, please. I can't breathe and my lungs are crying from the vyvanse.

M.) Maybe theres more to it
Maybe I'm just a horrible person
That can't seem to find the perfect relationship.
My o my, I think I'll just lose a few pounds. Maybe I just don't need to eat today

N.) No. I don't know what you're talking about
I saw a crow fly by the window
Then I noticed the little display in the garden
Maybe it runs off of batteries?
I think I needed to buy batteries today
No. I wouldn't possibly understand anyways.
I'm too dumb and out of breath.

O.) Oh! Did you know
****** only had one *******?
Did you know about global warming?
Did you know
My hair is falling out from my medicine?

P.) Please!
I got this in the bag.
I just need to look deeper into this question.
Then I'll have my answer
Please, body. Keep up. I just want to be normal.
C F Mar 2019
We never could get our timing right,
Could we?

I was always one step ahead,
or one too far behind.

You were scared, I know.
That's always
The Status Quo.

Can we try again?

I just need to try again.
C F Mar 2020
I remember once
My friends tried
To play a joke on me

He screeched in panic
And she pretended to
Have a large ****
On a rather important vein

I'm still not sure how she
Got it to spurt
It tasted like ketchup.

But panicked me didn't consider
That her blood tasted
So tomatoey

Instead I immediately reached for
A handful of napkins
Applying pressure above her elbow
To stem the blood flow

I'd already begun to stuff
Another dozen napkins against
Her wound with a phone up to my ear

Before my ears caught his
Panicked words of
It's a joke! It's not real

And hers of awkward laughter
And gratitude for my hurried decisions
Concerning her life.

I hung up on 911 with an apology
For wasting their time.
And chuckled, releasing her arm.

Funny! Great barbecue, by the way

I laughed again stepping back.
I guess I missed the punchline.

The good news
Is that she
Became a nurse.
C F Mar 2021
The kitchen?
A ridiculous container for all
The plastic utensils you'd need.
A spatula, tongs, weird fork thing?
Even a series of spice racks

The bathroom,
Holders for your toothbrush and paste
A caddie for all that shampoo and body wash
A rack on the back of the door for your towels

A shoerack
A laundry hamper
A series of picture frames and knickknacks
A few blankets
A set of decorative pillows many pillows.
No one uses them!
We all just move them before sitting.
It's ridiculous.

All of these things
Do a home make.

They're so incredibly inconsequential.

Yet, I dare you
Point me towards a home
For two or more
Which lacks these.

These are how you know
A life has been made together.
C F Nov 2019
Allow me to bend
At the knees.

Allow me to weep.

Over a basin,

A nearby water source.
Outside of my own.

I could be compared to

Those giving birth

I quite honestly Don't
Give a flying ****.
It's not about you.

But understand this
I am not over
I am not ended


I am whole,
Though I am missing
Parts and pieces.


A newborn heart.

Hungry mewling
Tinkling laugher.
Unending diapers.

I lack those.
But still I am whole,
Even though I am only one.

I am whole.
And I need not
Nor want
Anything more.

I am whole.
As I am.

I have not ended.
I am not an uninhabitable

I am me.
I am whole.
Just as I am.

Just allow me
To Weep
For a moment.
Just one.
C F Feb 2020
Did you know
I had anger issues
At first?

Hit me.

Did you know
Your actions would
Resonate so violently
With me?

I dare you.

When you were
Playing me like a
Shoddy verbal fiddle

Did you know I'd
Fight back?

I'd absolutely love it.

Did you realise
That I wouldn't simply
Roll over?

Your words are nothing
compared to the hits I've taken

Guess what,
I'm not your
Punching bag

Did you really think I'd submit?

Take a swing at me
Just once more
Just one more time.

I've got a whole lot of issues, bud
But, fighting back was never
One of them.

I've had black eyes
and broken bones

I'll knock you out,
Without a second thought.

I won't even blink
When your nose
Sprays blood
All over my clothes.

Did you think I'd give in?

I've seen worse than the likes of you.

The monsters in my brain
have said worse things

After all, how else would I have
These Anger Issues?
C F Nov 2022
So heres a weirdly specific fact
Our apartment complex "ground keeper," was set up fo handle the second floor...fair.   He is literally in charge of the building.
Ironically same time I had horror snake dreams-my literal dead *** fear.
He vacuums.
In my dream he threatened to vaccum, if I got rid of the snakes. in my dream he gasped at every head I looped off. 0 remorse.
I found snakes, heads were beheaded with glee because **** slithering over my sleeping body. I'll ****** you and your family for it by God.
C F Feb 2020
You said that if you
Were to write a song for me
to capture my personality

The first 15 minutes
Of a 25 minute song
Would be f-* over and over.

The next couple would
Play into my ego
Praising my sass
And indignant stubbornness

Then you'd allow me a couple
To dictate your love
Of all of my flaws, quirks,
And specialities

Seeing as I've been attributed to
The creation of songs like
Cherry Bomb and Alice Cooper's Poison

I can't say you're wrong.
It'd probably be the most flattering
Song of me.
C F Mar 2020
I picked up knitting again
Not like there's
Much else to do
When you're quarantined for 6 to 9 months.

I was just making a blanket
For two
I thought, anyway.

When he suggested colours
And I raised a brow
Because they were rather

To say the least.

More like if you did crack
For 9 years and came back
These would would all make sense.

And then came the words
Baby blanket
I stared, but he continued
You know, to swaddle them

And suddenly the colours made sense
He suggested all the shades under the rainbow
Because he didn't seem to care
Which it picked.

He just wanted me to
I assume, feel the bond,
Even if they'd be growing inside
C F Sep 2019
I have come to realise that I am
One of those kind of people

The kind that are forever
In the background
Of everyone else's photos.
C F Apr 2020
He called me his bestfriend
My heart stopped for a second
As I pondered the possibility that he may mean it.

But then
He said it again
And again.
He'd run away with me
His best friend
He'd do it for me
C F Dec 2022
He claims he doesn't hate the show.
Just the main character.

I don't think he actually despises it.

I think it reminds him

I am a level of harmful
You state the sky is blue
I see purple, pink, yellow. Light green.
And while I see it is,
WHY is in colour for you

You do not know.
So I fade

I become the voice of reason.

I am tired.
Please, let me
C F Mar 2019
I take a deep breath in,
and let it out.

I'm safe here.
The blankets are warm,
I'm cocooned in the crook of your arm.

I worry I'm happy enough to disappear.
That I might somehow transform,
and lose this thing that I absolutely adore.

I let a slow breath out,
and took a deep one in.

All is well once more.
C F Jan 2020
I've found that there are many choices in life.
From the second I open my eyes,
the games of charades begins.

Should I eat all of the croissant now?
Or over the next few hours?
Black boots or red?
Do I die today or will it be a few years?
Hair up or down?

Bus or bike?
Will anyone shed a tear for me?
Coffee or decaf?
Or would I only traumatise them?

Paper or plastic?
Would my soul rise from rotten flesh?
Cash or credit?
Or does the mind fall silent after your
Last beating drum?


     So many options these days!
They gasp.

     Yes, we like to keep you guessing.
I smile.

      Have a lovely day!
Perhaps I'll do it today.
      I hope you do too.

      I can help the next customer.
Perhaps tomorrow.
C F Dec 2019
We set up the Christmas tree,
With ornaments and all
I still fix it, just to make it look larger!

I made a wreath
By hand!
It lights up, multicolored
And you always give me a half-answer

"It looks nice"
"Very Christmassy"

But the moment I don't touch it,
You suddenly care.
"I was expecting it to be lit"
"It's really dark without it"
"How bright"

I get it.
You're terrible with words,
Maybe you're nervous about being 'unmanly'

But honestly?

It's a poor excuse.
I poured my heart and feelings into this.
And I really, and I mean really couldn't give
A **** less
About your manhood.

Just please!
Appreciate me!!!
Appreciate my efforts, for ***** sake.

You don't care if I try?
But if I stop trying,
You care?
Would you like me to eat
Yet another spoonful of ****?

Aren't we supposed to be equal?????
C F Jul 2022
Let me be clear,
By the time we first lost a being made of us,
We were basically married,
Or rather bonded as a pair.

It wasn't exactly my overall preference,
But that didn't matter then.

Then I was simply sad,
I was hollow as a puppet,
Moving about to please my crowed into indifference.

You were never indifferent,
Which I appreciated
Yet somehow,
Despite me quite literally handling what could of been,
It was all about you,
It still is sometimes.

I tend not to want to detract from that selfish process,
But some days I find myself in need of reminding you
Reminding you that you are indeed Male
And it was never your body's fault
Solely mine, my own-despite your dramatics.

Leave it to a Male ego to make my issue all about
Like he had to wash himself of every bit of waste,
Like every bit didn't remind him how much his body
Failed to do as it was built to

As if he was in the bathroom with me.
He wouldn't dream of it.
Weak stomach and all that nonsense,
Yet he got a scotfree ticket to wallowing where I could Not.

Lucky, lucky man.

Just leave the gore to ****** Luanne here,
She won't leave, why?
Because she can't.
C F Nov 2022
I'm so confused
As if belonging in another hemisphere has fried my sense.
My common sense.

I see salt on my car, I ask  "best to get a wash no?"
No, I'm told.
It'll just make it easier for the salt to cling and rust.
Odd, I think.
Very odd, this northern chemistry.

But, okay.
I lose my sense.
I lose my logic.
It's fine, I tell myself. It's fine. It's just for now.

I look at my tires, I say they're a bit low, no?
No, I'm told.
They're perfectly low. Also heres a heaping help of sand.
Could always use more sand, I suppose.
Attacked by house cats, and need some litter.
Got some.

Still I insist, ******* my logic and education.
Just a little air, no? That'd be fine, yeah?


Bit of air now, they'll explode in the warm.
A wash? You'll rust to bits next snowstorm.
I blink, I swallow. I drive, I ponder.
I find I am much too mellow. Much too giving, I was confused. I am not any longer. I'll do it my way, exploding tires or naught.
C F Mar 2020
Sometimes something will
Set off a memory
I'd buried deep inside of me.

It could be a random cologne
In the grocery store
Or a little noise that ticks me
The wrong way.

And when I start to consider it
Turning the memory
Over in my mind
The love of my life
Will break the spell

"You've got your crazy eyes"

And I blink once, no twice
Before I come back to reality

I smile at his Leery face
And shake my head
Burying the anger and frustration below

"Sorry, just remembered something."
I guess I have a special smile for this
One that he recognises
But I don't.

Because he just stares for a moment longer
Before he nods and holds my hand.
C F Jul 2022
As the feminists once screeched,
I am, unfortunately, a woman of deeds,
Not words.

I forget I'm easy to act
Until a man rubs up too closely
And then my body reacts.

I simply must twist around and grab his wrists
Only to wrench them against his back.
I often knock his knees out too.
Doesn't matter the intention,
He got far too close,
I mean really-do you have to walk .5 inches from my backside to shop for groceries?
I was already speed walking, idiot.

You stepped too close.
Normal people don't, pervert.
I asked you to stop,
You refused.


Well, that's on you for assuming I'm weak.
Idiotic Republican morales.  
Just because I do not wish to harm others,
Does not mean I won't fight.

After all my parents were cops,
They taught my muscles that
Deeds not words, mattered.
Woe be me, this poor stupid democrat.
Shame on me for not wishing harm to others.

Really...let my 12 year old self show you ****** shame,
C F Jul 2022
Did you know?
Probably not, right?
I never really gave you notice of it.

Never felt the need to.
Until now, anyways.

I'm rather familiar with guns,
Adept at clearing and cleaning them especially.

That's all I allow to appear
These days

How idiortic would it be to know the maintenance of a weapon
And not to know how to disarm one of it.

I do not prefer gunpowder and a hammer for a reason,
You *****

It is not that I am inexperienced, unfortunately.
though I wish I were

But one can only take so much ot a weapon pointed to their temple
Before they react,
And I am skilled at reacting.

Your hand comes too quickly and you find it's suddenly Twisted behind your back.
Courtesy of me.

A weapon appears, and my body jerks forwards like
A tale as old as time,
I knock it down from one's hand either nicely
Or by force.

I won't care either way,
Long as the deed is done.

I refuse to be so weak again,
I won't.
C F Feb 2020
I've realised
That the life I've lived
Isn't incredibly conventional
In the traditional sense of the word.

It could alienate me
Elevate me upon a pedestal

But I've also realised
That we're not so different.

I also enjoy ****** shows
And puppies yawning
And pets getting belly rubs.

We're not that different, I promise.
I know our experiences are.

But, I'm still at the age
Where my bills sometimes go unpaid
And I choose to surround myself with Netflix
Rather than do the laundry.
C F Apr 2020
I have
Very rarely
Heard anything
Kind, sweet, or beautiful.

Just dirt.

I have ***** eyes.
They are the colour of earth.
Hot chocolate, or a doe-if you're stretching.

My eyes are dirt.
Poets struggle with them.
They focus on a smile
Or skin
Or soft fingers.

They try to hide the impurity
Of brown eyes
Despite the fact that my eyes
Are the most common colour of all.

I suppose that isn't unique enough.
Dirt, after all, isn't special
Not even for it's life giving

I have ***** eyes.
They're simply not special enough
To be cherished.
C F Jan 2020
I don't hate the way
He cuddles up to me
When he's asleep.

I don't even mind
When he wakes me up
From the slumber I so rarely get
To tell me some fantastical ramble
Within his own sleepy brain.

They never make any sense anyways.
But he let's me drag him into
Confusing conversations.

I'm so confused in my own skin
So I love my time alone.
Of course.

But I don't hate him within it

He brings me an odd
Odd sort of smile underneath
The doom and gloom in my core

I love my time alone.
It gives me time to think.
But do you know what's funny?

I don't hate him in it.

He's comforting.
He's confusing.

And I know he can't be
Responsible for my health
No one can.

But his presence
Makes me feel
Happily warm
And safe
In my own skin.
C F Apr 2020
There are some lessons
In life
That you shouldn't have to learn.

But trust is now something
That people must earn.

Because I've slowly learned
I'm not tempted by pretty blue eyes
That give me flowers

Please don't give me flowers,
I hate watching
The life leave with each watering.

I hate that I have to watch
Pretty things as they wilt away.
C F Apr 2019
With every step,
you and I
We make our beds.

In the piney mosses
that grows in the cracks
of tired sidewalks.

Near the nest of peels
and fallen flakes from
age old graffiti.

We walk against  
forgotten faces
of decrepit buildings.

You and I
We lay our heads here.
To dream of a world gone by.
C F Dec 2019
I shut my eyes,
Lids wired tight.

And breath.


I breathe all.

When they open,
I know.

I will conquer all
And smile
Whilst I crush their
C F Mar 2020
I have no mercy
For you
Any longer.

I wish I did.

I won't surrender
I can't.

I've come too far
On my own journey,
Yes. I'm not a heartless villain
Like Disney.

I can feel it destroying me
I am a child of anger
Until the battle is done.

I can feel it
Burning in my veins
The rage
In my blood

You stepped too far
You pushed too far
You thought you were safe.

You thought you were

But people talk
And talk
And talk
And now I'm done.

You don't seem to understand
That you need to run

Because I know more than he does
And you're naive
If you think I won't tell him.

You can sleep for today
But tomorrow we fight.
C F Jul 2022
I've seen so many flyers
Missing, abandoned, died, maybe survived
And all at Walmart.

A wall of them.
And I cry inside for them,
Vowing I'll keep an eye out.

But I cannot stand the others,
The doubt and shirkers
They shirk their civil duties.

Mocking the few for their attempt to fight.
Rather than submit.
Since they never had a chance.

I'd rather support one that fought,
That tried to fight
Rather than accept her short life
And give up.

How dare you not share the sentiment
You've obviously never fought
Fought for your life.
Ignorant fool.

Undeserving of your gifted life.
You ignore the pain around you
And deny those that fight for their own lives.
C F Jul 2022
What if I told you,
There's  a third option?
That there's more than fight or flight?

Heck, I didn't know either!
Still haven't consciously experienced it!

Instead he did.
He discovered that I picked a whole third option
One night.

I have nightmares, but ironically,
Even my sleeping self is good at pretending it's fine.
She rests in odd angles, dangling off the bed, or rather
She takes up as much as she can and
Denys it to any other.

You see this third option appears
When and only when
One attempts to disturb that absurd nightmarish
But sleeping dragon from her rest.

She tends to then act out, purely instinctively,


She has picked the third option
It means she cannot run because she is sleeping
Which, I guess she knows and understands.

But apparently she can fight regardless of
Her comatose self.

And she will.
To the either the death or you desist in poking the
Sleeping dragon.

She will apparently continue to rest soundly,
Sometimes in incredibly odd positions and
Awkward angles.
But she is quiet, she keeps to herself and guards her territory,
C F Dec 2019
How terrifying it is
To fear you will be destroyed
By a single man

So terrifying
In fact
You destroy yourself.                
C F Apr 2019
"Your lips are so soft."
You said to me,
after our first kiss.

You nearly shouted it,
even though we were so
close that you could've whispered.

It was like
your mouth
and your mind
couldn't deal with it at the same time.

Your conundrum
might've delighted me.
Just a little.

Enough, anyway,
that I kissed you again.
C F Oct 2019
I scratched my skin but all I got was nail polish

I scratched my skin trying to find you

I scratched my skin
But all I got was
A bandaid from my kin.
C F Mar 2019
Break free, they said.
It's great, they said.

For once, I might have to agree.

Let me go back to the days of unfiltered grins
Cackling laughter
Knobby knees.
Clacking together

It's so lovely, here.

The trees are greener, here.
And the moss smells of
The new age.

You'd love it here.
My little slice
Of Peter Pan's Neverland.
C F Aug 2022
You see I lost my faith in God
When he allowed a ****** to be forcefully deflowered.

Something I'd been taught was so important to him
Of course it's a him. Why else would my crotch matter?

And yet when I had already forsaken an absentee God
I had a tumour, one new enough and large enough
That I needed more than surgery

Xray over mammogram over biopsy,-chemo lingered a Threat.

My mother held my hand and I could see it in her eyes
She was trying to contain the thought that I'd be dead
Before the new year, with the size of my tumour.

I did not feel at the time. I'd seen her face the second visit and I hardened.
Death nor chemo nor invasive surgery,
Nothing could have scared me more.
Nothing more than that look on my mother's face.

Like I was already slipping through her fingers and she couldn't-she tried to grab me, just to drag me back to her arms
But she was too scared the disease was faster than her.

She nearly tried to fight the tumour herself,
And I imagined she most definitely would if she could,
She'd gone full protective, even snarling at her own mother
Especially when she mentioned my low chances should it be bad.
My mum nearly bared teeth.
She was always a fighter, through and through.
She may have seen a world without me for s second
But she refused it.

I suddenly had a new diet,
A new exercise regime,
And a ridiculous amount of vitamins.
If I had a radioactive spider bite. I'd probably be stronger than thanos at that point.

I thrived, I was safe. She cried so very hard and to this day she checks in everyday like I might slip out of her grasp again.

I can't blame her, so I reply everyday I keep my appointments,
My xrays
My biopsys.
I'm so young for this
But no one was ever too young to die.
C F Oct 2019
I know we only had two months together.
At the most.

But, please.
Know that your father and I loved you
With all our heart.

It killed me.
To pull your remains out
Piece by piece

We loved you.
I promise.
C F May 2020
I once heard that stupid song played
In a car
On repeat

I've grown to hate it.

Of course, I can live without you.
No. It's not lonely up here
It's brimming over with life

Without you.
You meant nothing.
I gave you a chance.

You tried to hurt me.
Your mistake.

You did not fix me.
How can you fix a piece of jade
Crevaced with gold?

You can't.
My cracks and imperfections
Make me all the more valuable.

I used you.
You did not use me,
You utter hypermasculine fool.

Her words were
Most definitely
Never meant for the
Likes of you.
C F Dec 2019
I am trying
very hard
To have a holy-joly Christmas
This year.

I want to smile
And laugh
And cheer

I want to feel the warmth
That Christmas tree lights give.

I want to put out cookies
For an obese old man
To enjoy

I want to sing
And dance
And Carol

I really do.
C F Aug 2022
Thank God,
Or whoever or whatever above,
Why? He knows me.

When I fall both up and down a set of stairs,
It's not a cause for concern.
He isn't even surprised anymore, just sticks out an arm
And there I fall, thanking God it's him I picked.
Because he knows me and how I do and when I say maybe, he knows it means no.

He either catches me from clocking my head on a
Particularly sharp door ****,
Pushes me back up on my own step
All in sync with my feet.
Which is, well, quite the feat.
Excuse the pun.

I try to sneak into bed, crouch oh so quietly to plug in my phone.

Then promptly stand and step to trip over a cord
And I curse quietly and quickly as I fall into bed
And he gives me a second of rubbing my ankle
Before he asks,

"You okay?"

And I answer,

"Yeah, just tripped on a cord"

And he rolls over and says
"Should I beat it up?"

And I sort of smile frown because I know he's asleep and it is endearing but he ought to sleep so I say.

"Maybe Tomorrow." And he sort of nods then puts a hand on me so he knows I'm here. Why? Because he knows me. I think.
C F Nov 2019
It's me!

Please, keep laughing!
Let me throw in
A joke or two,

Oh please!
It's my pleasure
It's at my expense, afterall.

But, please.

Just give me a moment,
Just to recharge.
A moment's all I need!

I just need
To curl into a cube.
Just for a second.

I just need to sob!
And before you know it,

I'll say,

It's me!
And I'm so happy to see you!

Let's laugh and chuckle,
It'll be a gaffe!
C F Feb 2020
He says
I am loved
That he would move heaven and hell for me
If I asked.

And I reply
with a smile and a thank you.

I love you too
and I'm so-so sorry
sorry that you chose me.

When I give him a
Hollow smile in return
He sees right through it.

Chiding me carefully
With warm cups of tea
And soft kisses to my forehead.

He knows.

but I wish
I wish he didn't have to know

He says
I am strong
That we can weather
That he can do it with me
Through My storm


And when
He says that
I believe him.

I just don't
Know if I could survive
Letting him go
Even for his own good.
C F Jan 2020
He's so

When he attempts
To genuinely scold

He always appears
With his Xbox headphones on
And a kiss to my cheek
Or my forehead

Before he tries to
Chide me
With his mic silenced.

It's like he's attempting
To demonstrate that
He means no harm.
Only care and concern.

Perhaps it's due to
The temper I've built
Over years of abuse.

(Heaven's know I could slash one's mortality with it.)

Or perhaps it's due to
My skittish behaviour

(Which I  know appears to be inaccurate.)

But he comprehends
That I have an incredible flight-or-fight

And a towering man over me
Within my bed

It automatically ignites
My fight

And I will fight to the death

If I must.

It's not like I haven't died before.
I won't hesitate to die again.
C F Apr 2020
Hey. Quick thing for you.
If you're that sure, enough to protest and riot.
Why don't you just drop the masks?

The threats gone. Right?
Maybe you should drop the protest then.
Since, you know-we're all stuck because the
Figure it out.
I'd rather rack debt than **** an innocent person.
C F Apr 2020
Babe, it's a long way down
To the bottom of the barrel
But if you want to steal my shoes
Try to walk a mile in them.

It's okay.
I know you couldn't.
Too soft.
I'll fix that.

Hold my hand.
I'll take you down.
It's a long way down
But, I know it half as well as you want to
Pretend you do.
C F Apr 2020
I used wonder why
Why he believed me
In every word I said

I wondered how he could
Believe my own stories
When even I knew that
They sounded faulty

But then I realised
When I spoke casually
I lacked all manners of social protocol

If someone asked me
What I thought of their hair
I didn't dare hide that
They reminded me of a troll doll

If he asked me
How I felt about a person
I didn't think twice about
Informing him that I took any form of betrayal
As exactly betrayal, intentionally cruel or not.

I didn't think twice
To tell him that his friend
His friend gave me the most unsettling
Feeling in my gut.

I didn't blink
When I explained this was why
I avoided him.
Despite the fact that his friend was
Nothing short of pleasant.

One of my favourite phrases
Outside of kindness is free
And every action has consequences

Ironically, my favourite phrase is,
I say what I mean, and I mean what I say.

I suppose I should have noticed sooner
Despite me coming out with what were
Admittedly outlandish claims,
And I informed him I had absolutely zero evidence
Out of my word.

I didn't think he would trust my word
I expected a dismissal at best
A physically and emotionally scarring scold at worst.

He believed me.

I didn't have to justify it.
I didnt have to lead him
Down a trail of my own thoughts.

He believed me.

I wondered if I could tell him
That spiders could only move using
Solely tap shoes,
If he would still so naively believe my words.
Without any sort of evidence.

I wouldn't.

But honestly,
I can't make myself cry when I don't feel the need too
Of course, I can lie
If I think my life hangs in the balance.

But he believed me.
Nothing more, nothing less.
When I asked why,
He proclaimed that I was simply and utterly just
Honestly, me.
C F Jun 2022
My heart is probably almost black
Who knows who to blame for that
Yet I still rised aboved it.

Scream my name
And little me couldn't imagine it.
She's pointing at a lose by 5
And then I won

I'm not as famous,
But still
I have nothing left to lose
And I'm not afraid like
She was.
C F Nov 2022
I came from a literal different continent
I grew up with the sentiments of a different time.
My parents were cops,
But please, don't blame them.

Would you like to know what they raised?

A late female suffragist. Yes, my father approves.
A female who knows how to wield a baton, she smiles
Then strikes,
Because you are a threat.

She was also educated that when pulled over
Keep your hands in plain sight, do not ****.
Theres something in the water in America,
Something that makes them act like that at a traffic stop, and my parents refused for me to be the victim.
They refused to see me on the news.

My parents haven't been on this continent in over 2 and half decades.
I do not know of the wrongs they possibly committed
But, I also know my mother screams kindness is free..
At me.

She will bend over backwards to make another life easier,
Is this guilt or is this humility?
I do not know.

My family is a century old *** of honey can dos
And jimmying without asking a professional.
We were poor, for the last 200 hundred years.
Is this hopefully where we found our recipes?
We didn't steal them right?

A black coworker discussed her family recipe for collard greens...
I chimed in. Couldn't help it, so far in the north here.
Black pepper is spicy here.
I'm so alone here.

I'm so incorrect.
I'm sorry.
I don't know how it is up north
But, my chiming in, down south?
I'd be fried and sliced up for Thanksgiving.
And that would have been fair.

I want to learn
You're all so confusing.
Teach me to mind my mouth, please.
C F Aug 2021
Lately, for some reason,
I've been considering the possibilities of my own death.
Not at my own hands-but that of another.

Perhaps it's due to my least favourite movie, The Lovely Bones
And that as watching it,
I can feel physical revulsion and pain at how he lures her in.
How she asks to leave.
How she misses dinner.

Despite my own experiences and knowledge of predators,
I quite literally can't count the number of them
The number I've run into on my own-not as a child.

As an adult.
An adult where my parents were a continent away
And where I was targeted at opportune times and the middle of the day,
accurately mind you.
There's been to many times.

I was utterly alone.

It irks me that I was targeted, firstly.
But mostly, it bothers me that I was
Likely only saved because a guy friend
Or a boyfriend stepped up.

I couldn't begin to imagine what I'd accidentally cause,
Being a willing target.
I can't even try to understand the horror that could have occurred had another second to happen in broad daylight.

It'd only take a second,
And I hate it.
C F Jun 2020
I tried to have a talk.
I was too hostile.
To listen too.

I tried to text.
I was, I guess.
I was just too much
To hear.

I had too many reasons
To many actions unnoticed
To be worthwhile.

He offers an olive branch
Of physical comfort
And I am too upset
To take it.

I want to torch it.
I want to throw it's ashes

I want to kick
it's too much ashes
Back in his face.

Inhale that,
See thru it
Then come chat about ***
You ****

If he's reserved himself
Blind to my pain
Then so be it.

I did try.
Ash won't hurt
As much as I have
For these weeks.
C F Nov 2019
I don't believe in Heaven..
And I'd like to believe that if there were
Hell is so much more fun.

The priests said so
Since homosexuality is a sin
And your mommy sinned
By existing.

My apologies.
If I've doomed you somehow
But your dad is straight

And his grandmother is
To say the least.

I've come to the conclusion
That if there is a Heaven

You're probably there.

Try not to judge me.
I was your mom, afterall.
Once upon a time.

Say a prayer, huh?
I'd love to meet you at least one time.
C F Feb 2022
I cried to my mother,
I don't want to be blonde anymore.

He liked blondes.
I couldn't change my dating past,
But I could make myself less interesting.

But she said
You can't change on the outside. Only underneath.
It was supposed to be better that way.

Teachers wouldn't see.
I wouldn't have to answer
Annoyingly personal questions.

So I did the opposite of light,
I dyed the under layers of my hair,
Then after a month,

Just like me back then.

She was right.
They didn't ask because they couldn't see.
Didn't want to see.

It didn't work.
He wouldn't leave me alone.

So I thought,
I'll fight.
Red for blood, red for intimidation, red for fire trucks.
I'll be Red.

I decided to dye my hair red,
And chop it off to my shoulders.

My mother was right,
But it did not work.
Instead I embraced the Red.
I fought.
It took me 6 years to end it, and yet
I am still fighting the memory 5 years later.

But now,
People only notice when I braid my hair.
They ask if I had my hair done, I say no.

Only when I braid my hair,
Do I show the colours.
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