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 Dec 2019 Silverflame
Don't scrape my layers.
Don't dig inside.
You’ll find some good,
but I’ll run, and hide.
You'll see the good,
but you’ll want more.
I’m not an idea.
Inside, I'm poor.
Don't dig inside.
My layers are few.

Don't, just don't
let me disappoint you.
It's about what I don't say here.
 Nov 2019 Silverflame
Ellie Taps
It's okay not to be okay. There's progress in that.
 Nov 2019 Silverflame
Mark Toney
Timothy Tolliver Tines
Taught tax topics twenty times
Touting tax tips he tried
Till terribly tongue-tied
Twisted tongue tending to twine
11/28/2019 - Poetry form: Limerick - Copyright © Mark Toney | Year Posted 2019
 Nov 2019 Silverflame
Lily X
 Nov 2019 Silverflame
Lily X
I want to flow from my own fingertips,
hang in the air, a final chord.
I want to break apart into a million pieces,
dance away in the nightime's wind.
I want to be held as I split and crack,
try to meld me together one last time.

I want to burst and implode and evaporate.
And I want you to know that I'm sorry.
 Nov 2019 Silverflame
her magic
 Nov 2019 Silverflame

moonlight spilling from her eyes
magic pouring from her lips
the universe in audience of her beauty
even the stars would weep with envy

 Nov 2019 Silverflame
i feel like a tiger
pacing in a cage
it is not poetic
in the way that
if the bars were opened
i would burst out
like a firecracker
it is instead in the way that
i would lie down where i stood
unable to leave.
wrote this back in october
 Nov 2019 Silverflame
suddenly gravity isn't just a theory or a force,
but a friend that keeps me company,
keeps me grounded,
while i watch you, weightless


and prone to leaving me
the love i pray is mine.
You can discover more
About a person
In rush hour traffic
Than in a year of conversation.
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