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Silence Screamz Mar 2015
I was a solid man.
A solid man with broken pieces
Pieces astrewn on the dusty floor of life,
thrown away with my own guilty verdict

No glue or wires to hold me together,
just a small tangent of sanity and veins.
Structurally not sound,
my moral compass has taken the wrong course

A course of insurmountable ill wills,
wills that would make a grown man, cry and beg.
A beggar that I see before me,
seeing myself in the mirror of near death.

That death bounds to me,
like the leather restraints of a sadomasochist
No more control over thoughts or person,
fearing what lies ahead in waiting

I waited for life to come to me,
but only saw the emptiness.
My empty mind,
trying to put the puzzle back together
Pieces of life's puzzle thrown all about, do we really know how to put it back together?
  Mar 2015 Silence Screamz
Ink soaked
in blood
from burning hands

And for a moment
this hearts breath
was captured
by the flick of a pen

And for a moment
there was no me,
only the flames
that bled through the night

Now a question remains:
"Will my heart stop bleeding when my ink runs dry?"

**Maybe for a moment.
Silence Screamz Mar 2015
Grab the breathless butterfly
as my heart sinks in
Swallowed by the swift net of desire,
wings snipped, flightless life
Silence Screamz Feb 2015
If your story does not hold up in the light,  then you will spend the rest of your life in the dark.
My mania tells me things and I obey
You should dye your hair three different colors in one week
You should stay up all night finger painting and call it art
You should organize your bookshelves
based on sensations instead of genre
You should give away everything you own,
you don’t need it anyway
You should text all of your exes,
ask them when the feeling faded
or if it was ever even there
You should ignore all of your phone calls
and alarm clocks
and all other sounds
that make your skin crawl
You should cover your windows with black sheets
and pretend that life is one long night
you never have to sleep through
You should distance yourself
from everyone you love
tell them you’re okay
you just have to go away
for awhile
You should tear off your layers
expose the wounds beneath
wait for the sting to turn numb again
You should shatter yourself to pieces
pretend they can be lost
and found again
You should hide anything that hurts
in the space between your ribs
forget they’re growing
forget they’re spreading
forget they’re waiting
all winter long
to bloom like flowers in the spring
Silence Screamz Feb 2015
Stop and look at the few
Your eyes cast stares
toward the black and blue

Our shadows are the same bending on the wall
Creeping in the cracks
Whispers are your call

Lipstick red, double zero to the gauge
Snakebites shine
The world is my stage

Alternative is my way, let me only be
Close your ******* eyes
then turn around and leave
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