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showyoulove Nov 2024
Open and broken
Love was spoken

Come back to the place
Of forgiveness and grace

Come back to me and be healed
Come to me and find truth revealed

I will always take you back
Find in me what you lack

I am crazy in love with you
I'm not too good to be true

It is the greatest story ever told
Already more than 2000 years old

You just met me and this is crazy
But I love you. Please call me daily

You are my beloved, you I want to bless
It's a love story, child just say: Yes

My love for you is fiercer than a hurricane
Once you feel it you will never be the same

I was broken so I could make you whole
I will heal your beat up and broken soul

All for you I was crucified
Because of you I freely died

I can lead you to the living water, but I can't make you drink
In faith, walk on water. I'll catch you if you start to sink

I am dying just to meet you
I pray that one day, I will greet you

I love you now and forever without end
In courage and compassion, to the world I send

I am in your corner; I will help you fight
And when you are lost, I will be your light

I rejoice for you are alive, no longer dead
In your hunger, I will keep you fed

The blind will see, the lost are found
The lame will walk, mute are filled with sound

The angels sing a heavenly chorus
When we pray for others as they pray for us

The act of forgiveness is truly freeing
Know the unbearable lightness of simply being

It is enough for me just to glow in your presence Lord
As, for an hour or so, I sit, and we are of one accord

For a moment our hearts beat in harmony
As with saints and angels I am in your company

Lord, please come fill this longing deep inside
Flood me with you, as you break me open wide
showyoulove Nov 2024
Thank the Lord for He is merciful, and He is kind
The sins we confess are forgotten, left far behind
He is slow to anger, and He is rich in compassion
Clothed with majesty and with love: a style always in fashion
Holy and righteous, powerful and true
Before you even said a word, He already knew
It's not something that we could ever earn
And, by all accounts, we really all should burn
It certainly isn't something that we deserve
I tremble before you and I lose my nerve
I cry "Have mercy on me Oh Lord a sinner"
But you lift me up and say "I'm coming to dinner"
"Lord my God, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof
Heal my heart so that I may have irrefutable proof".
Thank Him for His Mercy and all that love has done
Thank Him for his Mother and His one and only son
Help me have mercy on those that test my restraint
For, you bear my grievances with the patience of a saint
Forgive me Lord for the times I have failed
It was for those faults that you were nailed
Forgive me when I was a thorn in your side
Forgive me when I am overcome by pride
Your grace is enough for me, help me extend it to others
For all people are our neighbors, our sisters and our brothers
The two greatest commandments are about love
And out of love came mercy and grace
A river of life flowing down from Heaven above
A heart big enough for the whole human race
So, thank Him for his mercy in everything you do
And remember, no matter what: God Loves You!
showyoulove Nov 2024
Tonight I find myself so grateful that things work out this way
Tonight I reflect upon the real power of those who pray
I was so convinced that things were looking quite grim
My trust in God on the other hand was looking a little thin
But God is with us and God does provide
Even when we're in the middle of a very wild ride
Divine Intervention led me to the place where I was
And God will use such things as only God does
And I truly believe in Divine Intercession: the power of prayer
Thank you for taking the time to show how much you care
But God has proved to me one more time
Who is in control. It will all work out just fine.

When the path before you is hard to see
And the air is so thick that you cannot breathe
In the chasm of silence, soft words are spoken
And the embers of life are reawakened

The Spirit that slumbers so deep within
Is released and in final victory over death and sin
Like the sun rises on the wings of dawn
Like the wind in the trees fills you with song
Like the water: freely and gently flowing
Like the flame of a candle: so warmly glowing
Like the mountains reaches to heights untold
Like the oceans: mystery and treasure we hold
Like the lighthouse shines a bright beacon
Like the wand'ring star: we follow to find what we are seekin'
Like the rainbow: a promise of faith, hope, and love
Like the trees: stretching toward the Son up above
We are bearers of the Spirit's great Holy Light
Commissioned to go forth and banish the night
To all the ends of the earth we are sent
To share the good news with loving intent
showyoulove Nov 2024
You’ve been hurt and broken I’ve been there before
Beaten, bruised, and mocked: you can’t take it any more
Stripped of possessions and dignity, feeling less than poor
I felt the nails as they were driven so deep
I knew the sorrows as my own and I would weep
I remember the long days and longer nights with no sleep
The pain you feel now, I intimately understand
I cover you with love and hold you in my hand
You can’t see it now, but I have something planned
Rest now my child. Rest in my merciful heart
Be at peace my child. And in peace healing can start
And I will mend and piece together every broken part
Run into my arms and there you can begin to heal
With my love surrounding you, begin once more to feel
Cling to me when the nightmares come back and seem so real
My love for you will never fade nor will it dim or die
And when you are overwhelmed come to me and cry
I will dry your eyes and fill you with a happy sigh
Keep your eyes on me and you will see the sun come shining through
What will come out of the storm is a better stronger you
I will see you through whatever I have brought you to
Trust in me, rest in my love oh my sweet little one
My grace in you and with you and through you has just begun
Rejoice, there is so much left to do before our work is done!

You alone Lord truly know our pain when no one else can. Too often we suffer in silence and solitude. Remind us that we are never alone. You suffered the same. May we find comfort and solace in our sharing and find the strength to carry our cross with your help. And although suffering is hard, there are blessings still in being able to help others who are hurting. When we can lift others up, we are lifted up as well. In your merciful heart and endless love, help us find peace and begin to heal from our brokenness and pain. May our hearts find the peace and refreshment that only comes from resting in Your healing heart Oh God. Amen
showyoulove Nov 2024
The spirit is willing to hear your every word
But my body says, this is right now, absurd
For sleep comes welcome to the weary worn
But I have made a covenant that will not be torn
Give me strength Lord for my lids are as stone
Give me light for my sight grows dim
Give me your promise I won’t go through life alone
Give me your heart afire from within
The struggle is real Lord and the fight is long
The spirit remains, but strength is gone
Tomorrow is a new day full of promise and vigor
And I’ll be there with strength and a heart that is bigger
showyoulove Nov 2024
Take a look outside and relay what you see
The rainbow, the dew, mountain and tree
We look at them, yes but try to look deeper still
There is beauty complexity and a purpose to fill
The glory of creation reflecting the creator
Beauty so divine nothing could be greater
Who can look at nature and not be moved?
Who can truly see and say God cannot be proved?
Everywhere I turn there is beauty and grace
It brings a tear to my eye and a smile on my face
In a society so focused on progress and speed
We lose so much of what we desperately need
We miss the signs, and miracles and wonders
That are there just waiting to be found
The beauty of creation our Lord in glory crowned
So dance in the sun and run in the field
In smelling the roses, God’s love is revealed
The rainbow a promise of forgiveness and light
The stars to guide us through the night
Everything in life so perfectly designed
To try to comprehend just blows my mind
So next time don’t just look, but truly see
The majesty, the splendor, the art of God’s glory

"Doth not all nature around me praise God? If I were silent, I should be an exception to the universe. Doth not the thunder praise Him as it rolls like drums in the march of the God of armies? Do not the mountains praise Him when the woods upon their summits wave in adoration? Doth not the lightning write His name in letters of fire? Hath not the whole earth a voice? And shall I, can I, silent be?"

- Charles Spurgeon

"God writes the Gospel not in the Bible alone, but also on trees, and in the flowers and clouds and stars."

- Martin Luther

Lord thank you for the gift of nature and creation. So often, we are so preoccupied with life that we miss all that life and life in you has in store. Help us to see your fingerprints all over and have the childlike joy in the smallest things. Bless us Lord and open our eyes and hearts to not just look, but truly see your beauty and how much you mean to me. Amen
showyoulove Nov 2024
It's time to take a spiritual audit
Take stock of our accounts and plot it
Where are we spiritually? Red or Black?
Are we simply playing defense or are we on the attack?
What is cluttering our lives preventing light from getting in?
And what is so loud that we can't hear God above the din?
Do not be afraid my children, do not live in fear
Trust in the power of God knowing He is here
Let his love lift you up from the spiritual grave
Go therefore and proclaim: "My God is mighty to Save!"
At times we lose sight of what matters the most
None are perfect, indeed, so that none may boast
But we return to God with all our hearts
Cleanse us Lord of all that keeps us apart
Fear has no place before God's amazing grace
Trusting in God and his power and glory
We share in the writing of salvation's story
Let it be done to me according to Your Will
And give me the courage to wait and be still
Lead me back to your loving arms once again
Trusting in the power of God and not men
I fall on my knees "Lord, rescue me please
From myself and from my enemies.
I (re)dedicate my life to you in this hour on this day
And the fear that once controlled me be overcome I pray

So many of us have so much clutter in our lives (both physical and spiritual) that we miss all the blessings and God's great purpose and plan for our lives. Two stories that come to mind about clutter and houses in the Bible are the story of Zacchaeus and the story about Jesus overturning the tables in the temple. Our heart's house (temple) for the Lord is cluttered and there are places we are ashamed of; places that are locked and hidden away. The Album (See Inside) by Out of the Grey is wonderful and ties to this theme quite well, especially the song "That's Where I Live". We know you live inside our hearts, make our heart your home, a place you want to live, and help us open the door and welcome you in. Lord, give us the courage and strength by your grace to dedicate or (re)dedicate our lives to you today. Amen
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