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 Oct 2014 SELENA M
Ellie Shelley
God your beauty pains me so much
I just want to hold you
Wrap my arms around you and put my head on your chest
I want you to hug me tight and put your chin on the top of my head
 Oct 2014 SELENA M
you are colder than my heart at 3am
you are an enemy amongst a sea of friends
I loved you so much I began to hate everything you are
everything you say , every breath you take I regret the world giving
you any air to breathe , you are empty , you are the darkest kind of dark
do you see what you've become?
are you proud of who you are?
pointing fingers , presuming that what we've been through isn't as important as you
you're wallowing in your own self pity , someday you might drown in it.
you don't deserve an opinion if all you see is yourself.
you used to sing the words "you know I COULD USE SOMEBODY"
and I know that more than anyone because you used me.
you are the lowest type of low and you don't see it
you call me selfish everyday and when I die it'll still haunt my soul
the one thing Ive learned is
you cant care for anyone else because you don't know how to love
I still love you believe me , but I cant help but hate you more than that.
 Oct 2014 SELENA M
Jolene Heather
A man can detach from ***
he can hold your face in his hands
whisper to you how beautiful you are
as he gently showers you with kisses
and walk away

and your poor heart
that traitorous *****
follows him where he goes
and they both forsake you.
 Oct 2014 SELENA M
Jolene Heather
You make me want to strip down
Yes physically
Slowly wrapping my self around you
And in you

But not just that

You make me want to peel away
The layers of my soul
And lay her
trembling before you

I want to expose all the corners
Hidden in my mind
Make them open wide
Grasping for you

I want to surrender my heart
Raw and uncovered
Yearning to experience the ecstasy
Of being yours
 Oct 2014 SELENA M
 Oct 2014 SELENA M
Touch my
So I
Can feel

Kiss my
So I
Can breathe
 Oct 2014 SELENA M
 Oct 2014 SELENA M
Given her nature,
She lied more than she loved him,
As to her, this was love.
Taught to think only of herself,
His world collapsed around her.
Weakened by her beauty,
His broken heart held together by faith,
A hopeless romantic,
Guided by a love, blinded by passion
He awaits something that doesn't exist.
So often many love like this- hopeless.
 Oct 2014 SELENA M
Harley Hucof
In the land of a child
The angels hide
Hide from the evil
Hide from the demons.

In the land of a child
The beauty arise
No fear No labels
No sin No lies.

In the land of a child
The garden of lullabies
Mesmerized eyes
The mystical heart
The strangest art.

In the land of evil
The innocence's lost
Caged by temptations
Devoted for lust.

In the land of evil
Looking for fame
Wanting the gain
Searching for love
The problems won't be solved.

In the land of evil
Addicted to gold
Stuck on the dope
Bow to your Lord.

In the land of a Child and Evil i was trapped in between.

An innocent soul gone with the wind.

Falling with the rain
But the memories remain...

Words Of Harfouchism.
Weird but hope you'll love it.
My ghost writes to you
From a shrouded future, scared,
She drifts back; catch her.
 Oct 2014 SELENA M
Paul M Chafer
A sliver of sun through
Early morning haze,
Heralding the promise
Of long cloudless days:
Rescue me.

Fresh meadow scent on
A soft soughing breeze;
Chirrup of a song thrush
Hidden amongst the trees:
Rescue me.

The gentle hovering of
A noisome honeybee,
Searching out pollen
On a dancing petal sea:
Rescue me.

Trill of childish laughter
Echoing from the park,
Competing for attention
With a soaring sky~lark:
Rescue me.

A beautiful woman in
A cotton print dress;
Her leisurely gait enticing
Beneath the fabric’s car~ess:
Rescue me.

The red sinking giant
Painting clouds in the sky,
Just another lost day
Laying down to die:
Rescue me,
Rescue me,
Please, rescue me.

©Paul M Chafer 2014
So, there's this fig
In my fruitbowl, almost purple,
Posing atop apples and a mango,
Just being beautiful
And begging to be touched.
It bursts with promise;
If I split it open - oh -
Unmistakably labial lusciousness
will spill out and I will have to ****
my sticky fingers like an infant
at the ******, tugging
oh so gently with an eager, warm, wet tongue,
Pursed lips pulsing
where the juicy flesh meets dewy, fragrant skin.
I bear witness to this fruit's fragile moment of sheer perfection,
And my honest, overwhelming lust
For tender flesh.
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