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If you could only see
How I lap you up
Like an eager kitten served a creamy bowl of milk.
Soft, delicious curds, your loving words, delight me,
Slurped right up by a little pink tongue.
I am like that kitten
In other ways, too.
Would you like to play?
Roll me over, stroke me,
I will curl up in your lap, and never leave.
Purring, purring,
I will find my voice; you will hear my first miaow,
I have chosen you, happily addicted
From the very first taste.
 Oct 2014 SELENA M
 Oct 2014 SELENA M
I can't begin to fathom how to describe how this feels.
It feels good like a cup of coffee in the morning,
But it also feels like an afternoon crash.
It feels like a high so good
But also a withdrawal most painful.
It feels like everything
Yet nothing at the same time.
 Oct 2014 SELENA M
Ellie Shelley
The word “****”
Is something kids should never have to learn
You should never have to know what is means
To be pushed down and have them forced upon you
Its nothing youth should know
Its nothing kids should know
Its nothing anyone should know
Its just a four letter word
Turned into a world of horror
Where the word “*****”
Gets thrown around at the wrong times
How did I ever bring this hell upon myself
When the clothes I was wearing were baggy
The shirt I had was collard
My pants were long, no holes
How did I scream out
“Take my innocence
Its okay I’m thirteen today”
Because I didn’t,
And if I do recall
I said the word “no”
So how does that give you the right to say
“Oh boys will be boys”
*He was no boy
He was almost twenty
I wanna jump off
A diving board
Into a galaxy
And float away
To discover
 Oct 2014 SELENA M
Ellie Shelley
I'm chasing what kills me

Last night I broke two promises
One I've kept for almost two years
And one I've kept since last january
I said I'd never cut to die again
I said I'd never see bone
But I didn't know cutting myself off
From feeding myself substances
Would make me crave my blood
And I don't know how Ill cope
With out my dope
I said I was going to get clean
And I didn't want to break that promise after just two days
You said its bad
But you've only seen the tip of the iceberg
I'm trying to play this off so you don't get stuck in this sticky web of addiction
I wear long sleeves so you don't see where the needle went in
I can't give you my money with out wiping off white powder
I'm trying to cope
But its so **** hard without my dope
I can already feel withdrawal
My body shakes
I scream out trying to not let my body collapse
Its new sorts of agony
I wish
I hadn't found this pain
I wish this hadn't become my life
I've been clean for not a whole day
I don't know that I can stay
This way
To cope
With out my dope
I have to break old promises
But I don't know what
I will become
When you ask me to keep blood
In my viens
Because other promises might
I don't really know what this is.
 Oct 2014 SELENA M
 Oct 2014 SELENA M
Another coat of paint won't rid theses walls of all the sin they've seen.
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