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Derek Wings Apr 2012
haunted by things that could of been
or are they things that should of been
i guess if they were they would of been
my lack of commitment seems like a sin
when everyone around me is happy
they have someone to be with
they have someone to kiss
when i have nothing but people i miss
all the ones i  really cared about
i forced myself to live without
to me it seems beautiful some how
thinking bout that girl from the past
but i went for another girl
becuase i knew it wouldnt last
now it seem like time is passing by too fast
and im losing the chances that i thougt i would always have with the women i thought would never leave
but they all do
what reason would they wait for me
they dont know how i feel
and they dont know how i am
i didnt let them in
because they were already too close
and thats when we hadnt even kissed yet
its like when you texted me
but i took ten minutes to reply
because im not sure exactly what to say
maybe i should have said
i want you
and i want you to stay
The universe that i know contains infinite infinities
The more i travel the more i see and more you think

There's an abyss of abraxas in dylan dog's comics
Here's an enstraged ghost of che on the motorcycle

We made it plausible for the pagat ultimo's elegance sake
We seek for the most Beautiful to crash us like soft waves

The immortal Beauty is the terror for the mortal passangers
The immortal Elegance is shown as an unforgettable life's style

You want the depth, you play games, cast spells, and reinvent
You want to become a persona grata, the gravity ***** you in

Today i thougt how nice is to draw a bit for a change
Today you didn't like to have hollidays from a belief

I have to acknowledge the worthwile sands of time
I have to succumb to universal subconsciousnesses

Mine unimportance is a hanging shall on a tied stallion
Mine thoughst fly high as two falcons toward your star

Thine tea is served with blood, sweat, and entrapement
Thine turtle is a giant alive planet, a colourful mounted

In one century importance becomes irrelevant.
In actual now do you consider ways to trick this fact?
Intelectual labyrinths of mind lead to a well structured illusion.
Inspirational people have borrowed the ignitors from celestial Divinities.
Venomous slithering silk gown
Adressed the chandeliers in the
Marrakesh's dusky evening, just
To outshine the simmering glass

There were gentelmen and ladies
Chit chating politely, uninterested
Awaiting on a dinner to be served.

He noticed the scarf, she thougt to
Herself. Unending in memory are
Hoffman's grand thrilly fairytales.
I wish he'd gather the bold pirates
Of his conquering intentions and..
Imagined by Impeccable
Space poetic beauty
JP Goss  Sep 2013
JP Goss Sep 2013
It seems so far away
My youth preserved that precious little thread
Convinced a price I’d never pay
Convinced I’d never be dead
I thought my skin iron armor
A shield to all the shifting forces
The forces that nature threw at me
Until I saw life at its sources
And for lasting life, was my loudest plea
Never before
Have I seen so visceral a scene
Until I witnessed life escape, stripped to its very core
And on that pavement, so impressive a rouge sheen
Tears shed from my iris
Like I could change the horror
And shrieking like my efforts pious
Calling life, to my side I implore her
For him, I beg her company
For me, I’m no source of council
Though I cry, don’t trouble me
For I’m not the one that woman killed
I can’t express my grief
No petty conglomerate
Could afford me relief
For I’m not the one that woman killed
His blood was steaming
On that September road
By the sidewalk, dun and grey
Like life between its anti and node
I can only cry so much
Before it no longer matters
And it becomes another event, such and such
And its significance becomes a thought, to the floor it clatters.
Don’t cry for me, though I’m rife with ill
I don’t need it
I’m still alive
I’m not the one that woman killed
Think about that body rushed away
On determined heels
To the hospital, on precious time played
His fate, despite man, sealed
I’m not there, no fruit to give
My presence not by his dying side
Though he screams to the empty, futile air
My efforts can’t discourage his departure nigh
Though the sun may rise
Thougt the babe born
Though the shoot will rise
I will still morn
His loss, the rotting human soul
That sits in a wooden box, rested in the solemn hearse
Carried off by the bearer of palls
And buried deep beneath the earth
I’ll lament the loss, I’ve lost it
So very suddenly placed, without abet
This event so caustic
I’m face to face with death
But I’m not the one you should morn
Despite the tears streaming from my face
I’m not the one with the greatest of ills
I’m not the one you should be praying for
For, I’m not the one who that woman killed.
JL Nov 2011
The storm of life
I sleep in the darkness
Packed into the pitch black
Inside a coffin crushed under the pressure under the dirt

I always thougt I would go in some car crash
On a long highway  
In the middle of the afternoon
Some perilous rush hour
Daily commute

Or in some great battle as a king
Killing my ten thousands
Covered in dirt and grime
A hero of people

But I died alone
Lying in this bed
Waiting for my kids
Who never visit
Liliana Jaworska Sep 2014
Stop for a moment.
Imagine that one day you will embrace silence.
You will look backwards and you will recognize
that this silence always rocked you to dream
about  boy who gave a falling leaf,
about nights longer than day,
about lost years,
about not ending talks at dusk ,
about stormy wind which lifts up the waves of the sea,
about warm summer like a desert wind,
about  fire of dancing bodies,
about horizon of fulfilled fantasy,
about  soul brave as a lion,
about forgiveness of inequitable sins,
about harvest of ripe apples,
about fresh bread in the morning.

Stop for a moment.
Imagine that one day you will pass away.
You will look bakwards and you will recognize
that everything on earth has deeper meaning
boundless despair,
fulfilled promise,
sense of hopelessness,
carefree laughter,
overwhelming piece of art,
passionate kiss,
poetry before bedtime,
long walks in forest,
thick fog in the morning,
birth of a child,
glittering stars in the sky,
wild dance of the senses,
sweet flavor of peach,
God's wisdom,
even your name.

Stop for the moment.
Imagine that one day you will be permeated by thougt
that the beauty in others is not ethereal.
You will look backwards and you will recognize
that you didn't  appreciate significance of invisible treasures
of  heart filled with hope,
of  hand given for goodbay,
of  secret of eyes in love,
of  soul as particle of divinity,
of  faith in another human being,
of   prayer of child,
of  warmth of awaited touch,
of  taste of shed tears,
of  burden of sacrifice,
of  joy from happy ending,
of undying values,
of delight in the sun,
of  love larger than life.

Stop for a moment.
Look backwards as long as you have time.
My life before I met you was just simply dull. I never ever felt any emotions. I couldnt feel happiness, I couldnt feel sadness. I didnt even have any emotional relationships with people. Like I knew I should love my family or some friends. And I said I did. I just couldnt feel it. It was just a word for me and I thougt that's normal because I never knew anything other.
Everything changed when I met you. And by everything I mean my whole life, soul,thinking,feeling,talking,moving,dreaming,breathing. There wasnt a single part of my existence that didnt change.
I started feeling things Ive never felt before.
I started seeing things Ive never seen before.

When I was with you I often realized that I feel like Im in a movie. In a really, really beautiful movie.
Everytime we went to bed I never fell asleep before you and then I just stared at your beautiful face sleeping and your beautiful chest moving while you were breathing.
And every morning I woke up earlier just to look at you a bit longer.
When we were waiting for the tram in streets of your beautiful hometown Prague, I looked at you again and I remember my thoughts till this day. "How ******* lucky am I to call you mine. How did I ever deserve you? And also how lucky I am that you are also a lesbian."

Since I met you... I strated crying.
I never really cried before.
Do you remember the first time you played the guitar for me? How my tears just started falling?
I dont really know why but I think that was the moment I fell in love with you. Cause I didnt know that feeling and I didnt know how to express or let out my emotions, so I just started crying.
And then usually tears started falling while your body was joined with mine... or when we were saying goodbye...

It feels like my life just started when I met you.

And that was how I knew I was madly, madly in love with you girl.
Infamous one Feb 2013
my thoughts come out in words
im enjoying being free with my expression
anxious no more filter out the bad focus on the good
i never thougt id be free of the darkness
get the depression out of the heart
become in touch with inner peace
im able to be here but want to be there
sometimes events are beyond your control
maybe youll be more once you cope
lessons learned make you better for the next time around
free of all that is stressin you out
able to look fear in the face without
stand up as the chains fall to the ground
escape be somewhere you belong and all feels right
escape the cycle be free be the one doing more
eclipso child Apr 2017 slice..
..piece  by piece..
       ..getting it's's's
            change of it..

But all we know we come to our mother's metra ..
      ..were blind 4 nano second at least..
                ..same least the one's that get that.. much time too u think that we have thonger out of our stupid..made belive..problelm's..and do you
.              even know true love...
..i do..and it hurts the most of all that I have witness..3/4 of my heart went to love..or what thougt love..i've would have give my life that somebody gould keep living..LOVE..jist a word what we made to oirselfs to **** say something when it feels awkward some **..what ever..but we're not out word's or language..that would be just plain skitso and dumb..yeah th the 10%:t..but still..there's jus another  'fact' that we eat
          without chewin'..ain't the first time to ack like ape..throuing boo as funny business..OR we know why you but us in cage's..

   ..made up words to get explain our simplicity to others....the ******'s that make's us belive that we are in charge..

              ..words that have made all war's exist..and blood spilled..

       ..we need them but it would bea very sunny day..when we
             learned to use them too this my contribution..
Gabe  Oct 2020
Women's power
Gabe Oct 2020
Men in power once thougt
to make decisions about women's bodies
without comprehension of such aberration of human rights
Once you **** women off, better run.

Lions in nature
They fight for themselves and their cognates.
So beware of their anger
Once you **** women off, better run.

Those beautiful, mistakenly considered fragile
creatures are ready to sacrifice the universe
To protect their families
Thus why to test their patience and persistence?
I'm from Poland and recently the government has outlawed abortion due to feutal defects and as a woman I cannot agree to that

— The End —