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Marco Raimondi May 2017
Glórias! Que do abismo dão-se as profundezas
E o paradoxo de uma noite escura à luz do dia
Mas que, perto de meus olhos, brilha acesa
A minha admiração magna que por ti sentia!
Tu és tudo, mais que humano
Mas apenas minhas pálpebras podem únicas sentir teu oceano.

Se em teus olhos vês beleza que denominas
Doce Idália, tem-te cuidado ao mundo que te inflama
Pois se hoje cintilas vida, amanhã serão ruínas
Que sucumbirão ao destino em chamas
Mede teus louvores nos horizontes desta terra,
Pois a natureza de tudo é mãe, até da mais funérea guerra!

Fria terra sincera e de índole intensa,
Dei minha miséria e caí em pranto
Sem Deus piedoso, a meu sofrer não há recompensa!
Que farei se deste jardim, as flores desejo tanto?
Esta ventura de nada é pedido inocente
Formosa Gaia, como tortura-me em teu semblante ardente!

Se mais luzes sentes deste Sol coroado,
Muito te erras, raia filha, solenemente!
Se destes vastos campos sentes o céu azulado,
Há de regraciar na sombra teu espírito verdadeiramente!
Que fique tua plena vida manchada por amor,
Te lembrarás, quando desatar teus prantos em inocente dor

De meus verdejantes olhares pressinto
A agonia formosa que tu angustias em tudo ser
Pois tu és a umbra, acolhedor recinto
E desse despontam tuas misérias, quais tristemente hão de se manter
Decifro há pouco as águas que beijam as areias
E clareia-me o ímpeto dos dilúvios com fúria tua tão cheia

De fúrias acusa-me teu espanto,
Mas a ti digo, quanto vigor menos,
Para o caos não jogar-te aos mantos
E a lembrar-te o sublime, em tempos tão pequenos!
Decrete-me tuas aflições, tua desventura
Que dói em meu reflexo, que em teus olhos pouco dura?

Não digo! Há dentro d'alma tanta vida
Que desconfio, de minha, estar trancada em gelosia
Como recamo no céu de uma ave perdida
Suspiro descorada ânsia qual me havia
Ah! Atravessa-me este calor de eras a centos
Mas inda vejo airoso sopro no troar eterno dos ventos

Diga a cantar-te poder que nos iriantes astros amontoaste
E do mundo, os fundamentos volvia
Destas águas de criação, tu já breve, encerraste?
Lembra-te do sol de primavera, qual no vácuo as solidões enchia
Que importa se és rasga enganadora?
Se de minhas mãos saíram as raízes desta terra traidora!?

É o destino, luz que empalidece e minh'alma estua,
Quando campo mi'a pele palpita tua alvura,
Deste infinito toco sublimado nascer de nívea Lua
Posto que, no brilho desta, cuja noite torna pura
O presente esmaece e crio-me, do fato, fugidia errante,
Como o lírio qual coroa abre pobre, por grato instante
Os versos da primeira cena não estão por vez finalizados, inclusive estes que aqui estão podem sofrer mudanças consequentes de suas adaptações, porque foram pouco revisados. Tratam-se, portanto, apenas de alguns fragmentos.
The Wicca Man Jul 2016
Gaia sighed. Not a sigh like lovers sigh looking deeply into each other's eyes. This was a sigh of resignation. In all her long life, there had never been a time she felt as unheeded as now.

Yes, there had been a time once, a time of oneness when all her multitudinous inhabitants had coexisted, when species knew their place in the chain of life and cycled through their existence, not always at peace but with respect for one another: the lion hunted the swift gazelle which in turn fed on the fruits of the trees, parasitic birds and insects grazed upon her and they in turn were the prey of others. ‘Yes,’ Gaia thought, ‘there was a time.’

She sighed again. She remembered when humans first came to prominence in the twilight of her existence. To them, she was the Great Mother, the Creator of life. Was it not she who bore all her inhabitants and was it not to her that they all returned to continue the cycle?

Gaia felt old now, old and forgotten. That respect, that devotion was all gone now. She felt the hurt as the careful balance she had sought to maintain was eroded, not by wind and elements, but by the ravages of humans.

‘They have overstepped their bounds,’ she mused. ‘They must be taught a lesson.’

She pondered on that thought for a moment and for a moment felt a surge of effervescent warmth flow through her form. But grim reality broke through her musings and she shuddered at the horror of the reality. Her memories were dim and misty now. She could remember her birth but only just. How she had taken form from the cosmic flotsam and jetsam all those countless aeons ago. She remembered the youthful exuberance she exhibited then and she smiled in embarrassed recollection. No life could have survived upon her surface then for she was wild and wilful, hot and inhospitable, prone to savage outpourings. But she grew, she gained the experience of time passing, and slowly, slowly, her voluble exterior became calm and gradually her form was blanketed in a kindly cloak of life-sustaining gases. The soup of her oceans spawned and multiplied a myriad of lives and forms and she thought of how many she had seen come and go.

The present again broke through her meditation of what has gone before. Now she was approaching the nighttime of her existence and, like the old elephant, one of her favourite inhabitants, she knew her time was near. She had tried so hard to adapt, to compromise but, like a cancer, the human scourge had spread beyond all control. Oh yes, there had been a few voices raised in concern and some, she knew, spoke with all the sincerity she knew the species was capable of. But, those voices went unheeded, listened to by a few but ignored by the many. Gaia was tired. She hurt. Sol bore down on her savagely, relentlessly and she felt her protective shroud growing weaker and weaker as every moment passed. It was now, the time had come...

© David Simons 2001 (revised 2016)
Ok, not strictly speaking a poem but poetic prose (!?). Take from this what you will.
K F  May 2017
K F May 2017
Gaia slammed the door and threw her phone across the room.
Her lover Humanity has done it again--
                  and again, and again.

That broken mess of a love with so much baggage,
it makes the raunchiest Olympians look like Astrea.

All night out, and Humanity ruins and disappoints,
                  once more.

Gaia screams into a pillow of earth in frustration.
Uranus thinks she's melodramatic,

But how can the Sky sympathize with the Earth?
And how in turn can the Earth fall so wholeheartedly,
                for a destroyer?

Who once more in turn, tries in vain, but will never
understand the complexity of it's own round habitat-lover.

So Gaia is left confused and hurt, though Humanity swears,
it never meant to hurt her; break her into pieces,
and turn from a collective of voices to Narcissus himself.  

               She sighs.

Perhaps next week will be different?
The texts between the two so hit or miss and fickle,
Only Fates could read what lies behind the tension.

An Aletia moth flits in and out the window,
and suddenly the butterfly poster on Gaia's wall feels pathetic.

An imitation of her own work.

Perhaps next week will be different?
Perhaps Zeus will vow celibacy,
perhaps the sky will fall into the sea,
and we'll all be mercifully crushed in between.

But what crushes is reality, and as Gaia falls asleep,
the phone lights up.

Humanity: "Drinks again next Thursday?"

The same empty connection repeated ceaselessly.
One generation on to the next until the last.

And of course Pandora's curse,
keeps Gaia suffering through them all.
axr  Nov 2014
axr Nov 2014
I hate this air which are compelled to breathe
We are trapped in the clutches of pollution
If I don't breathe this air
I will die
but now that I am breathing this air
I am dying
Gaia will poison us all
for what we did to her
oh **** sorry we have oxygen tanks, i could always use that.
on a serious note, we all should be worried about the pollution in the world. i don't need to present you with the evidence of what global warming is doing to mankind.
We are the evidence of what global warming is doing to mankind
I am no 5th grader who is chanting slogans to save this planet, i am no environmentalist, or the leader of some 'SAVE MOTHER EARTH' club. Just a human who is trying to make the world a better place
Gaia : Greek goddess of earth.
Camellia-Japonica  Sep 2014
Listen do you hear the silence above the roar of life?
Do you hear your heart beating to your life's song?
Do you see the sky above blanketing and comforting?

Do you feel the world spinning around? With you standing still upon it?
Hush! Sshhhh! Quiet.
Listen to the flow of earth's blood in her rivers and streams,
feel her warmth from the sun like an adoring parental gaze.
Touch her thrumming life in her growing forests, see her wonders created for us her children.
Hear her lullaby before she is muted, choked, buried alive by us, with
our waste, our destruction, deforestation, over fishing, hunting.
****** the fruitful earth 'til she our mother is barren and useless.

Mother Earth is weeping and above the roar of our selfish modern sound, we do not hear her crying, or see her tears silently falling.
Falling onto selfish mankind.
Gaia that great mother to all, giver of birth to earth and it's universe
is a woman reclining upon the earth surrounded by a host of jealous warring infant adults the fruits of her labours.

*Oaths sworn in the name of Gaia, in ancient Greece, were considered the most binding of all.
16:50 BST
Marco Raimondi Jun 2017
O sol, fadando aos seus desmaios,
Em falta de luz aureolava
A face natura com seus distantes raios;
A areia qual aos clarões brilhava,
Neste sol d'agora dorme junto às figueiras
Às terras, aos vales, às distantes matas altaneiras

Gaia, que nas folhas de carvalho
Rompe a escuridão do céu vultuoso
E jorra em seu corpo as águas d'orvalho
Cobre-se, nas horas, d'um véu moroso;
Quando olham ao zênite, estrelas podem ver
Como áureo tesouro a na escuridão se irromper

Por este turvo azul sidéreo,
Entre as florestas tem-se o canto,
E dos troncos retorcidos, um mistério
Cuja noite predomina em seu encanto,
Cobrindo as nuvens do olhar,
Com seu etéreo resplendor lunar

Divagam as almas que dormem
E divagam as que repousam, sob o sentir de fantasia
As mais atormentadas, que de sonhos envolvem,
Veem nos vastos pesadelos dores de uma visão sombria;
Se em prantos, quando dormem, não podem culminar
Vezes quebram, em gritos e desatino, um longo calar

Destes prantos, cujas lágrimas caem nas profundezas
Ressoam em uma perdição do infinito
Entoando pérolas e cânticos desta proeza
Que é constituir, no espírito, o próprio mito;
Tudo não mais cintila, Gaia se cobre,
Os olhos da matéria se fecham após tanto obre

Enfim, fez-se da natureza uma realidade escrava
Na qual os dias, tão somente o tempo envenena
Mas Gaia, quando os serenos campos lava
A realidade, a mudança é ela quem condena,
À miséria dos povos, as glórias, a graça
Tudo é ao tempo, que a natureza trespassa

O lar dos sentires se silencia sob aurora
Todos desprezos, amores e outros enganos
Agrados, estupores, inclemências de outrora
Contiguamente extinguem-se, ao eclipsar dos raios meridianos
O som enleia as serranias noturnas
Sussurrando longínqua a madrugada soturna

É a glória do Destino! Ânsia abissal e dolorida,
Aprisionando a natureza em seu prazer de ilusão
Subitamente, em brumas, um estirpe que é vida
Das lembranças renovadas, canções d'uma visão
Logo o sol nascerá em amplitude
E clarear-se-á o dia em suas virtudes

Idália, a vaguear nos cúmulos imaginários
Vê as estrelas em umedecidos rochedos
A ecoarem devaneios visionários
As névoas quais, do delírio, são divinos segredos,
Empíreo enigma, perpetua-se em infinita imensidade,
Que há de trovejar os pensamentos na obscura eternidade
Mateuš Conrad Oct 2018
.i cannot do justice to Hölderlin's invocation of Hyperion, but i also have no intention to, but i'll begin with, what isn't regarded as a pristine, classical constellation:

it begins with a punt volant,
on first observation,
      which descends in brightness
         ano teleia -
romanic interruption of the added
comma beneath it,
like a tail dragging the head along...

    the constellation?

        a dismembered man,
a crooked pentagram,
and a trinity of sorts...

                              .          .        
    ­                               .    



this, the dislodged man,
with a trinity of stars floating
outside of him...

the trinity is faint...
when you first spot the ano teleia
star with its brightness...
yet that is a mishandled

which brings me to the argument,
some people send their DNA
to companies that
discover their genetic makeup,
i also read a newspaper article
that stated:
why bother?
you genetic make-up
also consists of what
you gravitate to,

    so... i'm reading an article
on Hyperion...
and then i follow several links...
all i know is that the Vikings
were the founders of
   and to get to Kiev from Norway...
you have to go past the land
i was born in...

   then working from an article
on Emperor Julian, the Apostate...
then onto an article on Mardonius...
then on the article on the Goths...

  Swedish "vikings"...
  who had established settlements
in the region of Poland were
i was born,
by 250BC...
   so... why would i cling to
Nordic folk songs,
or their revisionism,
if i... suddenly hear a song,
and react with goosebumps on
my cheeks from hearing it?

or what about the remnants
of Scythia?
           boiling in my veins?

that newspaper article was right,
i don't need to send off my DNA
sample to companies,
i can read my DNA from the culture
i'm migrating toward!

i have abandoned the Athenian gods
of Olympus,
i've looked elsewhere,
to the mountain that became
the pit of Tartarus...
look back at Uranus, and sampled
the wintry perfumes of Gaia...

          swam in the ***** of Pontus...
and i have...
seen how both the gods,
and the titans...
   are the source of etymological
unlike what the judeo-christian tranditions
Adam didn't name the birds
and the animals from an a priori
posit / advantage point
of some obscure inheritance...

        first come the grander things...
man conjures up the existence / non-existence
of either gods, or titans...
to spin the wheel and gain etymological
of what became the ****** of the affair
between Helios and Gaia...
    however true...
   or untrue...
      there is still an etymological foundation
for the existence of said
   the names / not beings...
that spawn more names to be attributed
to such miniscule things
as flies, centipedes and pebbles...

from the word Uranus, comes the word

from Selene comes the word
which coincides
the words Pontus, Oceanus, Poseidon,
and subsequently the
moon's influence of the tides...
the... παλίρροιες (palirroies,
siblings of the furies, the rivers,
and all other nymphs)...

      but however ridiculous applying
these nouns is...
they are rigid evolution
of words, formerly grunted,
or expressed in a barbaric way...
these are the words first defined...

Gaia probably became perfected
when there occurred a syllable
arithmetic... well... "arithmetic" is a lose
term of addition...
    the syllable g'ah! g'ah!
combined with i'ah!
stealthy *******, this Jewish god,
he knew it all along...
hide in the letters,
hide in phonetics,
hide long until...
there's a second Belshezzar moment
in history...
when he's seen a second time...

i see him!
the surd H and the laughter
instigator H of the tetragrammaton...
you sigh when you write AH...
you express a vague awed-surprise
when you write OH...
    H represents the breath...
and the soul...

i see him!
i write too much to not be able
to dis-guide you from doing likewise...
the breath enter with an AH
and an OH...
   ah as in wonder with a surprise,
oh, as in counter: so i was wrong?

ooh... like something is teasing
    uh? as in an element of disgust...
       the point...
the point being?
                    how else can you
express laughter,
if not balancing on the Jewish
definite article,
i.e. HA, i.e. HA-shem (the-name?),

but the Greeks were of some use...
their names of Titans and
   etymological boot-camps...
what we began with,
and, ultimately,
what we return to,
not for bowing, prayer,
we already that Zeus is actually
   who's father, Odin,
is Uranus...
                    so, technically...
Zeus is Thor...
                     Prometheus is Loki...
etc. etc. etc.,
      point being...
these similarities, these correlations?
they're not, they're not,
                        they would be plagiarisms,
if they had similar etymological
they're not plagiarisms,
because even now,
not everyone on this earth is a bilingual
entity that could
support a globalist agenda!
      if bilingualism was rife,
then the liberals could have their
globalist "unity"...
              but since bilingualism is the lesser
half of the polymath...
              isolated communities
have isolated ideas...
they look as if they were plagiarisms
now... but then?
   the only globalist artifact left these days,
the Socratic argument for
universal, convergent purposes -
and particular, divergent practicalities...
these religions were not
   do you really think that
plagiarism is a pulverizing motivational
tool for the perpetuation
of a people's existence?
   i don't think so...
                      plagiarism doesn't drive
it's just a strange coincidence that
there are similarities that could be conceived
as plagiarisms...
but then again...
****... me and this Mongol share
a very similar physiognomy...
  and... oh ****... we're standing up-right...
have five limbs...
   and we use fire to cook food...
yeah... the religious plagiarism issue is
really suspicious...
we weren't, ever, to make a similar conclusion...
since we all, supposedly led a mass
exodus from Africa...
     like **** we did...
               but the story doesn't begin
with an origins...
   more... what happened in what
became localized eventualities of segregation...
hey... i might have, 100 year... ha ha!
yeah right... to write my own narrative...
i don't like the antithesis of
doubt: of the perfected plethora of
the antithesis of both faith & denial...
     i like my rainbow plethora of doubt
to "counter" faith & denial...
   given that i also don't like
the pseudo-schizophrenic dichotomy of
faith, contra denial.
- makes for a more exciting
content of the heart... what? doubt;
doubting Thomas
  with a heart like a sinking stone,
and fire in his eyes,
                    a, second Belshezzar.
Axiana Jan 2015
Satiated is my soul, awake, alive
I come forward with my eyes alight
This moment here was perfectly timed
With the sunshine reflecting full tonight

I follow the moon, the stars, the sea
Wave upon wave breathes life into me
The balance of far lands and dreams
I was once the wolf who took the leap
A guardian of cosmic mystery

Into waters bright and clear
Such transformation happens here
Now I know the truth, in tears
Gaia loves all starseeds dear

A seed was planted, this I know
For the moon once told me so
In its attempt to fight the sun
But now they are forever one

Let the flow continue now
I heed the call, I hear the sound
Awaken before our light goes out
There is no room for doubt

Drop your worries, release your sighs
From your heart, this special night
I'll race you to the end of time
And howl now, our wilds' cry

Watch our soul spread out, spread wide
Now my sweet one, be alive
One last breath and now we dive
Into the deep, we glide, we rise

Becoming part of an eternal tide
And so she whispered to the sky
A wish so deep, so sweet, so kind
"I will still be yours...
If you will be mine"
There is an ancient tale of how the wolf dove into the sea in order to feed dolphins to the human when they first began their relationship.  As the story goes, they became what we know today as the orcas or "Sea Wolves". I resonate strongly with these two spirit animals and the metaphor of transformation through balance and compassion inspired me so I decided to write a poem about it. I hope you enjoy! Here is a link to the story I had read if you want more details :)
Agung, Abang, Batur
sacred volcanoes
gateways to Gaia

standing silent
dawn’s light your only adornment

at your feet
paddy fields
emerald carpets
across which you stride
©Jacqueline Le Sueur 2010 All Rights Reserved

(Written whilst looking out of my window in rural Bali at a sight that greeted me every day)
Hear the banners, blaring,
In a Castle, sun-bathed white.
Wrapped in the golden sunsets
of both East,
and West.

Come closer, into this Castle's realm
see crops blazing with activity,
what might be prosperity,
or laughing children
and screams of joy, and laughter.

Talk to a farmer girl, of this Castle,
Listen to her tale:
I was wrought from Issac and Portia,
a Nobleman, and a Common-folk.
Together, they brought me,  16 years ago.
From the dusty deserts, that bloom green plants,
I sit lonely on a bench,
and by chance, I had a glance,
of a poor person, but, not a common-*****.
A man he is, and he stands tall,
with black slick hair,
and muscles all.
I looked at him,
and he looked at me,
or so it seems.
The next day,
in the market streets
of Camelot.
We met,
face, to face.
Though it were a dream.
And seemed fair around us,
though that was not what it would seem.
We spoke, in the corridor,
to the church,
and we learned of each others lore
and kept close each others worth.
The Next day, by midnight,
as I slept in my bed,
He was there.
He knocked on my window,
and I invited him in,
with suspicion,
and lusting,
for my anticipations.
And he spoke to me
"I will return, Christine, dearest,
but I must embark, upon a quest,
to the neighboring town of Cornwallis,
to discuss neighboring policies,
and alliances.
By 3 days shall I return,
and should I not,
then my death will you learn
has come.
And so he came,
and so he went,
William his name
who's life not spent
walked gallantly mile after mile
to reclaim his fiance
and raise their child.

upon the walls
of Camelot,
their lies what they
might call a mote,
but it has been torn,
and it might be plagued,
explaining the lack of

Knocking on the Gates,
of Camelot,
leads to a few strange noises,
one of them, being,
no noises,
as you hear
distant voices,
as if they were sleeping,
and you look up,
"The moon, of course!"
And so you climb the wall,
with a vine you found in the forests nearby.
And you stumble and mingle
with the vine wrapped
around your ankle.

Alas, your free,
You look up for the first time
within the boundaries of the city,
and find,
inscribed houses,
and minor commotions,
and by mere chance,
the sun arrives
though late, he seems,
and later he rises
the brilliance and the blare like a clock
starts the peasants up as flocks.
Love round the village clean and fair
and animals rolling in parks they share.
Where birds sit in pair-trees.
Where dogs chase cats for fun,
Where bees entertain the children free
Where parents admire the creation they've done.
And as you walk these streets
in wonder, and satisfaction,
You find that street
is layered in sparkles
and clouds of snow-white dust
that enhance the atmosphere
of this,
so to speak.
Their, in the middle,
bewitches thine eye,
with all fantasies of this Earth,
and all beauties that have worth.
For in the center, lies a fountain,
which speaks 'Heaven' to your heart,
its marble is smooth as doves,
the presence of the fountain,
creates, or so you believe, the dark
mood around,
like a ominous breeze,
that is being blown away,
infinitely stretched,
like a monkey-chain of rubber bands,
the features of this fountain,
excite your mind with wonder,
enough wonder,
that makes your life feel whole,
though man has at least one worth,
should the world fail
and all prove evil,
then at least, they praise this devil.
The shape is but a breath-taker from
what could qualify, as a statue
for to lie in God's Plaza, or something
similar. The water spraying from the Queen,
Gaia, with a lively green vine,
my apologies,
that is pure and uncut emerald
that wraps around her hair,
which is so defined,
that you could give Gaia a new definition,
And from Gaia's hands, holding a vial,
comes out water, seeming longer,
and more endless then the nile.
And should you lean upon this,
architecture, of majesty,
unbearably beautiful,
and unquestionably
you'd see,
the mirroring,
of Heaven, the Stars,
and all the cold void within this reflection,
that miraculously could ever dare
to try that deception, in say, 4 feet length,
that mimics the unending of space,
time and infinity.
you turning your head,
you see creatures,
though creatures they be,
they, if the fountain represented God,
then these creatures represent his Archangels.
As Swans float gently,
upon the water's tip,
and even Salmon, and other fishes below
are gray, silver, or diamond clear.
And the water their, remains,
despite the audiences
of romantic teens,
adorable, and innocent children, laughing and playing in this pool,
and adults sitting by it, enjoying  their mate's company.
Inscribed in Gaia's vial, reads
"The Fountain of Youth".

But these fond memories no longer supply me,
with the passion and love of this Earth,
I once fondly knew,
for all, even the fountain is pillaged,
and two lovers that loved each other were hewed.

But pride, forgotten,
and beauty marred,
live forever,
in glory
and love.

— The End —