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ApocalypsenoW  Mar 2019
ApocalypsenoW Mar 2019
All conflict fade in light
Of what is yet to come
I fear muself sometimes
Destroying all i’ve done
Confused by feelings, old and new,
By deamons i create
My love, i wish you only knew
What rages in my brain.

One second passed and all had changed
I am not ready still
To just enjoy the things i gained
The bliss i yearn to feel
Feelings of Love obscured by Fear
Of all that is unknown
Of monsters dwealing in the deep
Of deamons i had known

If you to ask me weeks from now
About my deamon friends
Ill lauth and tell you that right now
This deamons have no chance
But in this constant solitude
In castle made of Ice
I lock myself so far from you
Stare into deamons eyes.
Deamons and marvels
Winds and tides
Far away already, the sea has ebbed
And you
Like seaweed slowly carressed by the wind
In the sands of the bed you stir, dreaming
Deamons and marvels
Winds and tides
Far away already, the sea has ebbed
But in your half-opened eyes
Two small waves have remained
Deamons and marvels
Winds and tides
Two small waves to drown me
3 days ago I cried for the first time in 5 months.
I felt a drop or two, as my body heaved in pain
and desperation.

I thought I forgot how to cry.
I thought that I had the ability to be stronger than that
Or that the veins that constricted
my deamons
Were indestructible.

I was wrong.
I can cry
And I can feel
But the feelings haven't changed from then
I feel weak.
I want my strength back
I don't want a constant tug at the back of my throat.
I broke.
I want to be fixed.
Kelly Roland  Oct 2013
Miss sixty
Kelly Roland Oct 2013
lost in a strange world
  only sense we can find
Is in peering through the keyholes
Of locked doors
we bang our fists
and spread the spark
hoping its sent down wind
setting smoke to the answers within
were drawnto the fire
like moths to a flame
Unwilling to be tamed
by the safety belt of the world
smoke seeps from the lock
and we inhale deep
ravenous for
the taste of something
the burn we feel
goes undetected
among the drowning men
In this shallow pool
Of lukewarm genuinity
and over-chlorinated sincerity
but we breath the fumes in
with a whole new strength
we break down the door
unleash the deamons
begging for more
than this
we become one
With the fears,
we become none
so we rise with the deamons
and we rise up
above the conscience
dont give a ****
because we never could fit
Within the boundaries
Of a newborn dying man
these unatainable boundaries
never could never will never can
Coriander Lee Jun 2015
Glare at the blank page,
Splatter it with black
the oil that oozes up
from deep inside me.

Shape it to a likeness
Give it a collar, a chain
But I prefer not to name it.

I'm good at keeping the door cracked.
I keep the key around my neck,
In case I need to shut them in,

Or shut myself in?

I'm not sure which side of the door
is the inside.
They bang on rough wood.
Scrape with sharp nails.
I haven't named them.
If only they didn't know mine.
I haven't written in so long. I found it easier to rewrite a rough draft instead of starting from scratch.
Brittney  Feb 2012
Brittney Feb 2012
I am the girl
in the shadows
and if you had
stopped just for a
you'd see me
hiding and rotting away,
starving for my time
to feel the sun
and the breeze caress my skin.
getting thinner and thinner
trying to get to the invisible
the no body weight,
feel the heat on my pale
ashen skin.
Feel comfortable
walking around.
Just to feel nothing
but beauty
starving in my corner
waiting till it's my turn
to step into
the spot light
to be thin and air like
to feel pure,
but for now
I'll crawl into the corner
of my mind and pretend
I don't see the monsters
of hunger.
I'll crawl
into those satin sheets
and cry of aches and pains
I'll ignore the fact
it's not getting better
but worse.
~Christi Michaels~

Dark Shadows of My Soul
Memories finally revealed,
Yet always known.

Arches set deep within stone
Labored creake of hinges
Massive wooden doors
My breath, heavy just moments before,
quiets upon the entering.
Dark Shadows of My Soul

Three steps down,
Entering the majestic room.
Domed ceilings. Stucco stained
with colors from long, long ago.
I walk towards windows.
Tall, deep n' narrow overlooking My Realm below.
A knowing. A deep seated
rememberance of a life once lived.
Dark Shadows of My Soul

Secrets, locked away in gilded boxes..
Vessels holding unspoken truths
Trap doors leading to dungeons
concealed beneath intricately woven rugs.
Taste of the air. ****** breads,
roasting meat.
Acrid smoke wafting from Soddy hearths
Dark Shadows of My Soul

Raven ringlets cascading.
A waterfall down my open back.
Pearl woven braids
adorn the crown of my head.
My ******* constrained.  
With each breath.
Brocade and lace lay gently
across my hands, kissing my fingers
My neck long, regal. I hold posture of a Princess.  
My full skirts sweep and polish
these stone floors from time till eternity

Will begin the journey.
Delve into this sordid past.
Facing, long at last  
Deamons. Lies of Old
Embracing now
Dark Shadows of One's Soul

Copyright © 2014 Christi Michaels. All Rights Reserved.
Quote from Barnabas Collins,
the Motion Picture: Dark Shadows.
Starring: Johnny Depp, 2012 originating from the
T.V. series Dark Shadows (1966-1971)
  Barnabas Collins, a 175-year-old vampire from Collinsport, Maine. Having bridged the centuries, he has been both an adversary and an ally to his extended family members over the course of several generations.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I loved Ireland. Felt one within the Castles. This peice, though originally a challenge, fulfilled the " Dark Shadows of My Soul"
David Nelson Jun 2010
I apologize(a Rock Ballad)

I toss and I turn
cant sleep at night
because of you

I feel the pain
I've got tears in my eyes
I was so untrue

how could I make you cry
I just wanna die
I was such a fool
how could I break your heart
when you've been the best part
of my life

I apologize,
I was so wrong
I apologize

You gave me your heart
asked me to keep it
safe from the deamons of pain
I closed my  eyes
with a flash my mind
laid it all on the likne'

how could I make you cry
I just wanna die
I was such a fool
how could I break your heart
when you've been the best part
of my life

I apologize,
I was so wrong
I apologize

Gomer LePoet...
Amanda Sep 2013
When the world turns its back on you,
turn your back on the world.
and then you'll be able to understand what the world thought.
see its point of view.
when you turn your back on someone you leave them.
they can't help you  
but then again,
they can't hurt you either.
so in that sense, the world did you a favour.
it left you
to yourself
and decided not to come back
and put you on your own
to find your peace
and your deamons
and although you had to fight them yourself
you don't have anyone holding you back.
you don't have anyone to run to
and you don't have anyone to run from.
and you don't love anyone
and no one loves you
and that's what happens
when the world leaves.
Brittney  Feb 2012
Brittney Feb 2012
I am the girl
in the shadows
and if you had
stopped just for a
you'd see me
hiding and rotting away,
starving for my time
to feel the sun
and the breeze caress my skin.
getting thinner and thinner
trying to get to the invisible
the no body weight,
feel the heat on my pale
ashen skin.
Feel comfortable
walking around.
Just to feel nothing
but beauty
starving in my corner
waiting till it's my turn
to step into
the spot light
to be thin and air like
to feel pure,
but for now
I'll crawl into the corner
of my mind and pretend
I don't see the monsters
of hunger.
I'll crawl
into those satin sheets
and cry of aches and pains
I'll ignore the fact
it's not getting better
but worse.
Eloi Nov 2015
Heaven sent Deamons surround us all now.

We bow our heads and sing hyms, as he's lowered into the ground.

He was so beautiful, kind, and loving all of his life, but the Angels came and took him to keep by their side.

Now he will forever be but a memory to me, I fear that the truth will soon be clear to see.

About why he had to leave, and why he had to go, leaving us all here, in this icy cold snow.

It's hell here without him, I still cry every night,
He was a child of the galaxies who had to return to gods side.
Hank Van Well Jr Dec 2014
you can't fight,
what you don't know
, but I know myself
, and I cant win,
Because myself,
knows me , all to well

— The End —