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'Un caffe con latte per favore.'
'Un cornetto?'
'No, un caffe con latte.'
'Ah, un gelato!'
'No! Un caffe con latte!'
'Latte con zuchero?'
'Why you idiot! I'm asking for a coffee!'
Just started out with Italian. I'm really liking it.
Claudia Mar 2016
Nobody believes in me. But, neither do I, and that’s OK. But they don’t really know how I am, and if they knew, I am pretty sure they wouldn’t feel the same way. I sometimes feel like coming out of the closet, not because I am gay, but just for my personality. Then, I realize we are all in the closet. Even when you come out of the closet, you search for somewhere else to hide. But basically nobody will get out of the wardrobe, which makes sense, because we judge. We dislike everything. How people talk, dress, look, or even walk. We are so caught up on ******* that we don’t even get to evolve as people. I know I don’t. Could that be part of the system we grew up in? How do we differentiate a critique from simply judging. The critique highway goes straight into judge, or does it not? We might say — this is just a critique, it’s for your own good— but in reality, most of the times, we have already spoken about it to someone else. Why do we always need to get people’s approval to fit into this world, and therefore, are most unpopular “outcasts” really the most honest people to be around. I will never know, because I am as guilty as everyone else. Involved in the society that simply sits in the caffe window watching people pass by as you consider yourself better than them. Whatever. Once again, I am no better. I just find it sad to think that I am always searching from approval by bashing on other people, who have decided to live their life without caring about the dumb girl sitting by the window.
Elizabeth Milnes Jan 2012
It’s always been just coffee kisses,
they’re all I have left to bring.
Overflowing mugs of latte love to spill on your hands, your lips, your heart,
Caffe mocha affection
laced with cappuccino hugs.
Iced or steaming, you decide.
Hazelnut, peppermint, French vanilla
(dulce de leche piquitos para ti)
warm espresso admiration,
americano dreams,
sugared and creamy to sweeten your tongue
served up with a coffee house smile—
bitterness hides in a candied disguise
but not today.
No sugar in the raw, no milk, no cream,
no sweet sticky flavors to trick your lovesick mind,
no fancy names to make you think it’s worth the cost.
Just pure, dark caffeine,
ground up this morning,
rich and smooth, but bitter and dry—
brewed with intention.
Just one coffee kiss, for you.
One plain black coffee kiss.

Take it or leave it.
Nat Lipstadt Jul 2013
Which Is Greater?

I break a vow.
A serious vow.

In a place, in this site,
Where the fluid pain
Is the water of the world,
The element that is crux,
The amniotic liquor of creative flux,
The morning juice,
The afternoon caffe,
The first beer of the day,
The liquid that we rinse and spit out our every day,

I will write about pain,
Arrogantly, as if there is any unused combination of
Letters, vowels and consonants left unspoken, *****,
Having sworn not to, for pain is cumulative.

Asking myself,
Which is greater?

The pain of creation, inception, origination and birth,
The pain of  wreck and ruin, destruction and death.

Homework Self-Assignment: Compare and Contrast

Suddenly, I am expert.

Creating a poem a day is very painful.
A poem that is the sum of
Reflection, research, and purging.

Once I wrote:

The poem is the afterbirth,
A conflicts resolution, an outcome,
Battlefield debris, the residue of
An exacting vision, a sentiment surging,
And your army of words, inadequate to the task,
Fighting to capture that insight flashed,
Each word a soldier, disheveled,
Crying, let me live, let me be saved,
Let me make a poem,
Let it be inscribed upon my victorious flag.

The poem is the sweat left upon the brow,
Having exercised the five senses,
The salt of struggle and debate,
It's completion, each word,
Both a victory and a defeat.

Suddenly, I am  expert.

My mother is dying.
It is a process. Days pass,
She neither eats or drinks,
Yet she lives on.

I watch each labored exhalation,
A subtraction, a countdown,
It is as if she was returning each singular day,
Every word e're spoke, every dream dreamt,
she ever possessed to the atmosphere,
One breath at a time.

Is that painful?
It is for me.

Now you complain. They're different, not to be compared, et cetera.

Pain is pain,
Whether it is in the service of creation, or
Creative destruction.

Once I wrote:

With each passing poem,
I am lessened within, expurgated,
In a sense part of me, expunged,
Part of me, passing too,
Every poem's birth diminishes me.

So, one and the same?

Nope. Yes. But. Cannot one be the greater?
Yes, one is greater.
When I lay on my deathbed,
I will exhale the answer
Into the atmosphere
For your retrieval.
Greater. Think upon it.
Lipstadt-Roth, Miriam née Peiman, 1915~2013,
passed peacefully Sat. July 20th.  

Critic, speaker, writer,  
her fiercest feat,                    
her leading role, creator.      
A near century of memories  
her legacy, memories that  
linger not, for incised,        
chiseled in the granite of the
books, papers, and poetry
and the very being              
of her descendants.            

Her faith in Almighty,            
unflagging, for he did not    
forsake her in the time of      
her old age, when                  
her strength failed.
Brian Oarr Feb 2012
The Saturday night crowd, all here to see Dave Van Ronk,
sit huddled in the fashion of Antwerp diamond cutters,
sipping cinnamon/marshmallow coffee at the tables.
Caffe Lena is Saratoga's happening place in the 60's and
we're here to forget the war and civil strife in the ghettos.

Sister Mary Katherine, sans frock, is the warmup act,
but no one really gives her any mind,
as she struggles to seat herself upon the stool
intended for the six-foot plus Van Ronk.
Joan Baez prepare to eat your heart out!

Without so much as introduction, she
breaks into a high soprano Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues.
Heads pivot like synchronized swimmers toward the stage.
Her silken voice emits notes blinking
into reality from quantum fluctuations in space/time.

Every quivering high-C grafts the audience together.
She's spinning veils of sound,
the like of which our ears are unfamiliar.
The quavers in her throat match the tremors in my coffee.
In the back of the cafe a drunken Van Ronk passes out.
A true incident which occurred @ the Caffe Lena in 1968
Shortly thereafter Sister Mary Katherine left the convent
No, it is not so complicated!
An honest
You - a man
Me - a woman
Living, loving
Best years!
The tallest Thuja Tree
Winks at us there
So we stop. . .
We breath and look up
In the night sky
A while
The World seems Endless
Three Beats
Veins rhythm
Kiss on a bark

Now, dear reader! - Try to -
Correlate this dreamers shrine
With a dark deep ocean
Of your elusive and
Dangerously devouring
Then you might call
Me on a
I won't pick it up!
Occupied . . .
By stars up  -  Above!
We can share hot chocolate
at Old chic Cacao Caffe
The Orange anime
Angel was served
Water in a paper cup
Made for ice cream rounds
A silken coat carresed by strangers
Melting their gazes
Pouring only
And affection
Without a leash
On a leash by my side
At my knee
Between us
Ears along
The neck
White paws of my
Dearest friend . . .
Running as a speed of light!!
The Train is Tchwooot
I have a ruby ring
And white black gloves
With Stripes and
Charming finger
Oh, Holmes!
The moon is rising again -
Like inspiration
For your new novel
For another Conundrum
To solve
It is quiet in the park
Dark and quiet in the park
Charming old Street lamps, Trees and Intimacy of a Night walk
Tempestuous angels shape
Inner angels
Laid as
design of one lovely lovely
being who once saw heavens
and a hand of God there
partially enjoying
This sacred intimacy of
Organic Puffy
lambs repose to mortem ipsum
measuring meandres of butterflies
in my mind tummy's mimicry of moral
cathegories only to those who perceived
something as such
Body is a body yet we think
distinctive difference
when subject or a predicat
are in mind~ heart~thoughts
and particularity:
proportions to Antecedens to Consequetias  
lovely etapes of young yet
real old life
on a bycicle
of wrath and wonders
Neverland aware of It-Self
by cosmic serpent   wave pattern  anouncing it's
cycle of pointing nowhere else el Elysium dispersing
the mirrors reflection just to Gather it together
in a cusp of life's elixir sweet and sour
to humans only not to immortal vine
veins where salmon jumps
willingly to open
grizzlys lust for
knowing their
love debt pays
off as in-carnation
shape­ Shifts streams of consciousness
Emerging as
A fabulous
Omnipresent finger of Faith
fulfiled with alive clouds
Heartfelt colourful Cedar essences
and a spectrum of sharp larch tree leaves
tender transient orchestra nature of many faces
passsing by as facets of magnolias pollen
the insight
sounds were Revealed as
Music Divine
Rainbow wariors drawn over the horizon
of the known Universe to love the primordial
Void Emanating Odes of Big Bangs
A bow of light's harphiscord
Protective Madam
Madonna Prima et Ultima
Palpitations of Pondering Pieta
Of Our World
Swayed in hands
of swines we revrewinding our wake-up walk
dissolving black wars of unconsciousness to bow to Beauty
Embraced we approach
as affirmative pat on a back
Graceful caress on womanly cheek,
bare *******, bodies by bones rattlled
touched marching peacefully
toward the seats of an old caffe
where lotus flowers grow
within beautiful little lake
within the core of a
Lovely capital city Our city of dreams
There is a park
on our
there is
o' de naturel
library under
the tree crowns
free leisure for kids
on the swings and slides
over there where our love
was heading
the wheel
of fortune
never stand above their nails
but were using softest sandals
to touch firm grasp of grasses and white
♥ mon amour ♥
Imagined by
Impeccable space
love Poet

Poetoftheway Apr 2019
extending thought and delving into intent
(where the poems come from)*

when I was younger, say five years ago,
the summer poems breezed by ripe for plucking,
airborne from the compost fat of
sun, water and soiled nature and its intersecting creatures

then winter poet soldiered on, past the easy season,
seeing rhymes-in-city-fireplaces snap cracking pops,
the wet dog smell of humans in overheated buses,
the seasonal wet sock torture that debated suicide alternately

and the early afternoon dark that closed doors,
a jailing of the populace; when by the glow of reruns,
we perform surgery upon ourselves and poems entitled
all sad words begin with a D get composed

now they don’t come that way

now, wait for you to ***** my eyes into seeing
what it’s that ails us all, what repeatedly fails us all,
and what makes living more than just mere presentable,
oh! your scrappy hints, chocolate covered mints and
oatmeal raisin clues

read now a word that exact interrupts


and its timed arrival perfect, making my point too well,
the poems come from you and we transmigrate into a duo,
you are equally responsible for the fat places

in the messages and texts, in the storied themes
underlying all your writings, saying, see man, what the babies
can’t say outright or keep in the studio crevices artfully partially hidden,
the list so credibly lengthy, god sent B12 shots
of extra strong caffe inspiration

that’s why you co create the paintings we paint,
I, paint, you, hang them in the place where they can’t be missed,
in the exact spot when you walk in the door, or overhead,
in bed-overhead ceiling,
cursing that prayerful ******* you let slip

making you mark, verified your, Hancock signatory
in the lower corner

so many pins becoming dagger stories,
change is gonna come, and in every letter is the risk,
that what will be brought, what needing saying,
the penultimate penury,
when you can’t pay the bills with monthly unsocial  insecurity

for what is for the best, or worse, reliving the worst twice more,
it cannot be helped in prevented, only reverted,
what you tell me is the what, of the wherefore
and where the poems come from

so you force me to live in every season,
“breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit,
and resign yourself to the influence of the earth.”
(Henry David Thoreau, Walden)

and its inhabitants that inhabit my every seeing,
which is why I am, is
where you are...

1:33 pm April 6, 2019
Day dreams always end
in  a well  known  caffe
where  we  cannot
finish  cacao
Imagined By Impeccable Space Poetic Love

— The End —