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Elizabeth  Jun 2018
2 am beautys
Elizabeth Jun 2018
She was a swan. A swan of white and subtle grey who would dance around my kitchen in the middle of the night. Her fingers pricked the edges of my face as she slowly lifted my frown into the first smile i’d seen in awhile. She was a dancer but not like the elegant ones you see in the ballet shows, she had a mind of her one. She was the ugly duckling but a beautiful one indeed. The way her white feathers caressed my thoughts kept me guessing. The way she danced kept me wanting more.
John Clare  Jul 2009
Summer pleasures they are gone like to visions every one
And the cloudy days of autumn and of winter cometh on
I tried to call them back but unbidden they are gone
Far away from heart and eye and for ever far away
Dear heart and can it be that such raptures meet decay
I thought them all eternal when by Langley Bush I lay
I thought them joys eternal when I used to shout and play
On its bank at ‘clink and bandy’ ‘chock’ and ‘taw’ and
    ducking stone
Where silence sitteth now on the wild heath as her own
Like a ruin of the past all alone

When I used to lie and sing by old eastwells boiling spring
When I used to tie the willow boughs together for a ’swing’
And fish with crooked pins and thread and never catch a
With heart just like a feather—now as heavy as a stone
When beneath old lea close oak I the bottom branches broke
To make our harvest cart like so many working folk
And then to cut a straw at the brook to have a soak
O I never dreamed of parting or that trouble had a sting
Or that pleasures like a flock of birds would ever take to
Leaving nothing but a little naked spring

When jumping time away on old cross berry way
And eating awes like sugar plumbs ere they had lost the may
And skipping like a leveret before the peep of day
On the rolly polly up and downs of pleasant swordy well
When in round oaks narrow lane as the south got black again
We sought the hollow ash that was shelter from the rain
With our pockets full of peas we had stolen from the grain
How delicious was the dinner time on such a showry day
O words are poor receipts for what time hath stole away
The ancient pulpit trees and the play

When for school oer ‘little field’ with its brook and wooden
Where I swaggered like a man though I was not half so big
While I held my little plough though twas but a willow twig
And drove my team along made of nothing but a name
‘Gee hep’ and ‘hoit’ and ‘woi’—O I never call to mind
These pleasant names of places but I leave a sigh behind
While I see the little mouldywharps hang sweeing to the wind
On the only aged willow that in all the field remains
And nature hides her face where theyre sweeing in their
And in a silent murmuring complains

Here was commons for the hills where they seek for
    freedom still
Though every commons gone and though traps are set to ****
The little homeless miners—O it turns my ***** chill
When I think of old ’sneap green’ puddocks nook and hilly
Where bramble bushes grew and the daisy gemmed in dew
And the hills of silken grass like to cushions to the view
When we threw the pissmire crumbs when we’s nothing
    else to do
All leveled like a desert by the never weary plough
All vanished like the sun where that cloud is passing now
All settled here for ever on its brow

I never thought that joys would run away from boys
Or that boys would change their minds and forsake such
    summer joys
But alack I never dreamed that the world had other toys
To petrify first feelings like the fable into stone
Till I found the pleasure past and a winter come at last
Then the fields were sudden bare and the sky got overcast
And boyhoods pleasing haunts like a blossom in the blast
Was shrivelled to a withered **** and trampled down and
Till vanished was the morning spring and set that summer
And winter fought her battle strife and won

By Langley bush I roam but the bush hath left its hill
On cowper green I stray tis a desert strange and chill
And spreading lea close oak ere decay had penned its will
To the axe of the spoiler and self interest fell a prey
And cross berry way and old round oaks narrow lane
With its hollow trees like pulpits I shall never see again
Inclosure like a Buonaparte let not a thing remain
It levelled every bush and tree and levelled every hill
And hung the moles for traitors—though the brook is
    running still
It runs a naked brook cold and chill

O had I known as then joy had left the paths of men
I had watched her night and day besure and never slept agen
And when she turned to go O I’d caught her mantle then
And wooed her like a lover by my lonely side to stay
Aye knelt and worshipped on as love in beautys bower
And clung upon her smiles as a bee upon her flower
And gave her heart my poesys all cropt in a sunny hour
As keepsakes and pledges to fade away
But love never heeded to treasure up the may
So it went the comon road with decay
mark john junor Dec 2013
her magical mind
sets sparkles to wing
and the hard words are softened
in their respective faces by the touch
of her silken favours
as she weaves me through
her ideals with craftsmen's knowledgeable hand
adept at the use of her wares
but even knowing this
i cave in
because within my own
demon of futility sitting on his
pile of rust manufacturing great and small
mouse traps of the mind
throws me into the confusions
of trying to recapture that heady love affair
that torrid romance so filled
with such fulfilling joys i thought it could never end
but it did
and now my heart has revealed that
it has secretly grieved for the loss of her
delicate body next to mine
that my fool heart has wept for the loss
of her looking up into my eyes
and sweetly softly whispering i love you
her magical mind has won again
and we make love
i am enraptured of her beautiful details
of her in notion of her in concept
of her in every way conceived
as she breezes in
on her comfortable conversation
fascinated by all the aspects
of her faster beautys
her velvet smile
cannot be dimminshed
it gives a soul warmth
that is deeper than
the sensual
it breaths me
and when shes exhales me
i am sated
Rob Rutledge Feb 2015
They are reflections of the world
We inhabit. Mirrored shards
Flung high into the air.
Sharing in all of beautys passion,
Caught in the lensflare of compassion
Bound to the refraction of selfless care.
Compounded with the crux of inaction.
Falling shards are somewhat sharp.

They tend to draw blood.

No fault of their own
For fault implies Blame
Blame implies control.

The arrow does not make the bow
Amanda Jean  Mar 2011
Amanda Jean Mar 2011
Roses betrothed to her bedside
They cling to one another for existence
Wilted blossoms-they are
Though dreary
Bowing flowers ring out melodies of sorrow
Enchanting aromas dance through the air
Her heart keeps time
Both beautys morn for the other
Black tears slip though cupped hands
Stripped of purpose-peddels drop

In the end every rose fades...
Call her rose tonight
Queen of Carthage!
Kiss me dearly
Through the violent storms
Mediterranean warrants
And be over me a watch
Like a lion and her cubs from the Atlas

Treasures of Masaesyli!
Bid me whole a glamour
Like colourful radiant orchids
Baked to bask
In the light sunset sheds
And price me golden amongst there is

Sweet olives Massyli begets
Feed me reverence the drops you hold
And lay me affectionate a sack
In the mild winters
With my soul a serene-calm

You Tripolitania!
Posit me shields
And hearten me as not afraid
The swords squatters lift
To jealously pierce the beautys I own

Tender night breeze of Cyrenica!
Solace my melting lips
When the dessert roars
And gentle my hand with seven kisses each

The pleasing of the heavens!
Idolize me like the Maghreb

Make Me Idol

©Historian E.Lexano
sweet heart please treasure me
Santiago Oct 2014
I will always cherish, preserve, and remember
Every moment that we spent together
Feelings remained internally lasting forever
Enchanting like a rose in a stormy weather
Embracing my body with your spiritual eyes
My love for you cries, and never dies
My first love the chosen one, my heart pounded
Stayed grounded, for you asking myself why you?
Something about you, captivated my soul
Started loosing self control, my heart went out of control
A seed you planted inside me, slowly beginning to grow
It was a beautiful feeling, closing in your presence
Didnt make any sense to me, as these feelings grew tense
Couldnt explain, I was going insane, your love infused Inevitable pain I gained, your beautys unmatched
Awakening arousal, happiness was my proposal
Your eyes, pink powdered cheeks, pretty lips, nice hips,
Long black hair well taken care everyone stares,
You can not compare, well prepared, clean unique, never Dressing messy, always humble, truly simple, classy sassy
Showing your shining smile, I notice cute dimple, clear without a wrinkle, sweet like candy sprinkles,
Specially gifted never cared what they thought of you
Keeping it true, if only you knew, everything grew,
Ever since I left you alone, my heart formed limestone
Through my veins, to the depths of my bones
I wish we were near reunited, a spark you've ignited
Hoping you will understand & Forever Im your friend
Im sorry for all the tears, my absence through the years, if You need me I promise ill be here, erasing all your fears, Making sure they vanish, quickly disappear My dear, ill do anything to make you smile, for a while At your house learning concepts from the bible, drinking Hot coffee or hot chocolate, donuts hanging out late night, Oh how can I forget, neither will I regret, all those times Everything was fine, loving you was a crime, praying one Day you'll be mine, cuz your my one of a kind <3...
Done & Said
alebastard jones Feb 2014
I feel complete,
Finally at ease,
Whenever her eyes fall apon me
They take me back
To school, in math
Where my true love sits Everyday in the back.

3 Words
No meaning
Until i felt this feeling.

1 Girl
2 Worlds
Until she became my baby.

Hearts racing,
Its time,
To make this girl mine.

But i was struck
By her beauty.
I knew i wasn't Worthy
But she didn't,
She insisted
To sit in the back with her.

Oh god!
Oh no!
"What should i say?"
"We don't know,
Play it cool."
"But i can't!"
"Stop stuttering you fool!
Make her laugh!"
She ask,
"You got any plans after school?"

This is it,
The start
To win this beautys heart,
Because love is like a flame
All you need is a spark.
So i answer

"Not right now you have anything in mind?"
she Replied but i heard nothing because i was lost in her eyes.
"I'm sorry i didn't hear a word you just said."
She asked again
"You wanna hangout with me and my boyfriend?
You're really funny,
I think you guys would be really good friends"

Aw ******!
****, ive run out of time!
This lucky ******* is stoping me from calling her mine.
But that's ok,
I can wait,
I know with a little time i can make her love me.

A month goes by
She still haunts my mind
I live for math
Just so i can look into her eyes.
I think that's what got me.
So beautiful,
I've never seen perfection befor
And here it is
Standing infront of my classroom door
She is everything I've ever wanted and more..
And she was single
Haha i felt so Convoluted an evil.
Being the creepy friend that prays that her relationship fails
But i needed her
Just like how we Humans need air,
And these dreams,
Of running my hands through her hair.
I can do this.
I can tell her how I've felt,
I just hope that i don't make a fool of myself.
So i told her;
" I can't help myself will you be mine?
Ever since I first met you you've haunted my mind,
And even when i sleep, you're there in my dreams.
So i have but one question,
Will you go out with me?"

Its been a year and a month,
Since i pulled that stunt
And our love has begun anew.

And this was fate
So i took the bait
"I need to have a talk with you"
I got down on one knee,
She looks down at me
And we both knew that this was our Destiny.

"3 words,
No meaning,
Until i felt this feeling.

2 eyes,
1 thought,
You're all ill ever want.

2 Hearts,
1 dream,
And this chance to start our family.

Lets both forget
And take these steps
So we can finally be happy.

We both can see
Were ment to be
So baby,
Will you marry me?"

"So my lesson to you Noah,
Just remember what i told ya,
Never be afraid to ask
Because that's how i met your mother in math class."
Based on a true story.
Arcassin B  Nov 2015
"Com Você"
Arcassin B Nov 2015
by Arcassin Burnham

Has it been occurring to you,
Is it referring to you that I'm digging the
The sofas very cheap and we made it out the storm,
won't prepare for the accidents,
Girl the beautys divine,
And the waves are crashing into my lungs,
Fire in your eyes as the rain turns to smoke,
As it evaporates into the sun,
My sweet lovin's on the run,
Happiness is a warm gun,
With you.
With You in Portuguese And A Beatles Reference haha
Oscar Valdez  Aug 2019
In orbit
Oscar Valdez Aug 2019
Can i get a minute of your time.
A couple of minutes to see if i can change your mind.
You know i feel you, been crushing ******* the idea of us being together.
We met Score years ago and since I last seen you my lifes been looking a little better.
Can i take you out some time
a little time together to see if i could make you mine.
I've been thinking about you since the day we last chilled.
Wondering what the hell went wrong my light just went out like i didnt pay the bill.
Can invite you to a conversation
a chance to talk for hours about random things you know imagination.
You know you're a dazzling woman; beautys perfection.
From your hair to your lips, the way your eyes shine like star beams.
The way your smile makes the room glow like the sunshine gleam
You're universal a goddess even planets follow you..And me...
I'm in orbit around you...
i give pleasure and delight
my colors many very bright
i spread my wings as i fly
people watch me passing bye
my name is french its papillon
my beautys lovely next to none
the riddles there and plain to see
what am i supposed to be
Saphire  Sep 2015
Saphire Sep 2015
A butterfly so beautiful n vibrant,
Bringing the smile on her beholders lips.

Flying so effortless... Jumping from one flower to another,
Aware of the short life, Yet..
Rejoicing and enjoying the life bestowered By her Creator.

Born without wings, As a creature everyone considered not pleasent to their eyes,
But once awake from her dormant sleep, This timeless beautys flight kept everyone mesmerized.

Never forgetting her origin, yet accepting the very change,
Playing with the wind, she moves so elegantly from one flower to another.
crystal tucker Jul 2017
We never saw this type of end
i should have slowed down and stop to yeild. what i thought was beautiful freeing breeze was only black clouds calm before my freeze. To prove ones self takes hard knocks to my brain some stilljudge to cause an insanity of my soul. Holding so still smile on my face touch me now burn your hands your face i erase and turn to coal. I know who I am now accept the real me my light my darkness turn into one or to cut your chains ill set you free. mother may i? i need no answer no validation. im able to stand alone i was my own creation. my favorite sin? not the same girl i learned from my den beautys within ive gained knowledge from my many tours. pain equals love is this so? i embrace my pain and love just a word prove your actions your words i need not know. i am intrigued by your hate but with your first look in my soul you know this den of mine is your forever fate. you long for this and your mind races what is to be, ive chained your heart to mine now i decide and will blow your soul i set you free...
you know who you are and i know you. love at first sight you know now is true..

— The End —