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Erica Stroud  May 2012
Erica Stroud May 2012

It can make or break you. Can **** you or save you. Can set you free or clasp the cuffs. Can give you peace or make you crazy. Can bring you smiles again or endless night of despair. Can lead you to someone better or ruin your confidence. But as long as you get it, you know its over. Can be a good thing, or something that can shatter your soul. You can choose though. Will you let it make or break you?
Star BG  Jan 2018
Star BG Jan 2018
my poets notebook,
I open at time when wounds go deep.
Words bleed on page covering sun wanting to come forth.
They expand as versus cannot be covered by a simple bandied in mind.
The **** like descriptive words like abandonment, lies and dis-enheridence burn, as they are released
from heart to pen and pen to paper.
Hurt from family seemed to have festered for a lifetime. as screams begging for clousure are shouted to be scribed.  
Slowly the mind quiets as its words are release and poem concludes.
Perhaps they will shout
in a readers eyes begging to be loved.
Only time will tell.
Not every pome I write can be positive. Just going through some family issues. All meant to be as I grow and expand. It *****.
Saint Audrey May 2017
I want god
I want clousure
All I've ever wanted was to find my own finality

I need death
I need fate
All my life I've lived for a clear path to take

And what I get
All I can find
Is a million blinking lights to pass the ******* time

Won't someone come around
And put me out of my misery?
Don't you know I've been found?

There's nothing more to gain
From slogging through this pain
And every single road
Is just the same

All I want is something dry
Somthing for the mind
Got anything that can preoccupy?

Theres nowhere to go
And theres no more direction
I'm getting sick of returing to my home

The time is getting late
And I had best be going
I'm gotten tired, searching for my fate

Has led me to the edge
And walked me right back, back again
Back to the roads

Yeah, and every road still looks just the same
What is fate?

— The End —