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 Oct 2016 Sean Millott
 Oct 2016 Sean Millott
When all the lies fade away
You in the corner, ruminating
The sun shines forth on this sullen day
And you realize your prized life has been forsaken

When you're too in love to see
Your blinded by compassion
You have so much of it that you live miserably
And now your stunted by inaction

I tread through the snowbank
I slipped down deep into it
And now everything is blank
So in the frozen stillness I sit

Within the center of the chaos
Resides the truth
Life is a multitude of revolving clocks
Spinning in alignment with abundant life which moves

Whenever you find yourself confounded
Instead of forcing a solution through manipulation
If you just surrender you will be astounded
By the simple ebb and flow of creation.
 Oct 2016 Sean Millott
AD Snail
Dear Mister Anxiety,
Can you please not nag me today?
Can you stop playing mind games with my already fragile mind?

Dear Mister Anxiety,
Oh how you make me petty and feel all lonely.

I don't want to think the world is always against me,
I just want to feel the love that is right in front of me,
But you don't seem to believe that it is true;
You state that its lies and push it away from my craving heart.

Oh, Mister Anxiety can you just let your worries go?

Can you finally lose your grip on me,
And stop thinking to deep into everything?

Oh I feel for you Mister Anxiety,
But I am tired can't you see?
Tired of you pulling me down into this pit of fear and worry.
yesterday, i dreamt of you again.

and as i wonder today,
i realise that slowly but surely,
youre slipping from the crevices of my mind - like how sand slips right through our fingers,
like how the marks we leave on sand gets washed away by the waters

and i wonder,
why is it that i make you to be such a huge part of myself and my life,
when you might have totally forgotten about me?
why is it that after this whole time, my mind still wanders back to you from time to time,
more often than i wished it would?

why is it,
and how is it,
that after all this while,
i still allow myself to feel such unworthiness,
because of you?
what is
a ship
in a safe harbour
full of happiness and trust and

but what if this ship leaves
the harbour
of love
and set sails
for the steep shores
of fame and money and power

but what is power?
isn´t power the thing you feel when
you share your self-made chocolate cake
and sing along together to the old songs?
isn´t power the thing you mostly just call

but would anyone have set sails and left the harbour
if he´d still remember this
the chocolate cake
the love
because he once had to know that
or why do I remember it.
You are like an oppressive shadow
Constant. Looming. Unshakeable.
You crush my lungs, my spirit, my soul
I feel small when you are near
I feel little pieces of me die...inside
I feel caged in your presence
I feel my self slipping...away
waiting to crumble into nothing

Holding on to the last piece.
Before it turns to ashes.
The fire will forever increase.
Dancing fire clashes.

Laying on the cold ground.
Only the fading light remains.
It always have me spellbound.
Cold blood running through my veins.

Making me so sleepy.
But keeping me wide awake.
The vision goes in so deeply.
It’s making my eyes break.

Still I keep holding on.
It’s my reason to be alive.
If it goes out, my life would be gone.
Hope is how I survive.

What if it’s just a dream?
Have I made the wrong decision?
It’s the same place per diem.
Is it just a fake vision?
Those precious little moments,
Where hearts like ours could mend,
When love was all we lived for,
And dreams could never end.

Each precious little moment,
The hopes we held inside,
The good and bad encountered,
All taken in our stride.

Those precious little moments,
When we walked hand in hand,
No longer to be shared by us,
Despite all that we’d planned.

Each precious little moment,
Wrapped in each others arms,
A safely now long gone to me,
Sat here lost in my qualms.

Those precious little moments,
Where love still found a way,
Shared by our souls forever,
No matter what we say.

Each precious little moment,
We never should regret,
The time we had was special,
I will not soon forget.
moonlit thighs
fervent sighs
hungry lips
quiet slips
pulsing hips
muffled cries
shattered skies

I don't ever show the world much of me
It was easy to hide everything about you
From touches kept beneath my skin
To the taste of your lips under my tongue
Your soft beauty hidden behind my eyes
To your love I held like the oxygen in my lungs
Exhausting me physically trying to hide you
Droplets of love like sweat appearing upon me
Threatening to drench my clothes
And become visible to everyone
So hard to hide it when I no longer want to
Copyright under Bianca Reyes
All rights reserved
Shared on Hello Poetry on June 1st
I can renounce love and mock it for now
But one day I'll fall to my feet due to love
I'll smile at myself at the beautiful thoughts
Sigh every time my heart wakes up sore
From how much it exercises around you
When you whisper in my ear my reflex will be
To catch myself from falling head over heels
Rubbing my tummy to calm the wild flutters
That your presence is sure to elicit
I'm trying to stretch my tired legs
Before I run after love
Shared on on HelloPoetry on July 12, 2016.
Copyright under Bianca Reyes
All rights reserved
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