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 Feb 2020 Scarlet
I wonder,
when you look at her
do you still wish it was me?

I wonder,
when you talk about your dreams
do you still hear me cheering?

I wonder,
whenever you hear a giggle
is mine still an echo in your head?

I wonder,
whenever you have a bad day
Do you still want to hear my voice?

I wonder,
if this season
reminds you of me
letting go is hard.
 Feb 2020 Scarlet
Michaela Ferris
I'm lost inside a labyrinth,
With its ever changing paths.
One minute you're near escaping,
The next it's altered all again.
A never ending nightmare
Thinking it knows what's best for you,
But it's lies are imbedded deep within
And there's nothing more that you can do.

My mind is like a tornado,
Destroying everything in its path.
One day I'm simply surviving
The next, I wish I was dying.
I'm terrified of my mind
For I fear it can make me do.
Self-destructive, hypocrite of pain and love
Beckoning me to hurt once more because that's all I deserve.
 Feb 2020 Scarlet
Brian Johnson
I bought a ticket to cruelty only to find out it had no redeeming value.
 Feb 2020 Scarlet
From the day I told her I was crazy about her,
She did all to hurt
Fell in love with a mutual friend
To keep me at bay
If only I had my way
I would make it end
Not their relationship which is hot,
But my love for her
Cos I'm I bleeding for nothing
Bleedingfornothing Lovehurts
 Jun 2019 Scarlet
I'm sorry.
For the way I've been.
Like you said, I'm a sailboat in the middle of an ocean.
Water surrounding me on all sides.
Knowing, there is no way out.
I watch the days turn to nights, and nights to days.
The cycle goes on forever.
Sometimes the moons light gives me hope.
But the clouds cover over it,
Just as I was beginning to get hopeful.
Sometimes I like to curl up in my little boat,
and count the stars at night.
But I never make it to the end,
Just like how I won't in this world.
But I see you,
In the distance,
Coming towards me in your strong ship.
You're coming to rescue me.
But the waves are too strong,
And they take you away from me.
So I sit back down once again,
And stare at the night sky,
Waiting for the clouds to shift.
This poem is dedicated to my best friend and our friendship which is slowly crumbling, no matter how hard we try to put it back together.
This is also a reply poem to the one she wrote to me first.
 May 2019 Scarlet
Emma Pals
 May 2019 Scarlet
Emma Pals
They tell tell you
To get rid of toxic
Things in your life,
But when you tell
Your Mom
That being around her,
Makes you want to die,
She breaks into
A million pieces
And begins to cry.
 Apr 2019 Scarlet
John Prophet
Away from
Seeing things
From a
different angle.
Like 2D world
3D world.
Safe in
Content in
Best not
to know.
Safer, limited.
Tough enough
as is!
Mind blowing
it be.
 Mar 2019 Scarlet
B l o o m i n g
 Mar 2019 Scarlet
I learned
to plant the seeds
of happiness.
There are flowers
where the scars
used to be.

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