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I lay in bed listening to the rain
Falling against my windowpane
Soothing but still I cannot sleep
All I can do is think and weep

I wonder when did I get like this
Constantly thinking of those I miss
Worrying about how I’ll end up
Draining the coffee from my cup

It’s 2 AM now I think think think
Further into myself I sink sink sink
My bed is cold and filled with tears
I Feel like I’ve been awake for years

Insomnia has gotten the best of me
My eyes are open, but I barley see
The world is fuzzy through my eyes
Each night another piece of me dies
 Nov 2016 scarlet-and-gold
Are you ready to lose your head?
It will dissolve on your tongue
No need for your bed
You will be awake all night instead
But do not fear we will have great fun
The room might become the ocean
Drink it up, a special potion
Eyes so wide so you don't miss a glimpse
Friends flying around your head like nymphs
Lose your clothes, you're in your purest form
Break fully away from the norm
You'll pass through time like a bug in a hurricane
The whole universe spinning around in your brain
Kiss the world on the face
You're lucky to be in this place
If our bodies
Were only made
Of floating heads
I sure as hell
Wouldn't have survived

My head
Would have blown up
In a thousand pieces
Because of
The millions of thoughts
It couldn't contain
Inspired by my lovely Best friend
 Oct 2016 scarlet-and-gold
the thoughts in my brain are like tiny trains
they keep going and going
no destination in mind
no destination needed
 Oct 2016 scarlet-and-gold
The Smallest Coffins Are The Heaviest
I'm not ready to bear such a weight
Never will I be
Please get better.
Here’s my perspective;

Thoughts, in general, are like the light from the stars that always shine the same brightness throughout the day.

They are always there

Existing, even when you can’t see them.
At least that’s how it is for normal people, you get the grace of day to nullify the shining of the light from the stars at times when it can be overbearing.

You get a break

If I could describe what it’s like to have ADHD, picture your mind never turning off.
It is always bright for me, and there is no dawn or day to alleviate my eyes from the galaxy of lights I permanently see.

*It's a beautiful disaster
The older generation still argues
That on the internet real connection
Is nothing but an illusion

They argue that conversations on the web
Have no value or substance
That they're fickle and pointless

But who are they to question
That which makes so many of their children
Happier and less lonely?

To them the internet means less connection
But if we can
As the younger generation
Feel more comfortable in sharing emotions
Are we not seeking less solitude
Than our parents and grandparents?

Is there a better or less costly form
Of therapeutic assistance
Than to share with those we connect with best
Out of millions of people to choose from?

If we can know everything
About a person's day
That they are willing to tell
Is it not important
Crucial to friendship
To know what goes on in another person's life?

Communication is only as valuable
As the speakers and listeners deem it
If it makes us feel better
More connected
Less alone
Then despite what others may think
It has value

Does the older generation
Truly see
Absolutely no value
In their children's
And grandchildren's

No matter how fickle they perceive it
It has value
To me
My father likes to talk about how pointless conversations on the internet are. I don't necessarily disagree. Sometimes, actually most of the time, they are quite ridiculously idiotic and seemingly pointless. But if those pointless little miss-typed conversations make the people involved happy, even if it is only an illusion of happiness so fleeting, then I say it's good. Furthermore it is, in fact, still real conversation, and those people can still be real friends, despite the webs being their only means of connection.
I close my eyes and I can feel it,
Turning, turning, turning.
Ever so slowly, ever so quickly
Time is sticking and slipping.
Like the spiders on the ceiling
Who dance when I'm numb to feelings,
Swallowing pills to make me sleepy
I'm awake, but I think I'm dreaming.
Can you feel me?
Can you see me?
Am I just imaginary?
What are these scenes
That play on eyelid screens?
Can you hear me scream?
Silently, silently.

Close your eyes that burn,
My soul will find freedom.
While our crumbling earth
Still quickly, slowly turns.

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