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hard   aku   kau   hugged   tulisan   crying   shoulder   chair   path   sing   tightly   juta   sad   watched   sit   ising   time   kali   held   rough   akhir   faham   ear   grabbed   becauseyouthoughtyouareunseen   going   happened   withthelackprobabilitytobeheard   sitting   collided   withnofearnodoubt   patted   feels   closely   endless   likethesorrowyoufollowed   buat   bychanceorbyfate   todealwiththetale   terbang   humans   perjalanan   comforting   happen   knees   apa   lain   areshaking   whispered   pun   refused   barai   imagine   youjustwalkingthroughit   tragedy   protect   seolah   becauseyouthoughtalllightsabandonedyou   withyourheartyoursoul   toyourownhearttobefade   duka   delighted   promise   likes   tinggal   standing   guess   wanted   dalam   qualifying   reti   hey   doyoueverwalkingsomewhereinthedark   youjustcryingwithyourshoulder   sial   eyes   hug   ramai   datang   catch   hold   perfectly   celahan   future   sobbing   closing   tobehonestitisagate   heart   head   pushed   nampak   tak   reality   write   feelthedarkyoularked   yourcriesnowtoolate   difficult   tobealongwithhate   duduk   lend   semacam   felt   abandonitislike   longing   wheniamtoopale   sepanjang   withnosenseofhope   sekali   looked   brade   playing   left