So many hearts breaking
So many souls shaking
So many people lost
Lost and looking for a home
So many tears they're crying
So many wish they were dying
So many being crushed
Crushed by the weight of the world
My heart aches for their losses
I cry out for the crosses
Scraped across their arms
Arms that were never meant to bleed
I wish I could reach them all
I wish I could hold them all
All the daughters who think they are worthless
All the sons who think they cant make it
My hands are not big enough
My heart is not wide enough
I know One who is..
But how can I make them see?
I was reading through my HP feed, and I saw all these young people, young girls, that were so broken so alone and they just wanted to be loved but didn't think they were worth that much.. And it broke my heart. I just wanted to hug them and tell them repeated that they are loved more than they know and they are worthy of love. You are loved so much that the Father sent his son to die for you so you could live, amd the son went willingly because YOU are worth dying for. I know this kinda seems like a preach....but if you could take one thing from this...just know that you're loved and are worthy of love. Yeah...Ima go now..