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 Oct 2018 Sandra Lee
The girl with her nose in the error was Miss Take
 Oct 2018 Sandra Lee
The past participle of deal is dealt;
Thus, when the cards fall is when it is felt.

A deck of cards knows its own unsealer
as well as the skill and art of the dealer.

Trump cards, (although not normally plural)
are to share. The enjoyment is jural.

We hope they are more than dealed incitements:
those fifty-five thousand sealed indictments . . .
Inspired by some stuff I heard at The Prophecy Club.
Maybe more hype but it was still interesting.
 Oct 2018 Sandra Lee
It was an arbitrary day
at the arboretum
the ferns were all wondering why
a rash of rogue rhododendrons
were roughing up the azaleas
while mighty magnolias stood meekly by

A patch of tiny cyclamen giggled girlishly
while witch hazels waved green wands
and the willows wrung their hands
and wept and wept
'cause they knew what was really going on
Oddly this had been deleted. Not by me! Hacked?
every Fryday night on his way home he stopped by the church near the bus station
to say a prayer.
his short escape to find comfort in this fast moving time.

and as he sat there, as usual, hands folded,
wondering again if there will ever be an answer to his silent prayers
this time, to his suprise, there was a rapid response:

***** music started playing and a celestial voice said:

"Dear prayer – thank you for calling but
currently all our heavenly connections are busy –
you are now in a queu - please hold your belief!“

***** music playing.....

"Your prayer is important to us -
We are sorry to keep you waiting but all hosts of heaven are still assisting other prayers-
The next spiritual entity available will connect with you soon.-“
Please stay in devotion!!

***** music playing....

"You have exceeded the waiting limit for this queue. Please unfold your hands and try again later!"

As he stepped outside he had left the church in every possible respect.
He never prayed again.

                                                         ­                     (© Heike Borgard 2018)
tried another style without rhyme, a bit like a short story
I may be running out of ink
But I will never run out of words
My brain keeps on reminding me to write poems every lol
L a s t  n i g h t ,
I n  a  c r o w d e d  p l a c e ,
H i s  s o u l  m e t  m i n e
B u t  h i s  h e a r t  d i d n ' t .
Soulmates doesn't mean love. It's all about the heart and not the soul. Ciao
 Sep 2018 Sandra Lee
Never fall in love with a poet
for their words are sometimes lies
on occasions they're a shield
on occasions a disguise

They will take you on a journey
upon which they bare their soul
in a bid to ease your burdens
in a bid to make you whole

But in every word they choose
for the stories that they tell
lies a little piece of heaven
and a little piece of hell

Tormented souls we poets are
sometimes quite broken and despaired
in search of lost expressions
missed by others who once cared

Never fall in love with a poet
unless you're prepared to share their pain
to hold them close on the darkest nights
over and again
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