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 Sep 2016 Sally Tsoutas
Start the day with a fresh coffee in hand
and a view of sunrise
and see the magic for the rest of the day
 Sep 2016 Sally Tsoutas
 Sep 2016 Sally Tsoutas
and see silent cycling
through moons mourning months long gone

gone like bright dawns of broken blossoms
or shattered eyes and rehearsed lies whispered
words to working hearts with broken parts

and broken promises, honestly it's overrated
contemplated, pre-meditated harm, cuts on the arm
loving lips laced with charm

would you call it ******? Sanity gone further
and further from fevered flesh
and fervored hearts ironic, catatonic

catastrophic state of affair, breaths lost in air
to where dare I go now, how do I allow
myself to fall from hovered heights

heavy hearts heaving soft hello's
heavy haze here down below.
 Sep 2016 Sally Tsoutas
Little butterfly
living a normal life

Was wandering helter-skelter
on a fateful day
for something within her
she never understood

that day was very different
filled with dark clouds,
but, a ray of light
was following her all along

Night approached with a bunch of stars

Wondering what was wrong
She kept staring at the moon
and found a shooting star
approaching the ground
as though to take her along

That was the moment
she realized what was missing in her
the sparks from the shooting star
took her soul away from her and vanished
as though they were meant to be together till the eternity

That was the day he was born
and she gave away her heart and soul
to give birth once again a year later
as a human, and
to live a beautiful happy life ever after.
On the eve of my loved ones birthday :)
I stumbled into you
Then we stumbled home
Now my living room is scented autumn
And there's beauty in the decay of a sweet memory
Just down the road of stairs was a flower on my couch

Let's hangout this weekend
We can garden in moonlight

Your vibes pull my heartstrings
And I'm flooded with the new song you play
I'm lost to replay it and have you hear
What a harmonious melody our notes produce

*Stay longer than my denials.
Those three words will never be enough
To tell you how much I really feel
Even if I could catch all the stars in the sky
Of this ever-expanding universe
And fit all of them in an artisanal bottle
It would not suffice for half of the feeling

My heart could jump out of my chest
And sing the most beautiful ballad on earth
For hours upon hours upon hours
Until it shrivels up and dies
And it still wouldn't do

I could write you millions of poems
That each have millions of stanzas
And it would never be able
To tell you how much
I love you
This fleeting second
Vanishes in your eyes
Like a shooting star
Across the night's sky
May this night not end
Not ever, my love
For the morning will bring
More seconds and
The night will bring
More stars
But I won't have you
The immediate introversion,
A safe solitude.
Alone and alive.
Lacking loneliness,
At this disturbing depth,
Unlike the saliently superficial.
The calming confusion
Relaxes and reassures.
Defiantly deliberate,
And thoroughly thoughtful.
Marvelously mesmerized
By my continuous contemplation.
Overtly observant,
And insightfully introspective.
Fiercely focused
On building and bettering.
I meticulously memorialize,
And succinctly summarize,
My lavish love,
For being
Alone and alive.
we see the gold’s of a shimmering
sun fall on the horizon, the last of
day, leaving trails of hummingbirds.

the sky begins to mourn the last
of light, scattering breeze-like
in a cloud of dark ink.

the moon pours pearls into cloud
widens her eyes; the dark gathers
the pearls, softening like dream.

thick honeysuckle traces the
walls, the immense night
sings of love in a gentle voice

and as the tide sweeps clean the
wandering sands, beautiful and
infinite the last star falls.
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