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12.5k · Aug 2019
one little spider
badtaste Aug 2019
one little spider fell on my leg
I smacked him off then I said
"Did you nibble?
Did you bite?"
he said no
just kissed you goodnight
I made this poem for my little cousin
2.2k · Oct 2019
Just Another Ashtray
badtaste Oct 2019
I don't want to be the cigarette in your coat pocket
Just so you can take me out and use me
And after the high put me out and end my light -sprawled naked across my bed-just to say
"I wish we didn't do that..."

Filling me with such regret
We treat each other like an ashtray, dumping our problems onto one another making an ugly mess staining the sheets... Thank you Clever your poetry is always inspiring and I owe this work to you (just to clarify this isn't about me and clever lol the way I wrote it was based upon her voice)
1.0k · May 2019
blank shot
badtaste May 2019
god thinks I've ran away
perhaps I've been lost all these days

but I don't deserve paradise
can't even count all my alibis
and here she lies in a story which we all shall begin
of tragedy and victory of passion and sin

all the petty past jealously
wasting your pretty present time with me
are you ready to turn and go the other way?
I wanted to wast alone
soon I wanted to live with you
I'm alive and all the music sounds so much better
I even can cry when I watch things die in dead of winter
when are skin touches it feels like our first hit of electricity
more than a brush or a rush of newly past memories
it seems we cannot hush our passion or bliss
when we've been longing for so long our very first kiss
is it wrong to sing a song about running away from time with you
dancing like it's prom dying in your arms
saying my last true words
"I love you."
995 · Aug 2019
Life of Death
badtaste Aug 2019
I was born from the breathe of Satan-I was formed underneath a tree in Salem
I was sworn to **** the king with swords of Cain-I was torn in-between infamy and destiny from my name
I'm a nameless hatred created from the twisted creator seizing an unforgiving lust and hunger for another miserable maiden wasting her worth with words of wishes longing the chance to dance with the duke of death
but the bet begs black
and I'm dressed in red restless dripping decisions of every maiden's sins ever since Satan brought me back from the depths of *** and a forever reincarnation of Hell's retrieving-unforgiving-sanatorium
based on the 8th house
902 · May 2019
badtaste May 2019
girls like liars
telling them it will get better
buying them flowers
promising it'll last forever
I'm not gonna start
lying to my lover
when it all starts dying
I'll be on my best behavior

you have octopus legs
been dancing for eight days
you've never asked me for company
sitting on a stillborn egg
you still bored-of -friendzone-custody?
like a Scorpio 100%
838 · Mar 2019
blank 1_3
badtaste Mar 2019
all I want is one person to type all my thoughts into a poem
so that they can say
"It's harder than it looks..."
to any struggling poets and for clever (check her out)
792 · Apr 2019
blank melody
badtaste Apr 2019
he's trying to fix his guitar, all he has is a string
he's trying to fix his marriage, all he has is a ring
and she's hugging on the man infested with acid
trying to keep all his ducks in his basket
meanwhile the chief faces evil disguised as a faker
the truth is written on the man made from paper
edit: first line "shoes" to "guitar"
767 · Apr 2022
badtaste Apr 2022
I treasure  my blossom / like a flower she shall grow and blossom
I cherish her skin /fearing the worst when day it will rotten
I curse the moon / faces he changes some grin some scheme
I hold her face closest  / when she misbehaves , outside in woods , to the window she will scream
I pleasure my blossom / poems she begs for so I will always write more
I answer my blossom / questions of home ? but here she will stay , here where it is warm
I dream of my blossom / her pedals lose color  in colder season
I pollen my blossom / by moon fall we will know if conceived was daughter or son
I bury my blossom / this cabin is silent but loud  like wind
I cry for my blossom / our child starved without a drop of milk
I need a new blossom / a daisy field is over the hill
I find my new blossom / but another gardener is there ; another I shall ****
I walk with my blossom / she holds onto my wrist tight with love
I carry my blossom / through the doorway as newlywed
I fight for my blossom / scoundrels or sheriffs couldn’t fathom our celibate matrimony
I lust for my blossom / how she smells and reminds me of my last family
I yearn for my blossom / she cries with tears - soul curling  callings of pompous proportions

S H E . N E E D S . T O . C A L M . D O W N .

I pet my blossom / hum out what she needs to hear now

“The day we decay in the casket we share ; we will stare so close nose to nose. No need to breath so faint and vigorously into my ear , Im here , my dear , forever through death. Let the worms feed on us both , when our story is told , in books or songs of romance envious audience will dance. Hold onto my flesh if you need some more , in the cupboard I stored , another layer for warmth. You smell of dandelions your hair like straw , I swore I saw your shattered kaleidoscope garnished glare elsewhere before. Your soul is sown onto my own how humbled I am to have you back home. Sleep now. H U S H . N O W. Wipe tears of joy off of your porcelain skin. You will wake to my eyes , every day , every night , I will hum you asleep sing you my eulogy again again again. My most precious flower , with such a solemn smile  , lips so cracked kiss so sweet , your flower will bloom with a blossom none have seen. Goodnight fare love greet me with glee inside your dream.”

the ambience of woods / the sirens of crickets
I close my eyelids on the floor beside my blossom
s i l e n c e
Inspired by squirrel stapler simulator
683 · May 2019
badtaste May 2019
I found a cockroach crawling in your soup
I say so suddenly
"What are we ever going to do?"
and when I turn I've seen you have become a cockroach
stop smoking roaches to stop being roaches
random bs psa
619 · Apr 2019
this community
badtaste Apr 2019
such dramatic over-serious poets
post their own series of personal moments

tell and share of both
tragedies and heroics

with idioms and similes
never to know who actually wrote it
Help me get this trending! Can we smash 1 million likes?
603 · Jan 2020
badtaste Jan 2020
behold such a pure spring smile
a gracious green witch is born-
to a family not kin of her own
sworn to protect and heal those-
close in heart and to her home.

a queen who wears a crown of purple
thoughts, wisdom burns power in her dreams
awake she feels not alone-
however over encumbered
from flurries of hearts upon her steps;
like luscious velvet rose pedals
she sees and treats
with delicately envied dances,
how light on her feet-
how she does not fight to seek
a story unfold
one from epics and elders foretold
of romances that burn into tragedies.
thus begins a seduction to another non verbal

her soul does not graze only to one
her will does not stay in an emerald-
her loyalty is not won with
sincerities of golden covered
her strength grows from those
she seeks
understands what worship and openness
truly means;
to live with oneself and love the teachings
her goddess brings and ushers
forgiveness to ignorance
so she can change in a better way.

just as a calf sheds new fur
her growth is unknown
until the pain stains blood red anger;
into the mark of the mistake-
which makes her mind fell less alive
each time she stays in solitude
the sadness feeds darkening madness
which storms fresh seeds to another
growing self-massacre.
when love is lost she mediates
and waits...
patience pays.
when change arrives,
parties of the new black moon
bring smiles from close friends
together, hopefully sooner than later
these conversations
cause no more hibernations
to her inner most
beautiful creativity.
her passion
spills upon affection
to this second family
a faithful array-such colorful company-
a genuine celebration!
at least a fest deserves food for such festivities
moments pass as evergreen memories
which become hummed
as angelic melodies-
fulfill her every emotion sung through
the reflective windows of her soul
a glow from her eyes
shows happiness is still alive
which makes poets woe and lovers know
she is free

~ taurus
happy birthday
546 · Jun 2019
spoiled sport learns love!
badtaste Jun 2019
my elders consider my punishment like prison
separated from my phone but linked to a chain in my home
for 7 days any kid my age wouldn't survive but suffer
what's for supper?
wait, last night double pound
McStuffer burger?!
but dad...
I'm trying a new diet tonight and am in immediate incapacity
of filling my bottomless pit's wildest delights
perhaps an offer...(?)
every night I must survive
we can all share a nice family supper
this just in extra extra!!!
513 · May 2019
badtaste May 2019
"Let me just die forever for your ever beautiful satisfying personality."

Begins to stare at bottom of dress unhesitatingly
489 · May 2019
badtaste May 2019
I got cursed faster than
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
a past torture passed
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
from my fathers
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
holy ghost.
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
I would rather
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
with tears in my eyes
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
make one last remembrance
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
on his grave with a honorable toast.
482 · May 2019
jinx myself
badtaste May 2019
you want a poem to trend on Hello Poetry?

simple just add tragedy or triumph
>Important don't forget to<

             m       v         a     o     n  
                    o      e        r      u    d

talk about falling upside down or running in reverse
talk about being apart of site for many months and it seems like a curse

your poem didn't get any sun
didn't stay trending long enough for any to notice

                                                Or just say HI
                                                                        that seems to work
is this breaking the 4th wall
449 · Apr 2019
nature's girl
badtaste Apr 2019
blessings are real
god is true
red roses burn so easy
give golden flame to enjoy
she gives heart aches
for any to take
for the sake to grow older with nature
her mother-the mentor-the creator
446 · Mar 2019
blank 1
badtaste Mar 2019
a star burns
yet we watch it not trying to help
stop a beautiful fire.
444 · May 2019
marvel's endgame
badtaste May 2019
spoiler alert:

batman dies
440 · Sep 2021
badtaste Sep 2021
I don’t want to stay
I cannot sleep
I don’t want to leave
I cannot breathe

when I realize I’m falling in love with my best friend
overthinking tragedies of how it’ll end
409 · Mar 2019
blank 5
badtaste Mar 2019
wisdom is in your teeth
funny is in your bones
love is in your heart
hurt is in your mind
badtaste May 2019
there something in the way
a part in a destructive path
that blocks pain but starts to drain
the colors of your personality
391 · Jul 2019
Webster with her Webs
badtaste Jul 2019
give me a chance to take time
to take you away
from this place that you say
you need space to find
your own name
someone stole
your birthday
lovely it's ok...
(I know that feeling)
we get old
we die to early
time to live like
life ended yesterday
I got cobwebs covering my covers
stuck on a spooky new excitement
I can't sleep just have to speak
until my tongue falls
out my head
(not an understatement)
for Isobel Webster
374 · Mar 2018
Eliot the Excellent Expert
badtaste Mar 2018
Yo yo
First poem about Eliot York
(I have no idea if this will work)
His poems so fresh make a young thot
Wanna twerk

Ya ya
Keeping it real
Ya'll noe da deal
Up in here we poets be serious
Nuff to ****
But not our leader Eliot
Or else he'd spill
Ink all over our digital pads of paper


Aye Aye
Last verse of the day
I'll push everyone out of my way
Expect Eliot, he's the king of poe-it-tree
An excellent expert
Take it from me

362 · Mar 2019
blank 1_5
badtaste Mar 2019
television screens-
shows a crowd of a million screams
the dying fish flop on a dry plate.

sooo drastic and over dramatic
351 · May 2019
keep me awake
badtaste May 2019
babe I'm not upset
just having a little frustration
I don't want to fall in love next weekend
I just don't want to give up on this communication

my heart is dying might need to charge soon
I've dreamt of your warmth bleeding onto me
in your room

ever since you've given me voice to sing poetry-
-bring to life every epic of a tragic love story,
I'm sorry but I can't forget you over a weekend,
or even-
-after a calm midnight
solar wind
345 · May 2019
should I?
badtaste May 2019
reason and emotion sat alone in an empty room
my brain aches from all the arguing that seems to always
337 · May 2020
Monsters in Modern Times
badtaste May 2020
for those that support the disorder of life,
understand the order of all peace kept - sleeps with one hand tight with a knife,

covered in sheets that reek from the odor of death - secrets creep over the  security that was sworn to be kept,
molded from laws as soft as  concrete constantly mocking the hungry  families who eat dinner with a papier-mâché fork wrapped in  barbed wire,

like a Christmas present expired to be opened on Halloween - the corporate begs for his try as he fears his life will be silenced  from the woman screaming inside the screen of a machine,

trails hide liars but it is unanimous  the innocence is such an inconvenience to those who share a chair in power - one more child is treated as a photo never receiving justice as  deserved,
dessert is served but sentencing was never heard - the Franklin family left without any sweet revenge,
it seems big business buys opinions and walks clean with red covered hands that dipped in the process

such a shame the court caught an inner most disgusting sickness and deserted dignity from the rights of 13-year old Rebecca Arnold Frank
true story
334 · May 2019
badtaste May 2019
for a second
you actually made me believe you were in love with me
299 · Apr 2019
badtaste Apr 2019
a dark and black spinning typhoon
with cracks of light spewing through
how I feel about life and society 17 years & .146 months old
299 · May 2019
purple eyes
badtaste May 2019
let's sleep on a bed of roses
with sheets of cinnamon.
Let's fall in love
love to make
shinny bright

you can say
the word to me any day
to lend a hand or two
that has 78 crazy nail's
don't forget
to take my heart
with you.

trust these tears
ain't just amatory for all my alliteration
it's just a
early time celebration.

you can get purple
and forget it all
with me for free
for as long as love lives on
we will waste away
and forget every memory
and eat all the purple
til it's gone.
295 · Mar 2019
blank 1_1
badtaste Mar 2019
all these merry paintings fill his vacant evenings
the artist stays an extra hour to paint a single line
never satisfied
292 · May 2019
getting sleep
badtaste May 2019
I couldn't sleep again
only remembering thoughts
scattered like puzzle pieces
of back when
I was told in school
making friends comes second
happiness comes third...

in poetry class
we were shown
how words can make hearts melt like snow
and that we each have the power
to thaw out the cold
from anybody with a kindle in their soul

in a parking lot
alone in my 98 Camry
I didn't just **** the engine
I snapped the cars personified neck
with the flick of my shaking hand

I hold a pen
a beautiful pen
from the girl who sat behind me in

from the glovebox
I hold a gun
a powerful fierce magnum
that spits fire across my temple
helping me get some sleep I've been dreaming
I never learned how to use imagery in poetry class...
290 · Aug 2019
already out-the-door
badtaste Aug 2019
hello ***
you seemed to not have noticed
me dressed in your favorite clothes
slummed to the floor like a pile of wastefulness.
you seemed to loss your patience
when looking at a piece of plastic glass
with a half-guessed assumption
of me and her
loving life together.
is what I'll sing every-time to my new lover
when she won't be a nosy noisy
never ending story of the same heartbreak
broken on a loop of another thief who stole
and would take your "innocence".
don't forget this
this is what you wanted...
288 · Apr 2019
badtaste Apr 2019
I don't need much
I don't care how long it takes
I will stay in the same spot you left me
with company of your photograph
and the warmth of hearing your laugh
however long it takes
for you to find your way
back into my arms
286 · May 2019
it's just some...
badtaste May 2019
serious nonsense
toxic love sickness
getting greener
when she comes over
after just giving him
a kiss know what?
never mind...
279 · Dec 2019
this sand in my soul
badtaste Dec 2019
this is
we're falling in love
taking our time.
this is
we're caught making love
we're out of line.

this is, the happily-ever-after that was meant to be.
this is, your dream of growing old
but not with me.

this is the hot regret in your stomach
this is the cold prison you've never wanted
this is a daydream gone grey
this is the cycle of pain you just can't escape
this palace built on pleasant patience-
aged well with genuine grace-
underneath these wallpapers
a smell of rot-
an infiltrating sour scent of danger-  

this is the crushed rock wall in my soul
this is myself never to know why-
since ignorance makes the best slaves-
I will resist  to change
this is ironic ig
279 · Jun 2021
& so he overthinks
badtaste Jun 2021
the shine of her shrine brings fair smiles to some,
young lies fester and spread faster than flies hatching from larvae.

Days by days - weeks at a time - content is a constant crisis to our protagonist

summer is welting while winter is begging to stop the talk of death,
but change is soon - somethings are better not stopped; the same as letting the flame from the candle die with the room...
...yes he does
268 · Mar 2018
The Argument
badtaste Mar 2018
...look forward
now towards me
why do you shut down
why do you shut down
When all I am
is trying to be close to you?

I won’t look away…
Do you see the rain?
It’s just like you
It’s just like you
A free spirit
coming down to this world

Your eyes so red…
like stained glass that is cracked  
Just speak to me
Just speak to me
Your friends are here
We just want to speak

...all that you feel
Is hard to deal with here and then
Just look around
Just look around
We know pain
We are here to heal each other
I wrote this poem soon after me and my friend got into an argument, she was trying to help realize I was not alone because moving away again isn't the end.
265 · Apr 2019
what is poetry?
badtaste Apr 2019
tell me a haiku as if I understand it
sing me a song since poetry is so boring
why use such pretty words to describe our love
instead of taking the time to commit
don't know wanted to do more with this poem
264 · Jul 2022
How Am I Normal
badtaste Jul 2022
I can't deal with this remorse from my guilty conscience.
chewed on my tongue to the bone, swallowed down fear until it hits the pit of my soul.
leaves me pale, what an inner grossness this is.
or is this spit on my flesh from God.
stuck with myself - my sinister shadow sewn to the one who walks in the fresh sunlight.
thriving - soul - slowly - dying at night, my thoughts swarm - fester faster and faster
like a fish in bowel my home is purgatory ;
will I repeat?
will I repent?
how am I to feel normal
how can I if she isn't still here
I hear her voice over the phone
alone to her thoughts before the knot was wrapped
it was all my fault
her feet dangled above ground
a true angel levitating past this existence
my forevermore entangled in memory
until I perish
262 · Mar 2019
badtaste Mar 2019
I've been blind to hindsight
as long as
I've been in love with you
259 · Mar 2018
Not My Love Poem
badtaste Mar 2018
I was standing in the middle of the road,
A cross-road, between two different worlds,
Me and yours,

and baby girl,

Yours has so much more to explore,
Your personality I adore, your past is a mystery-
And I want to know more,

Here I am wrapped up all day,
Thinking of you constantly,
So let's take hand to hand and try to,
Unwrap what I'm really trying to say,
Like a present underneath the Christmas tree,

I wrote a poem inside a poem,
This one might sound cliché,
But what I think and feel is the truth-
To you and I can write about that all day

A - Anytime you need me just say
M - Making this smile stay and not go away
B - Being a friend first and foremost
E - Every secret keeping our trust so close
R - Running out of words to write, since they're all on my mind

Filling this page up line by line
Hoping in due time
You'll be mine
256 · Jun 2019
My vacation in Chicago...
badtaste Jun 2019
I've seen it all...
the deserted
become the damaged
burning themselves against
a graffiti sanctuary
heaven's wall.
never going back to that underpass...
253 · May 2019
I won't let us die
badtaste May 2019
please don't float away
if I say I'll find a way
means I won't take it back
a promise is a promise
badtaste May 2019
babe just let me in
suppose you're going to
leave me alone on an island again?
to watch you drown
I can't swim.
Just let me kiss
the bottom of your ear
just talk with me
and don't push away
start to let it be clear.
I wanna stay and make  mistakes
and take time to create
wishes with you
when it's dark and cloudy outside
I'd always close my eyes
and it would all come true
to stare at your bottomless blue crystal sea stained-glass.
Dance with me
make me swing
getting tipsy over the dizzy
way of how you sing giving a new feeling
Send me to sleep on a Saturday morning
help me if I get cold
then I'll hum the melody
you always taught me
since the beginning
please hold my love tight and true
cupid's dove
fly away so I can write with my last breathe
an epic conclusion  

grey bathed in black and white are the only colors poets use to write.
243 · May 2019
badtaste May 2019
I can smell a smoldering flame grow inside your home
I know this is really crazy
but if I help you you'll be saving me
you unwind my swarming thoughts
I over think
but I'm not over you
I've been burnt too
if it can start with a sorry I'll say them all
I don't want this to be the tragidety that ends our epic love story
235 · Jul 2021
happy parents day
badtaste Jul 2021
Ultimately I understand the ultimatum I’ve created
I’ve never been good at committing and only conflicted by ceasing to creating
middle ground of talking
communication with my family has been more of a sore since it’s just a constant debating situation
Stress among us has lead to constant jargon of ignorant acceptance of our differences
leading to years of silence simply puts delaying of you meeting your grandchildren
For him
233 · Mar 2019
blank 1_0
badtaste Mar 2019
an indecisive hypocrite made a decision for once
just kidding
today was opposite day
228 · Mar 2019
blank 2_5
badtaste Mar 2019
Summer came, now it's gone,
fall was way too fast,
winter left my heart frozen
spring thawed out my heart.

All I want is try to reminisce
days when we would laugh,
now you're gone
here I am
I wish
would have
made it last
218 · May 2019
Stephen King
badtaste May 2019
you break my heart
like an elephant running through a room on ice
just an earthquake exploding with revenge deep inside
don't doubt yourself twice
I have a new endgame
I've seen the outcome at least a million times
it all ends the same except with one
where I finally win with your head in my hand to my side
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