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Forgive me when I say we are like a candlestick

Frozen in a tapestry of waxen wars
Tilted diagonal on lilted syntax of fears

But we are
Aren't we?

Born with skin of bullets
Metal guns stained with blood
In our little innocent hands
Rumor of war is it?

There is no rumor

For the war already begun in our hearts
Shall we walk the red  bloodied carpet of this government
World leaders wearing human bones as a crown

We are walking it

Heads held high and heads in our hands
We will walk it with no shame
No regrets

We have none
For our beliefs is the deceitful armor we wear
We gladly wear it for all to see
No, not the clothes we wear that covers our faces

Letting only our blacken eyes see


Not those
Its the deceit I mentioned

We are at war my fr-- nemesis
We are
But I'm not
I don't want to be
I'm trapped you see
Trapped like this candlestick
Stuck in the pain of my tears
I am only a child but they gave me no hope

They killed my family
Replacing love with a metal machine in my hands
I have something to live for now
I am doing what I need to do

Though I feel a tug at night
When all is dark
When it’s my thoughts and I

Memories of real love

But it is dried now
Dried up in this desert sand
Where my boots stained with blood
Leave prints of death
My favorite color is no longer red

Its black

The monochromic  war of life stole all beauty from my eyes
So be thankful for your life
Be thankful please
For my heart are pieces of shells from my bullets

Hello I'm six years old
I've lived through more experiences
Then you have in twenty years
What can I say ?

Life IS
What it IS

It just IS, ISn't it?
Saw the most disturbing picture, I've ever seen. Decided to write something in a child's point of view who has been forced into war.
He was her 11:11 wish, still.
Old habits die hard.
 Feb 2015 Roxxanna Kurtz
Sia Jane
Letting go, the deepest fear
I could ever imagine

But I had no choice
not if my heart was
ever to be allowed healing

Not stitched or sewn together as
a patchwork cloak that would be
a duvet for the coming months

This would be
the ultimate surrender
to loving you, knowing
wherever I was going
you may catch me up

An uncertainty, I too, let go
without a kiss goodbye or
a farewell glance
as the words
stopped falling
from your mouth into
the vacuum of space
between us

Standing in the smoke of words,
I sit, I lay down
and I watch clouds
fade to nothing.

© Sia Jane
Letting go of falling in love...
Her Aura is the aurora in Crystal skies, when she smiles heaven is alive, within her heart you'll find the sanctuary for love.

My heart would betray me for her and lead me to places where joy rids me of despair.
Consumed completely by love I'm dared by bliss, a stranger I've never met.
My mind a gallery of her beauty,
priceless masterpieces I shall never part with.

Starve me of food and water I can survive, but away from her arms I lose the meaning of life.
I seem to be infatuated with love. Well this one is for... You know who you are. I love you
.....The brush, rush the paint the
    is ripe cultivate it or let it rust.
  The paint stail the painter frail.
   Caved canvas in sails of a sailor.
  Clash of nembuses the skin pailer  
as thunder walts ashore the ocean,
ballets on the sea like sworns with
wings intertwined dancing with the
You'll love the voice of melody when  
               harmony sings.
   Deep bliss drowns sins so reach
    the glimpse of peace and live

                 Poets coherent,
          honest with even pens
     and odd ends. Warm hearts
               with cold hands.
      Portraying all tales of time.
Write about bright lives bright in
     night stars riding dark skies,
    The bane caved in same plains
       of pain as faith fades they
         aim pens on blank pages
               as sanity escapes
Vail veils of age and grow young
I thought I'll portray my thoughts poets being the theme  hope you enjoy
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