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Ronald J Chapman Dec 2014
If I should Disappear,
Look far to the East.
You will see my spirit,
From a wondrous place.

A house full of glowing lights.
A place of delicious food.
The place where the young party!

All I see are green bottles of Soju.

Reality is a staircase leading nowhere.
Life, full of problems, is hard!
I work every day.
Korea is so far away!
My soul on fire and everlasting pain!
Korea someday!
Even if my ashes on a jet plane.

© 2013 Ronald J Chapman All Rights Reserved.
Landing at Seoul Incheon Airport

Seoul Korea
Ronald J Chapman Dec 2014
Life is full of empty holes.

Emptiness, A hole, has opened to be filled.

Looking down.
I see honor, sorrow, loss and separation.

My loss brings tears,
So much pain!

Emptiness, a chance for a new beginning.
Can this be a good thing?
Holes to be filled with new dreams and other things.

Emptiness, holes flood with passion,
New friends, new dreams, new love,
Open heart and open mind.

Life is full of empty holes,
That need to be filled.

© 2013 Ronald J Chapman All Rights Reserved.
'a dream is something that fills up the emptiness inside' ♥
Ronald J Chapman Dec 2014
Paint with skates,
Gliding fashion,
Crystalline dull mirror,

"CAUTION" The sign said, "Danger of Slipping."

Hearing the notes from a somber tune.,
Gift to the world, “Arirang."

Her spin cycle gyrating like a porcelain doll's dream.
As she drifts abroad to other shores,
They shiver oh, how they shiver.
Goosebumps she brings!

The Ice Queen!

© 2013 Ronald J Chapman All Rights Reserved.
(Yu-na Kim) montage : Arirang from "D-war" OST)

Who is Kim Yuna?
Ronald J Chapman Dec 2014
The Juju-do endures like a dreamy beer,
Never hate a Jespi,
Seas endure like big beaches Loveland,
Love is a cool breeze.

Never pull a haenyo divers  fishing net,
The small girls roughly commands the sea,
The haenyo divers  Mermaids endures like a warm ship,
Desolation, life, and endurance!

Clouds wave!
Why does the highest mountain hide?
Where are the lively grandfather stones?

Adventure, faith, and love,
Unreal, sunny and chocolate candy too.

All mainlands fight rough, misty winds,
Dreamy shore roughly loves the sun.

Adventure, courage, and life!

Jeju Pony 'Hidden Treasure.”

Sails fall like lively Olle walking trails.
Travel roughly like an island reef,
The sunny ship calmly views the trails.
Sunrise from a volcanic crater.

Sunny fields of barley.

The sun waves goodnight, like a sunny gull,
Sun falls!

Courage, dreams and faith,
Oh! The wonders I have seen!

© 2013 Ronald J Chapman All Rights Reserved.
JEJU ISLAND of South Korea
  Dec 2014 Ronald J Chapman
We are dilluted
Polluted by our sense of separateness
Deluded into thinking
That kinship is a shrinking circle
A stinking cesspool
Generations of veneration of
Lines and boundaries

But bones buried under history
Connect you and me
Her and him
Us and them
No matter what country
Or century we live in
Ronald J Chapman Dec 2014

red dawn morning cold  = 5
hot coffee oatmeal breakfast = 7
go to work lazy  = 5


sandwich time for lunch = 5
who took my turkey and ham = 7
lunch table big crowd = 5

what is for supper = 5
oh no not more hot oatmeal = 7
watch the evening news. = 5

© 2014 Ronald J Chapman All Rights Reserved.
Ronald J Chapman Dec 2014
I miss you, my beautiful friend.
I can't understand these feelings.
They seem so strange to me.

But still!

I miss you, and feel very lonely without you.
It's so hard for me to go.
This hurts so much!

Because, I miss all that we do.

Somebody I want to be with; a beautiful, kind,
Patient, and smiling you.

I do understand why this can never happen.

But still!

Is this so impossible to do?

What is this called, that I feel for you?

© 2014 Ronald J Chapman All Rights Reserved.
Missing You Reading
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