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 Jul 2014 rockywhoreor
A pen is the bridge between denial and self acceptance.
 Jul 2014 rockywhoreor
It takes
hate to appreciate love
absence to gratify presence
pain to embrace solace
& tears to enjoy the laughter
"i     love     you,     but     i     think     i     love     her     too."
July 24, 2014
 Jul 2014 rockywhoreor
its me
Look into my eyes and you'll find a cold look of someone who is sad. These are the eyes of a man who lives in a world of grey.

These dead eyes watch as the world turns and I stay the same. Nothing changes only the way we perceive things do.

These eyes burn at the sight of ignorance. But some break the patterns of this cold bleak world. Some decide to change this world.

So perhaps all is not lost.
Perhaps there is still some color in the world.

 Jul 2014 rockywhoreor
its me
Loving none and hating all.
The heart of the pessimist belongs to all who have carried the colossal weight of being alone.
Those who've spent there lives reaching for the stars only to realize that the stars they so desperately wanted are far out of reach.
hating all and loving none*

The heart of the pessimist
Lived alone and died alone.
your smile is the serpent
to which I'll always be your Eve
you can pick your side
and i'll pick mine,
take our stances
on these lines
make a change
and take a chance,
I'm asking you
for one last dance
and promise me
that we won't fight
promise this,
before daylight
I'm praying that,
I'm begging it,
that this won't hurt
a little bit
you can take your side
and i'll take mine,
we'll wait behind
these borderlines.
just another pretty face,
this was all a big waste.
never stop to look behind
the makeup and actions that all hide
the person who i truly am,
but do you even give a ****?
i'd like to pretend that you do,
but i know the truth will come out soon.
*mirror, mirror on the wall
watch me, watch me as i fall
 Jul 2014 rockywhoreor
black black holes and white white stars, circling, dancing in the that black black sky and from it tears of blue blue rain falls in time with our sorrows. red red blood pumped through our veins and our red red hearts pumped in tune of our favorite song and we couldn't feel pain and we couldn't feel love but we took what we could and that was enough. i stubbed my toe when i was nine and i smashed my hand falling out your green green tree in your green green yard and stained the ground a dark red red. the white white doctors were baffled by the thought that i felt no pain and i just said it was because of your brown brown eyes and the way it felt like a blue blue ocean i lost myself in. maybe i drowned in those blue blue eyes and my pain was lost in the white white surf and that was all i needed to know and that was enough. when i was twelve there was boy in my class who called me names like "fatty" and "ugly" which weren't original but stung like knives and when i held his hand on the fourth of july and kissed his nose under the bright bright lights it didn't feel anything quite like you, but that was enough.  do you remember that on that day of bright bright flowers and white white daisies and gold gold marigolds and we sat on a blue blue blanket listening to our song and we held hands and kissed noses and i felt all of you but you felt none of me? i guess that's how the story goes and that is enough and enough is enough and when i turned twenty-one we drank too much and you went home under the black black sky and you said you felt all of me but i felt none of you and that is enough. i drank myself to death into a deep deep hole in the dead dead ground and i finally felt all of you but you felt none of me and enough is enough.
also signed as a. a. bonham on other sites
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